All aboard the Violetine ship. Choo Choo. (Romance Discussion)
Boy was episode 1 an emotional rollercoaster lol. I loved every single character I met up until the end. I thought it was a masterpiece of an episode. One of the best i've played and I knew it was too good to be true to like all the people because their always has to be a bad guy or the Larry role to make you loathe their existance.
But with all that stuff aside. I was paying attention to Clem, how people acted with Clem. The flirts and her early impressions on the school to see who will fit her inevitable boo spot, And early on I was shipping her with Lewis from the rip. I complimented his Piano playing, complimented his Zombie slaying. He was funny, witty, adorable. Dorky. And charming. But the Card game blew my oppurtunity with him. I might replay the Episode and choose to answer with "I had a BF Once" instead of "Never". I thought never was better because he wouldn't assume I was a hoe but whatever. Now at the end it says I broke his heart He even said I had a cute face and all that. I wish I hadn't wavered him but if he gets his heart broken by a girl saying they never had a BF then he's kinda bipolar.
Nevermind him anyway, because I abandoned that ship for a new one. Violet and Clementine. It all makes sense. They fit so well. Even name wise. Ones a flower, and one's an orange. Both happy things. She seems to be receptive of Clem. And she has this cool dark undertone to her where she can be a tad standoffish and all around badass kinda like Clem.
I'm just glad the Marlon thing got put to rest quick, I don't like Mullets in combination with leather jackets, it reminds me of every high school movie where the guy turns out to be a punk that lights cats on fire and I knew he was up to no good. No wonder Brody went all skitzo.
I know their is some crazy shit to think about, but what is everyone's current Ship? Who do they hope is Clementines love interest because based on the achievements, we know she finds one. So far It seems like your choices pick between Lewis (Louis) and Violet but who knows who we'll meet later.
I really like Violet but I like Louis more I’m team Clouis yep that’s the ship name.
pretty sure louis is trying to clap cheeks
No ship for Clem. Ever.
I genuinely think Louis is awesome for Clem too but at the end it said I broke his heart because Clem said she never had a BF at the card game. Would he have rather her say "Yeah, I'm a hoe, it's like a Wizards sleeve down there" That man must listen to a lot of Drake.
I ship clem and violet. When violet talks to clem I get the feeling that she genuinely wants to get to know clem and would like to bond with her on an emotional level. Violet's cool, a badass, and gives off this lone wolf type vibe. Louis gives off a playboy type vibe and when louis talks to clem I get the feeling he's just trying to get in clem's pants and he's being a try hard about it.
I like both but I might have Clem fly solo for a while longer. She's young, she's got time.
Hands ticket From the moment I realized violet wasn't Raiden from metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty ( aka a boy) I was aboard. I never thought I'd ship my fictional daughter with someone but here we are. She will be Clem's oh yes.
I really enjoyed how they handled her relationship with Millie (or was it Minnie...fuck). It was told more through detail than "Hi i'm super gay, clem like holy shit" Telltale's done it well in the past so I was never worried, but man Violet's great. I may...want to get to know her better perhaps. We'll see
I too prefer Violet, i don't like people with Louis personality, but i know he is cool.
The only one i was considering at the start of the season was Marlon but that's obviously out of the question now. I'm keeping Clementine single if my only options are Violet and Louis. I did confirm the Gabe relationship when I was at the table though.
For some reason, I don’t want to see her with Violet. Maybe because they’re basically the same person? Like, if Clem were to be with that group long before her, she’d act the same way, but that’s just my opinion.
I like Louis’s charm. I’d prefer having someone lighten up Clem’s mood with a good joke or positive attitude.
I can't believe I might actually join this, I'm honestly a little taken a back, I didn't think I could ship Clem with someone. Louis was fun and all I certainly didn't dislike him but my Clem don't fall for lines of bullshit.
I like Louis personality. I just don't "Like Like" it
I ship AJ and gun
Clem isn't lesbian she's not gonna have relationship with Violet lol
My Clem sure as shit will
She could be Bisexual . It'll be up to the options given.
Yep I'm on the Violet and Clem ship. I just hope there won't be a choice where you'll have to save violet or Louis from death.
Bisexuality exists, y'know.
I love both ships, but Louisentine is my favourite.
I hope both characters can last a long time in the season though. so excited to see how the SS Violentine goes. I am definitely on board. I think Minnie possibly being alive could provide a lot of drama, particularly if Violet is torn between Clem and the girlfriend she thought was dead. Beyond just these aspects that promise drama, I also just enjoy how Violet is very hardened and lone wolf on the outside but quickly opens up to Clementine and is so kind to AJ and to Tenn, who she's clearly decided to take care of after the loss of his older twin sisters. Also the fact that Violet stood in front of Clem with just a machete against Marlon's gun and protected her !!! That got me. I'm definitely gonna try and keep Violet alive, and hopefully Louis as well even though I plan on keeping his relationship with Clem platonic.
You can almost be sure that he is. C'mon giving the rest of your food to this new chicks kid?? My man just trying to earn brownie points.
And honestly didn't expect to really ship clem with anyone at this point but, I like the vibe I had going with violet.
Honestly hopefully we can romance either one we want! I love clouis
I think you have the wrong impression about Louis. He's not the type of guy like Gabe that would constantly try hard for Clem every time he sees her, he just tries to pull off some jokes and have positive attitude to lighten up Clem's mood, especially when he played piano for her - that was just nice and sweet of him, definitely not "trying to get in clem's pants". I do think that Louis likes Clem tho, but he's not acting in a tryhard annoying way like Gabe was.
I ship them XD
Please no, none of this romance bullshit. Love is for losers
Well as lord of the losers I guess you set the rules on what makes a loser
Clem and Violent have interesting and great conversations between each other. I love it and I can't wait to see what happens next in next episode. Clem x Violent!!! I ship it soooooo hard!!
Louis is fun and kind but I'm not sure if I ship him as Clementine's boyfriend. Like other people have pointed out, he is over the top with the flirting and it feels like he just wants to get laid.
Violet seems to have deeper layers to her. Winning her love and loyalty will likely be more difficult than with Louis but I feel like it could have the better payoff. I like how she is involved in the missing girls plotline, I just don't like how I had to convince her to intervene with Marlon (she almost didn't).
Sees all of those new ship names for Clem

Remember last season when everyone hated shipping, and not just Clementine related ships.
Now everyone is on board with it. See what happens when you actually give these characters personalities and likable characteristics, and allow us to choose what type of relationship we want to pursue with them Telltale?
As for me, I'd still prefer if my Clem stay away from that type of stuff, but if I was compelled to choose between the two frontrunners, I'd say Louisentine is where my "loyalties" lie. While I like both characters, Louis' personality just appeals to me more, he seems like a more fun and outgoing person, which Clem may need after so many years on her own. But please Telltale, don't let this take the forefront, I don't want a repeat of ANF.
Welcome back Green, I haven't seen you in what feels like forever.
I don't think Clem is a lesbian, so it wouldn't make sense to ship Clem and Violet. Also, yes, if you said "there was this boy" then Louis' heart doesn't break--I left him feeling "lost" and chose that option. It's not like I'm a Gabentine shipper, I just wanted to make sure Louis knew he's an option for Clem.
Now never know...Clem could have a strange kink for corpses...a love that must be hidden.
Unless Lesbians go through a boy experimenting phase Clem could be Bi she and Jane are pretty close ( if you choose that) before Jane's fuckup
But she also liked Gabe. Louis and Violet could both be options because they're both viable options.
Some say Clouis is Clouless.
As a guy though I found it more interesting pursuing Violet in my first play through.
I highly doubt she's Bi; if she wasn't straight, I'm sure we would've known by now, either with the producer's confirming it or through in-game dialogue. I guess we'll never know until we know, but with everything we know so far (through all dialogue options and her actions), it's very unlikely she's lesbian or bi. Still, we just don't know for sure...yet. All I'm saying is for us players not to count on her being a lesbian/bi.
Plus it wasn't an "experimental" phase, she literally said she "had feelings for Gabe" (if you chose that option). It's not like she had sex with him and didn't like it, she actually had a crush on him, and I'm sure most (if not all lesbians) don't feel that way--of course, I don't speak for any lesbians--but if it was an experimental phase, she wouldn't feel like that all these years later.
Knowing telltale the one you reject will be killed off
I think it will be the one you have the most distant relationship with. If you romance Louis, Violet will die in the end of the episode. If you romance Violet, Louis will die.