Are the Garcia's even confirmed to return?
I was checking out the Walking Dead wikia and while I know not everything on there is 100% accurate, I'm trying to find instances where TT has confirmed the appearance of Javier or any of his determinant family. And on Javier's article it says he's the tritagonist for season 4. Where was that ever confirmed? I'm not opposed to them returning, in fact for continuity's sake I'd prefer they do but I cannot for the life of me find an article confirming their return outside "They're not forgotten".
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Well for one: don’t trust the wikia. Anybody can edit it and put anything.
Two: I believe they said something about the Garcia’s possibly returning during the announcement for the Final Season. However, that might have been changed considering the backlash ANF got and the possible rewrites they had for the season.
It was never confirmed that Javi would even be in the Final Season, let alone a tritagonist.
Thank you both for confirming my suspicions. It won't break my heart if they don't appear but it certainly makes buying A New Frontier pointless for me way back when.
Yeah Javi was never confirmed
At pax it was asked if he would return and they just said "they didnt know" which is probably just a soft way of saying no.
Thanks that clears things up even more. I guess I'd sooner he remain unknown than to die unceremoniously like Kenny or Jane. Oh well I guess we'll see what happens in two months.
Its better this way. Let them live their lives without Clem coming only for the whole community to burst into flames as soon as she utters a sentence.
I hope not. I sure as hell don't wanna see Gabe's ugly mug.
You can tell that the original plan was for Clem to spend the season rescuing AJ and then having a choice to return to New Richmond but that was clearly axed by this point. This is good in that ANF was poorly received but also kind of bad in that nothing from that season will likely matter at all.
Btw the wiki is completely unreliable and I feel like chimpanzees would manage it better than whoever the hell currently dwells there.
Javier ruined one settlement and violently took control of another over the course of 3 days. I'm not sure I want to know what kind of lives they're living now lol
During the Walking Dead: A New Frontier AMA a user asked Alyssa (who at the time was on the Walking Dead dev team) if the Garcias would make a return in the next Season (Which we now know as The Final Season) and she replied "To the best of my ability to predict, yes".
Although that idea could have been scrapped in favour of focus on Clementine and AJ but I don't know. Here is a link to the AMA:
Keep in mind that this comment was almost a year ago. Plans are liable to be changed/altered
It is certainly possible for the Garcias to return and while they were not the most popular group of people to the fanbase they are a part of the story. Whether or not their story and role in Clementine's story is truly concluded is unknown at the moment.
I am known for my unpopular opinions but I would like to see the Garcias return. While a lot of the community dislike how the Garcias became the focus of A New Frontier along with the personalities and actions linked to the characters it shouldn't mean that they should be forgotten. Thanks for the read guys
There's a chance that they probably were gonna be at one point, over a year or two ago. And depending on how consistent and open things are with the Final Season's progression, there's a chance they may get more than one significant cameo--if it fits.
On a presently serious note, I never heard anything about Javier being the tritagonist of Season 4 from a source that wasn't his fans. Javier's story clearly ended and his [major?] presence in the story has ceased for the [in]definite future. Don't mess with one of the select few true resolutions we've had again just for the sake of shoehorning him into a story he has no correlation in.
Você disse... Gabentine?

You know what I did not exactly like about ANF? It looked like an episode of Michael Bay's Trasnformers.
Just so you know, Gabe died a HORRIBLE death in my game???
Also, that ship won't float. #NotMyShip
I do not think there's any way the Garcia will return, perhaps because the TWD groups are always on the move for survival reasons.
Wow. My ability to feel like I give a shit must be a record of serial lowness.
I can't even feel very assed to come up with a suggestive joke. it is what it is--Gabe sharing his pud'n and Clementine being laby.
Nice gif though. Their colors are very pleasant to look at.
I tried to edit it once to say “ur mom gey” but it said it needed to be verified by a mod, so although some info may be inaccurate nearly nothing will be a full on lie. Probably.
That certainly is a possibility. Despite Richmond having a pretty secure perimeter (except that gaping hole in the wall that is only being covered by a truck) communities can rise and become better than they were or fall. I imagine that the people of Richmond patched the hole up during the timeskip.
Yea how about... NO