How many versions of Sam & Max: Season One are there?

edited September 2009 in Sam & Max
I recall that, and my memory isn't so sharp, when the season ended, ttg released a collector's edition and a standard edition of the game. Now, what I remember being the collector's edition, appears to be the one sold online.

This is the version I bought at Best Buy, presumably the standard edition in a nasty cardboard box.

This is was I remember as the collector's edition. But this is also the cover they display on the ttg store.

So, is this just a case of ttg publishing the "collector's edition" and The Adventure Company publishing the B&M retail version? I much prefer the latter. And buying it again through ttg would give me access to the downloadable episodes.


  • edited September 2009
    I think it's like this;
    If you buy the season directly from Telltale, you get the collectors edition (with DVD-video content).
    If you buy the season (or separate episodes) from any other party, you get no bonus content.
    You can not download anything from Telltale unless you bought directly from them.

    The sane purchase options are;
    - The Telltale store
    For direct access and bonus content at season end on the DVD.
    - The retail DVD
    Cheaper on Amazon then in the Telltale store. You get no DVD-video and have to wait till the whole season is out.
    - The Wii store
    You have no other choice as a Wii gamer.

    An example of an insane purchase option is;
    More expensive then the Telltale store and no bonus content.
  • edited September 2009
    Mmm, I also bought the adventure company version. Didn't know about the collector's DVD at the time :(. I did like the version in the cardboard box with the poster included, but I'd really like to have the collector's DVD too. So I have to buy the game a second time, I suppose? :(
  • edited September 2009
    TomVDJ wrote: »
    Mmm, I also bought the adventure company version. Didn't know about the collector's DVD at the time :(. I did like the version in the cardboard box with the poster included, but I'd really like to have the collector's DVD too. So I have to buy the game a second time, I suppose? :(

  • edited September 2009
    TomVDJ wrote: »
    Mmm, I also bought the adventure company version. Didn't know about the collector's DVD at the time :(. I did like the version in the cardboard box with the poster included, but I'd really like to have the collector's DVD too. So I have to buy the game a second time, I suppose? :(
    But, hey, just think of it as having a more complete collection of Sam & Max memorabilia! I'm currently tracking down the Adventure Gamers version, even though I've got the Collector's DVD. I'll buy the Wii version too, even though it reportedly sucked and I don't think I'll ever play it.

    ...but then, maybe you're one of those normal people who buys things for a specific purpose beyond just display. :p
  • edited September 2009
    Wanna trade the Adventure Gamers version for the collector's DVD ;-)?
  • edited September 2009
    TomVDJ wrote: »
    Wanna trade the Adventure Gamers version for the collector's DVD ;-)?
    Nice try, but I think they are saying they want to complete their collection and not trade part of it for another part.;)
  • edited September 2009
    It's really not much to just buy both. I paid a fraction of a telltale episode for the multilingual DVD. I still keep the Telltale DVD, since its design is better by miles, plus it has the high quality videos.
  • edited September 2009
    jweir wrote: »
    Nice try, but I think they are saying they want to complete their collection and not trade part of it for another part.;)
    :p You got it.
  • edited September 2009
    In Spain the retail version is an steelbook... It is awesome!!!! :)
  • edited September 2009
    Megaace wrote: »
    In Spain the retail version is an steelbook... It is awesome!!!! :)
    Really? Got any pics, or a link?
  • edited September 2009
    Megaace wrote: »
    In Spain the retail version is an steelbook... It is awesome!!!! :)

    Also, would you be willing to buy me a copy? :p
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