Speculative thoughts on TFS

No, this isn't speculation about how good or possibly bad TFS will be. Far from another venting thread!
This thread is specifically for those that keep up with everything TWD. Given all the lawsuits AMC/TWD is facing from former show-runners ,a wrongful death-suit, plagiarism allegation for the S2 plot of FTWD, and recent changes in the show's management [Gimple/Kang] I think it would be worthwhile to consider all of these things when we discuss Clem's final season.
It's no secret that they said TFS will feature a more barren world, but I can't help but find it an odd coincidence that both S9 of TWD and TFS are kind of on the same page, despite them being loosely related.
"As revealed during the game's PAX East 2018 panel, The Final Season takes place after the events of A New Frontier (season 3) and features a significant time jump, with Clementine now much older and presumably more mature than she was in the third season. Because of that time jump, players should expect certain things like generators not to work all the time. By the time season 4 starts, the world is much worse off than when season 3 ended" - Source: https://screenrant.com/telltale-walking-dead-final-season-release-date-trailer-news/
Compare the PAX reveal to the recently released plot reveal for TWD S9:
"We’ll explore what happened as man made objects and structures break down. Infrastructure like roads and bridges are changing and crumbling. And we’ll also explore what happens as resources are getting low. There’s a fun Western vibe that has emerged. We are going into a period where a lot of the things that we’ve seen in previous seasons have broken down, so they’ve got these horses and carriages that are being drawn around instead of cars. Things are lit with oil lamps. People are using different kinds of weaponry. There’s a real grittiness to it that I think will be fun and fresh for the viewers.” Source: http://ew.com/tv/2018/07/11/walking-dead-season-9-time-jump-first-image/
Final thoughts:
As excited as I am for TFS for Clementine, I can't help but remain tepid until E1 arrives. I'd rather not get my hopes up. I'm aware of the unofficially addressed "Road To Survival Leak", Jesus 'possibly' returning is bleh. If anything, it does make me curious as to if they've been pulling a Gimple to mislead us this entire time about not having any backstory [Finding AJ/McCarroll Ranch, the Garcias & VA settlement]. Why spoil anything? AMC's TWD show NEVER spoils anything[Garcia's have become the Glenn Dumpster fakeout], even when TSDF tries to pressure media outlets that interview the show to admitting to known spoilers. TWD thrives off of the speculation and keeping people guessing, why wouldn't Telltale follow this same formula?
Gimple is the chief content officer for EVERYTHING Walking Dead related, heck, are we even sure that Telltale wouldn't reach out to TWD/AMC for consultation? For all we know, Gimple & co could've voluntarily offered to be consultants to help on TFS. Just too many parallels and the same kind of handling of PR speaks volumes to me from the outside looking in..but what do I know?
It's also worth mentioning that we got TFS information released along side the week of the MSF for FTWD and oddly enough, we have similar circumstances for the debut episode of TFS releasing the same week FTWD returns. Please tell me I'm not the only one here who has caught on to these 'coincidences'? Gimple, I'm onto you. XD
Let's discuss!
Looks like I'm the only astute person around here that keeps up with everything TWD to have noticed these coincidences, nice!
Can't wait until 8/14 to say I told ya so.
You're pushing a bit hard into the show here, we know Kirkman has worked with TT since the games are set in the comics universe and the shows are essentially a separate take on the source material, I'm not sure why they'd reach out to Gimple or AMC when they're consulting with the creator of the franchise. I don't recall them saying TFS would be a more barren world, but as far into things as we are they shouldn't have to, it's long been a criticism that gas/pudding would have degraded to the point of uselessness this far in. And I'm not sure how the Garcias are comparable to TWD shows fakeout of an original cast member, that was done in a poor attempt to throw people off who were expecting the comic scene. It didn't really pay out, Glenn was a member of the original cast no one thought died in such a horribly done way, and the Garcias are people no one knew before the third game started. They're owed nothing.
All in all, this all seems to be reaching a bit, and I can't speak to how astute you are, as I question why you think the musical composer of Final Fantasy could save the gaming industry, but I think the lack of discussion here is because there isn't much presented to be discussed, despite your efforts.
More likely, since Kirkman is involved with the show and TellTale does consult with him, he is the common link between the show and the TellTale games. The comics and the TellTale games exist inside the same universe while the TV show is like an alternate universe where the major events are mostly the same as the comics but there's a lot of deviation in how things play out (like Carol still alive in the show but long dead in the comics or Sophia being long dead on the show but still alive and kickin' in the comics or the governor making out with his zombie daughter/niece and repeatedly raping Michonne and cutting off Rick's hand in the comics to doing none of those things in the show).
Because the comics and the TellTale games exist in the same universe and take each other as canon, what happens in one affects the other. That's why Lee wasn't able to convince Glenn to stay at the end of Season 1 episode 1, because Glenn was already a major part of the comics but that first episode of the the game takes place before the comics picked up. Glenn could be in the first episode but canonically he had to leave Lee's group so he could meet up with Rick in the comics a week or so later. It's also why Javi couldn't convince Jesus to stay in Richmond; Jesus is already a fairly major character in the comics and him staying would contradict his comic storyline. However that comic/TTG relationship has, until this final season, strictly been a one way street since the comics were ahead of the games but now that TFS will actually be a few years ahead of the comics, those of us that read the comics may eventually see things that happen in TFS represented in the comics (or maybe us comic readers will get spoiled for or at least hints of where Kirkman plans to take the comics since Jesus is supposedly coming back)