Should story games cost less than other game genres?

With the release of Detroit: Become Human and the price of 59,99 I was asking myself this question. Should games like Until Dawn and Detroid cost less than 59,99? Most of the time story games have a length of 10 hours, while you can spend more then 100 hours on games like the Witcher 3. And Witcher 3 also had a price of 59,99 on release. There are also RPG games, Open world games and FPS games you can easily spend more then 30 hours on. I personal think that 45,99 is the perfect price for games that focus on storytelling.Maybe 35,99.


  • The 60 dollar price tag is standard for all AAA games and the budget is usually 75 million to 100 million without marketing for every AAA game. So based on costs alone why should a game like Detroit cost less then witcher if there budgets were the same?

    While witcher 3 is around 70 hours long chances are most people will never do a whole play through again after beating it once

    Meanwhile games like Detroit while 10 hours long are specifically designed to be played multiple times.

    I’m currently playing Detroit and definitely feel like I got back my $70 I spent on it.

  • I mean... honestly? Yes.
    But this is just my opinion, like yours is and like any other player is. In fact, full price Telltale games usually costs around 23 euros more or less, and that's a fair price considering the longevity of the game. But then again, big titles like Detroit that costed more to make are probably more expensive. Still, I don't think it's fair for the customer who for that price except something more than that, but theoretically it's normal.

  • edited May 2018

    I think basing a game's price simply on its length is absurd. Comparing an open world game or RPG to a story driven adventure game is completely silly. You wouldn't play a 100 hour Uncharted game? it would get old fast. Its why pacing exists; some media just works better in a shorter format. Detroit is 60 because its a high budget game with huge variation on choice that still clocks around 10-ish hours, while Telltale Games are lower on the tech, and are also episodic which fits the 25-30 dollar price tag.

  • edited May 2018

    Nope. Games like Detroit become human and until dawn put as much work into their games as a single player linear game. They are working with actors, writing staff, and working with nice capture technology. The stories in games like until, and especially Detroit become human are phenomenal. No other game I've played have as much choice and consequences as these types of game.

    Detroit has a 2,000 page script which took a year to write and was filmed in a year also. It's very well polished, has an awesome story, numerous of scenarios, and no microtransaction bs. It's a full game, and IMO is worth 60 bucks.

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