Unofficial Happy Birthday Thread 2.0



  • edited July 2016

    Happy Birthday to @MarijaaNo7!

    enter image description here

  • ...

    I'd be pissed at you for calling me "Super Mario" but since it's your birthday, I'll spare you this one. <3

    Also, no problem. :3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • edited July 2016


    enter image description here

    I hope it's a good one! :)

  • But we share the same name... :(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    ... I'd be pissed at you for calling me "Super Mario" but since it's your birthday, I'll spare you this one. Also, no problem.

  • Thank you, V/Weronika (if I recall correctly)! :3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Happy Birthday to @MarijaaNo7!

  • edited July 2016

    @MarijaaNo7 Its not tagging you for a strange reason but I hope you see it

    enter image description here

  • edited July 2016

    Aw, thank you Dillon (I can only call you this way lol). A very nice gif, actually. :D

    DillonDex posted: »

    @MarijaaNo7 I hope it's a good one!

  • Happy birthday! @MarijaaNo7 please never leave cause I love your comments. And don't change your pic pls cause that's how I identify your comments and your pic is cool nonetheless.

  • Haha, that's fine. And thanks for spelling it "Dillon" instead of "Dillion" as everyone else does on here... for some reason. Not that I mind. (I actually do mind, it really annoys me, I've just never pointed it out, but I got so excited at seeing it spelt properly here, that I just couldn't help myself). But anyway...

    A very nice gif, actually. :D

    Well, I did gif-hunt for a good few minutes to find that one, I'll have you know, and you're welcome. :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Aw, thank you Dillon (I can only call you this way lol). A very nice gif, actually.

  • yeeee +1

    Happy birthday! @MarijaaNo7 please never leave cause I love your comments. And don't change your pic pls cause that's how I identify your comments and your pic is cool nonetheless.

  • Happy birthday @MarijaaNo7, one of the most cheerful and optimistic people here. Keep that smile on your face (you ARE always smiling right?...), it looks good on you. I'd post some gif but a gif is not worthy of you.

  • Feliz Cumpleanos @MarijaaNo7! ᵔ_ᵔ

    enter image description here

    (Hug) Hopefully it's going great!

  • Wow, I'm actually proud of myself.

    Nice hunting skills then. :3

    DillonDex posted: »

    Haha, that's fine. And thanks for spelling it "Dillon" instead of "Dillion" as everyone else does on here... for some reason. Not that I min

  • Feed is half-broken so no. :(

    But thank you a lot! :)

    @MarijaaNo7 Its not tagging you for a strange reason but I hope you see it

  • Thank you very very much! It means a lot to me. <3

    A good thing is I don't plan on changing it because I know how it feels when an user randomly changes their avatar. :|

    Happy birthday! @MarijaaNo7 please never leave cause I love your comments. And don't change your pic pls cause that's how I identify your comments and your pic is cool nonetheless.

  • Thank you a lot lot lot lot a bandits lot, Dominic. <3

    Now when I think about it (smiling stuff lol), hmm, maybe I even do smile often, and I know right now I am. But whether it's pretty or not, I'll leave that to others, hahaha.

    Aš tave myliu :D ...correct?

    Happy birthday @MarijaaNo7, one of the most cheerful and optimistic people here. Keep that smile on your face (you ARE always smiling right?...), it looks good on you. I'd post some gif but a gif is not worthy of you.

  • Gracias is the best I caught from spanish soap operas lol.

    I've eaten...too much food, and gotten nice wishes so it's good. :DD

    Feliz Cumpleanos @MarijaaNo7! ᵔ_ᵔ (Hug) Hopefully it's going great!

  • Aš tave myliu :D ...correct?

    eyyy you hit the nail right on the head

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thank you a lot lot lot lot a bandits lot, Dominic. Now when I think about it (smiling stuff lol), hmm, maybe I even do smile often, and

  • That's good to hear. Because I had to google my way to achieve that lol.

    Is it pronounced like ash tahv meeleeu? I'm only guessing here..

    Aš tave myliu ...correct? eyyy you hit the nail right on the head

  • Nah, pronunciation is very different from english. Don't think I can explain it, just gotta hear someone saying it correctly.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That's good to hear. Because I had to google my way to achieve that lol. Is it pronounced like ash tahv meeleeu? I'm only guessing here..

  • I don't blame you. Even I can hardly understand anything they're saying. xp

    I've eaten...too much food, and gotten nice wishes so it's good.

    Pfft Scrub! There's never too much food!

    Great to hear!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Gracias is the best I caught from spanish soap operas lol. I've eaten...too much food, and gotten nice wishes so it's good. :DD

  • Oh so. I already found a video, I've never heard anyone speak Lithuanian before.

    Nah, pronunciation is very different from english. Don't think I can explain it, just gotta hear someone saying it correctly.

  • Happy Birthday @NorthStars!

    enter image description here

  • Your name is Marijaa, though, not Maria...



    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    But we share the same name...

  • thanks :)

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Happy Birthday @NorthStars!

  • Happy Birthday to @NorthStars cheers!

  • Happy birthday @NorthStars ! :)

  • edited July 2016

    Thanks everyone :P :)

  • Can someone add me please?? January 29th :)

  • Happy birthday @dan290786 ^,^

  • We have the same B-Day :D

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Can someone add me please?? January 29th

  • Happy Birthday to @dan290786 make it a special one!

  • I noticed :D

    We have the same B-Day

  • Happy Birthday @dan290786! :)

  • Happy sweet birthday @IRunts !

  • Thank you. :D

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Happy sweet birthday @IRunts !

  • Happy birthday @ZapThroat !

    Have lucky day!

  • Thanks :)

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Happy birthday @ZapThroat ! Have lucky day!

  • Happy Birthday @ZapThroat have a good one cheers!

  • Many thanks :)

    Happy Birthday @ZapThroat have a good one cheers!

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