The Survivor Roasting Thread



  • No?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Did you know about the different arrow color and direction from the ones the Bandits were shooting?

  • The arrow in the last walker and the arrow that hits Mark are both white, while the arrows that the Bandits fire are apparently red.

    It's the third entry under Brilliance here.

    dan290786 posted: »


  • Why does this matter?

    DabigRG posted: »

    The arrow in the last walker and the arrow that hits Mark are both white, while the arrows that the Bandits fire are apparently red. It's the third entry under Brilliance here.

  • Basically, it implies the St. John's were planning on butchering Mark to begin with and that the Bandit attack was either really convenient or intentionally timed by frequency.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Why does this matter?

  • edited May 2018

    But the bandits shot Mark so i dont understand about this coloured arrow thing? We know they shot him and you say it was with a white arrow? I dont think that’s relevant at all, just most likely down to design. I doubt they actually considered different colours of arrow.

    Also why would the St Johns choose Mark? What made him a target and not Lee to be butchered?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Basically, it implies the St. John's were planning on butchering Mark to begin with and that the Bandit attack was either really convenient or intentionally timed by frequency.

  • Really? The girl has a gun to your head and you don't want to give up your dirty, stinky hat?!

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I'm gonna throw some characters out there every once in a while to get the ball rolling ~Roast Clementine~

  • This is just supposed to be a roast. You're not supposed to argue on what I'm saying or anyone else. At least I thought that was the purpose of this.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Complaining that the Crawford plan isn't going to go well How is a crime, now? Wavering if he should go with Lee to help find

  • The girl has a gun to your head and you don’t want to give up your dirty, stinky hat?!

    Now that I think about it, it’s clear why walkers rarely bat an eye towards Clementine. Her nasty ass hat smells undead just like them? hell, They dont even want to be around her, let alone eat the girl?
    I know Javi broke scissors trying to cut her crusty ass hair? That girl hasn’t washed in years. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was an even worse infection on her dry ass scalp.
    In all honesty, she should just burn that hat. She can drop the whole “my dad gave it to me” act. Girl, you’re having bad hair years? you’re not fooling anybody.
    If Clementine’s “carpet” matches her “drapes”, Gabe will ALWAYS need to wear his “hat” too????

    Torridd posted: »

    Really? The girl has a gun to your head and you don't want to give up your dirty, stinky hat?!

  • My favorite thing about that is that if you capitulate, Michelle will briskly get back to what she was doing--and Clementine still keeps on the hat!

    Torridd posted: »

    Really? The girl has a gun to your head and you don't want to give up your dirty, stinky hat?!

  • edited May 2018

    But the bandits shot Mark so i dont understand about this coloured arrow thing? We know they shot him and you say it was with a white arrow? I dont think that’s relevant at all, just most likely down to design. I doubt they actually considered different colours of arrow.

    The arrow that hits Mark also seemingly comes from a different angle than the forest, judging by his recoil.

    Though admittedly, it may just be a bad perspective shot or two.

    Also why would the St Johns choose Mark? What made him a target and not Lee to be butchered?

    Probably because they assumed he might've been a leader and/or just strong/smart/both enough for the plan to fall apart.

    dan290786 posted: »

    But the bandits shot Mark so i dont understand about this coloured arrow thing? We know they shot him and you say it was with a white arrow?

  • :joy:

    If Clementine’s “carpet” matches her “drapes”, Gabe will ALWAYS need to wear his “hat” too????

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    The girl has a gun to your head and you don’t want to give up your dirty, stinky hat?! Now that I think about it, it’s clear why wal

  • Cosmic_BoyCosmic_Boy Banned
    edited May 2018

    and the nominees for the Worst Mother of All Time Award are:


    Kate wasn’t exactly kid friendly, I mean smoking weed around your step kids, using the excuse “they’re asleep” is just horrible?

    You’d think that if you put a bun in the oven, you’d let it bake, right? No, Christa took hers out too early. But hey, her and Clementine were running low on food, were desperate, and needed something to eat. Still think it was “rabbit” on the spit in episode 1 of season 2?????

    Last but most certainly not the least, is Jane. Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one? I know being a single mom can be difficult, especially when your child’s father kills himself to avoid responsibility. I mean come on, you really think Luke died because he couldn’t get across the ice? That wound seemed pretty self inflicted if you ask me?. I can imagine Jane telling the weird and awkward story of how she and Luke first met to their child??. On second thought, I don't think I can, seeing as how she killed herself and the baby??‍♂ Talk about opting out?

  • You’d think that if you put a bun in the oven, you’d let it bake, right? No, Christa took hers out too early.

    Still think it was “rabbit” on the spit in episode 1 of season 2?????

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    and the nominees for the Worst Mother of All Time Award are: -Kate -Christa -Jane Kate wasn’t exactly kid friendly, I mean smoking w

  • Lol nah! Danny and Andy were back at the house, you can see how far away the house was, imagine getting such perfect accuracy to hit Mark from there lol. I see what you mean from the angle he was shot though. I just find it way too coincidental that the bandits happened to fire arrows at the same time though

    DabigRG posted: »

    But the bandits shot Mark so i dont understand about this coloured arrow thing? We know they shot him and you say it was with a white arrow?

  • edited May 2018

    Danny and Andy were back at the house, you can see how far away the house was, imagine getting such perfect accuracy to hit Mark from there lol.

    That did cross my mind. Ah well, wouldn't be the first time stretchy shit happened in these games.

    I just find it way too coincidental that the bandits happened to fire arrows at the same time though

    Yeah, that's what makes things extra suspicious.
    Danny was pretty familiar with them, after all.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Lol nah! Danny and Andy were back at the house, you can see how far away the house was, imagine getting such perfect accuracy to hit Mark fr

  • Larry was pure charm ... by the butt.

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    Warning the people around you that there’s a loose killer within your vicinity, even though you may have gotten off to a bad start with two

  • Dear Jane,

    You ate glass. You left your sister to be eaten alive. You looked for the worst in everybody. You pretended you had gotten a baby killed and got stabbed for it. And even if you survived that encounter, you wound up pregnant and abandoned the two kids you were with by hanging yourself. You made bad decisions and you should feel bad.


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