What are the chances of Javier returning?
What do you guys think are the chances of Javier returning? Now that we (kinda) know the story going forward, I don't think it would be weird for him to return. Telltale seems to be remembering all the stories from past season's. I know this isn't everyone's favourite subject, but I loved him as a character and I would like to see at least a cameo - if nothing else.
I think it's great that Lilly might be returning, she'll make a great antagonist for Clementine.
Please don't post any hate here, I just want a reasonable talk about this subject.
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Its kinda a difficult choice for Telltale, cause almost all in the community hates Anf, but on the other hand, he doesn't really harm the game if he is just there a few minutes. Like a cameo
In their reddit AMA, they denied Garcias reappearance as this season is primarily focused on Clem.
Damn, that sucks
. But I guess he doesn't add anything else to the story, so I get it. Other than a friendly face of course.
give or take.
Yeah, it'd kinda be irrelevant for them to add Javier into the final season, especially since this one seems to be devoted to Clementine and Alvin Jr..
I miss Javier. Do we know where the final season is taking place? Is Clementine any where near Richmond or even in the same state?
Hasn't like 4 years passed since ANF? She's probably far away from Richmond at this point. But if they can bring Lilly back, they can bring anyone back. I wonder why Clem didn't go back to Richmond. I'm sure that will be brought up at some point, so that will be nice to hear.
I like Javier, but I don't think it would be fitting to have him appear in TFS, and from what I've read in the reddit AMA, the people at Telltale have the same opinion.
Unless something bad happened at Richmond and that's why she didn't go back. I hope that's not the case.
Oh, I completely understand where Telltale are coming from. I don't agree (just now) that he wouldn't fit in, it's hard to say without knowing the whole story of the season, but if Telltale say he wont fit in, he wont fit in. But he is Clementine's only friend who is still alive, so they should at least tell us what happened between them.
Yeah, I get what you mean, we still have no explanation for why Clem didn't go back to Richmond after finding AJ, even though Javi was the only friend she could go to. But personally, I think it's not necessary.
Pls no
I like Javier , but I don’t want him back...I just want to see Lilly, Christ or Molly again.
Telltale did say “all will be explained in time” or something like that so it will probably explain what happens to them if they are alive or dead also I want the Garcia’s to return but I don’t think they are going to (I hope they are alive and well)
That’s why I made a post earlier suggesting they do another 400 days type of dlc with renaming characters after this season . I need to see Bonnie and Arvo die .
I hope so to.
Bonnie can die in season 2 if you don’t break the ice.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
At the end of ANF she specifically tells Javi that she's going to bring AJ back.
Perhaps Telltale decided not to bother after ANF got such flak from TWD fans in general.
Almost all in the "community" are oversensitive wannabe cynics that go along with the rest of the herd in not knowing any better & how to appreciate what we're given. ANF was fine, it was just too short and the rewrites didn't help matters, but it was still enjoyable to play. I've replayed ANF more than I've replayed S1 and S2.
I don't think Javi will return, but if Ericson falls, they definitely have the option to go back to Richmond. From what little we were told, it's a safe bet he is still alive and running Richmond.
Javier was ANF's saving grace if nothing else for me. Everyone else, including Clem her damn self was annoying in some fashion. He was just a fun dude to play as, but the people surrounding him didn't help. I'd love for Javier's comeback. I truly would. He wasn't the redemptive hero that Lee was, but he was more so the action hero. I still hope that they're using a bit of deflection here to keep his return a surprise, but I highly doubt it.
He is mentioned determinedly by clem so at least they did not just try and completely forget about ANF and if the school gets destroyed I hope returning to Richmond will be an option
I’m 99.9% sure they’re in Virginia. The license plate on her car said Virginia and I haven’t found anything that leads me to believe otherwise.
I am having trouble remembering I know she gets mad if you don’t try to help and walks over to him and falls in but I forgot that she dies I thought I remember her somehow surviving the ice like Clem . I might have to go replay that now just to watch her die .
Yeah if you choose “cover Luke” Bonnie falls in and then when you are trying to break the ice to save Luke, just don’t and she drowns too
At the very least I'd like the chance to return to Richmond at the end of the season.
Did you guys notice the destination board thing in the train station? It had all the locations from the past 3 season's (including Richmond). I'm probably reading to much into this. But how cool would it be if we could choose where to go back too.
Nice catch.
The Final Season is definitely in Virginia -- my evidence being that Clem's car had a Virginia license plate and I saw a shirt with the word "Virginia" on it at the train station. Virginia is a big state so it's likely she's not anywhere near Richmond, at least in terms of being in the state of Virginia.
The license plate is practically nothing. I lived in Montana for 4 years with Tennessee plates on my car because I never got them switched over lol. People from all over the country would have been in different states on vacations, business trips, have just moved, whatever, not to mention she could have picked up the car in Virginia then drove anywhere with it. Not like she'd change plates every time she crossed state lines lol. A license plate is barely evidence at all but the shirts in the train station are much more compelling. I didn't notice them. If the shirts were hanging on racks like they were for sale, that'd make it almost certain that they're in Virginia. If the shirt you saw was just lying around, it could just be a shirt someone shed there because it was dirty or damaged and they replaced it with another they found.
Its not going to be any garcia this season I like Javier but I dont think we now what happened with him and richmond in this season
I'm indifferent towards him and don't really care if he returns
The devs have said none of the Garcias will be in this season but I suppose they could be lying just to keep it a surprise. I saw someone somewhere here post an idea that the season having multiple endings, one of which it ends with Clem and AJ going to Richmond to live with Javi. I'd be down for that.
I get in real life the license plate evidence would mean nothing, but considering it’s a game, it’s proof enormously enough (at least in my book). The shirt at the train station was hanging on a laundry rack near the farm; the word Virginia was in two different places in the same area of this game — evidence enough to prove this season is set in Virginia.