AMA with Creative Director Kent Mudle [AMA over; answers posted from mostlypoptarts' account]



  • Eh I don't believe for a second that she doesn't know how old Clem is. The only way it's possible is if no one references their ages in the game at all, which being a group made up of all kids and teens, I doubt that's gonna happen. It is perfectly feasible that Clem has lost track of the date over the years and doesn't know exactly how old she is anymore, but she'd still know her rough age, which she'd be able to measure by the seasons. Like, if her birthday is in mid September and there's been 9 winters since the ZA started, she knows she's 17, even if she doesn't know what day it is to know exactly when her birthday rolls around.

    I'd bank on her letting slip Clem's age in an interview then getting fussed at by TellTale for spoiling so she goes on twitter saying it was just a guess.

    Clemmazing posted: »

    Yeah. I only asked because Melissa had also said on her twitter that Clem's age was just her guess. Thanks though.


    Although I'm not going to close the thread for now, I just wanted to give a heads up that the AMA is over since Kent had already answered th

  • He didn't skip it. I asked if we will get an explanation for what happened at the ranch and why Clem didn't go back to Richmond and he said it would be explained over time and that he thinks I will be satisfied by the explanation.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Yeah I noticed that too. He skips all Garcia/Richmond questions, probably because they will not be given any screentime in the season, but t

  • It doesn't make sense that AJ is 6. There are some pretty smart kids out there, but he's talking like all his adult teeth have grown.

    Who are you asking? The AMA was yesterday. If you're asking us normal people, best guess is AJ is 6 and Clem is 17.

  • Boi I said that didn't you read it? He skips all Garcia/Richmond questions, we do know that we'll have a quote unquote satisfying explanation as to how Clem got AJ.

    He didn't skip it. I asked if we will get an explanation for what happened at the ranch and why Clem didn't go back to Richmond and he said it would be explained over time and that he thinks I will be satisfied by the explanation.

This discussion has been closed.