Telltale please do another 400 days to give us closure .
I feel like there are so many characters we still don’t know about and with this being the final season we may never know .
The solution . After this season make a dlc to let us know what happened to some of the 400 days characters . I know some died back in season two but some didn’t . Some didn’t go with Tavia. Bonnie , Mike and Arvo I need to see them all die on screen . Nobody points a gun at my Clem and gets to live for long after .
There is so much potential here . Please take this into consideration and really give the long time fans the closure for these characters that they deserve . Molly or maybe even Javi make a Cameo . Endless possibilities here with all of these characters still around . Thanks if you guys actually do read this .
That's a pretty cool idea, don't know if they'd go for it though. Seems more like fan service than something that would actually sell well
If they had an option where Arvo gets beaten to death with his own leg brace I’ll pledge to buy 200 copies . I think maybe if they charged 20$ instead of 5$ like the first one and it was only say two and a half to 3 hours of gameplay it could work out well for both sides .
Lol imagine then Luke cones back . “ I got lucky I got real lucky .
So I’m the only one who wants this ? I thought there would be more support .
What is going to be called? 401 days

4000 days
I don’t care what they call it call it the walking dead loose ends tie up for all I care . 4000 days seems close to accurate though .
Call it Clementine’s revenge and we get to beat Arvo to death with his own leg brace . Mike gets his other ear chewed off before we kill him by Rosie . Then Molly can teach us some real Ninja moves .
It'd be nice if it was about some of the characters that were in the story and not a bunch of incredibly pointless nothings that do absolutely nothing beyond sell some DLC.
I am aware of the actual role those characters played, but they were absolutely pointless in regards to the actual story beyond them getting short stories.
That being said, only the first episode has been released, so we could get enough of what we want out of the last 3 episodes. I doubt it, but it could happen.
A bunch of the people from 400 days showed up in season two but it was handled poorly imo . I want to know what happened to Russle and the two girls from the motel I forget their names at the moment .
400 Weeks Later...