"The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now" Episode Discussion
I thought this was the mid-season finale, but nope. Looks like lots of explosion and violence are ahead, excited. Hope John is okay.
I also hope the NBA Finals becomes a blow-out so I can watch this live instead of watching a recorded version. Let's pray for the best, shall we? Comment before, while, or after we watch.
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This show so shit no one is talking about it......last episode was literally shit I rolled my eyes like 5 times from the stupidity I'm seeing...gimple's effect fucked this show.
Maybe its just the company you're keeping, I don't know. I've watched the episode, I really liked it. I believe it's better than TWD in its current state and I've also talked about it a lot with others. I've also seen people talking about it on the internet so I'm not really sure what are you talking about.
If you watched season 3 you would realize they hurted this show a lot....they made Madison an angel and nick was running away from his mom because he LOVES HER no sir this is not the charecters I knew back then.Also the direction is messed up compared to previous seasons it makes no sense to jump on two times if we knew almost all the charecters fate beforehand......that's just my opinion and if you still enjoy it as it is I'm happy for you.
They had no choice BUT to go in this weird direction for S4. The main actor Nick wanted off the show. Frank Dillane revealed that in his exit interview during the premiere of S4/E2. There's obviously a lot going on over at AMC during this multifaceted lawsuit with Frank Darabont that has created a lot of tensions with this show.
There's also a wrongful death suit pending against AMC, and even Robert Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, and Greg Nicotero have grievances filed against AMC. Angela Kang being given the promotion after Gimple's screw ups should let you know how they're running things at AMC. Let's not forget it's Angela that has the history of being the #1 Daryl fangirl and has written mostly all of his bottle episodes. Daryl's actor being offered the $20 million salary instead of giving it to Maggie who the S8 finale suggested she'd play a larger role, is just more AMC hypocrisy.
When the show was first given to Frank, guess who his #2 was? Greg Nicotero, whom has also directed some of the best premiere's and finales for the series, the same could be argued about Gale. IMO, either Greg or Gale should've been given the job as showrunner, but you have to pay attention to the lawsuits & know a little bit about the relationships of the people working behind the scenes to really get an idea of how messy things have gotten at AMC.
Andrew Lincoln, Lauren Cohen, & Danai Gurira's imminent departures from the main show are quite certain. Once they allowed Gimple to fire Chandler Riggs, I knew from the outside looking in that all wasn't sunny in paradise. The dominos are literally falling down before our eyes and all AMC can do is remain silent and continue to try and elude Frank Darabont. Personally, this show would've been far better (the spin-off included) if Frank would've got this show on HBO like he originally wanted to do. Much like their movie theater chains, the production house side of AMC, is equally a failure.
Lastly, even though I've been able to enjoy the ride; S4 personally feels like the writers watched a let's play of ANF and decided "hey, lets do something like that!" the stolen candy bar from ANF was switched to the poisoned crops at the stadium and supplies the vultures looted. Why the Vultures couldn't humble themselves and setup a trade/barter system with the stadium is beyond me.
Smart vultures would've understood that the stadium could've served as their nest. Remember how they originally just popped up to "wait it out"? They would've been better off being written as traveling trade merchants with questionable intentions. The other idea would've been to just mow them all down on day 1 when they showed up. Charlie could've decided NOT to betray Nick and instead get given the Mariana treatment, which would've given them the reason to mow down most of the vultures right then and there. The story then, could've been about Nick's transformation into his own type of "Rick" by getting revenge for Charlie on the remaining vulture leaders rather than the stadium.
I understand you but then you've to also understand one simple sentence - it's virtually impossible to please everyone. Yes, you don't like season 4 because of the things you've mentioned and that's of course your opinion. I'm also saddened by what happened to certain characters (won't mentioned what chars because spoilers, duh) and not everything makes a sense to me but overall I'm fairly enjoying this season, even better than the last one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blind to some of their flaws but at the same time, comparing to the original TWD, I'm having more fun watching FTWD at the moment. Especially comparing season 4 of FTWD to season 8 of TWD.
I'm inclined to agree with you. S4 may not be that great, but it's still a far more interesting ride compared to the main show. I've been truly more pumped about FTWD rather than TWD ever since S3 of Fear. The main show was becoming far too predictable with it relying on comic material. I'm not sure about the future of the main show, but I believe FTWD will continue on even once the main show ends (which it will).
Tbh, I think that previously they intended to let Morgan Jones return to the main show eventually, that was the plan, but seeing as the future of the main show is not certain at this point, I won't be surprised if, for example, they'll make a choice of making his appearance in FTWD a little longer.
I'd like it if he stayed. I don't see a place for him on the main show anymore. Most of us Walkerheads know that in the comicverse---Alexandria doesn't necessarily work out for him, literally.
Besides, Morgan and John Dorie are honestly the best thing that FTWD has going for it right now. I would love it if those two are made into the main characters at this point, especially if what most of us suspect about Madison turns out to be true.
Althea is also pretty interesting, I believe the fact Morgan told her "I know who you are" was the writers way of foreshadowing that he'll be around on that series for awhile. More than anything, it's most likely he's the key to how we gain Althea's backstory and uncover what "The Bog" was about.
Honestly, I think this season is the best thus far. I'm not overly fond of how they're presenting it, 2 different timelines, but despite that I think it's the best season of Fear. In fact I can even honestly say that now I'm more of a fan of Fear than I am the main series. They've murdered the main series.
Well, I've read a theory a few weaks ago. You know that theory that Madison, Nick and Alycia are the origin story of the Whisperers? Yep, I've heard another theory that Alycia is supposed to be Magna from comics and Morgan will be the one to bring them into the main show.
I honestly hope thats not true! xd