Did your Lee kill any human being throughout season 1?
For example when given the chance to kill:
- Larry
- The St .John Brothers
- The Stranger
- Ben
- Jolene
Did you do it? Basically is your Lee a killer in the ZA? My Lee only killed The Stranger and The Walkers, he didn't kill Ben, Jolene, Larry or The St. John Brothers. My Lee is looking for redemption for his pre-ZA past.
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Yep, every single one
Larry and the Stranger. I spared/saved everyone else.
I think so, yes. I can't remember who Jolene is. But he killed everyone else. Was she the brothers mama? Cause Idk that I can count that as Lee since she was bit.
I killed one of St. Johns brother but spared the other one. But i can't really remember if my Lee killed strangler or Jolene, it was so long time ago... for sure i never touched Larry and Ben
My Lee killed Larry (he was already dead though, so he doesn't count), the St.John brothers, the Save Lots bandits, and the Stranger, even though I let Clem kill him sometimes.
I think she was the screaming woman at the start of episode 3
She was the lady in the woods who had Clem's hat.
ooohhhh... no. She's the only one I didn't have him kill. ...I think.
Well, had to kill a bunch of bandits. I know my Lee didn’t kill anyone else but the Stranger - I can’t remember if he did or not. Clementine may have shot him for me, or maybe something fotrally different. I might have to check my save file to deal with this question now, because I’m curious.
Edit: Remembering Beatrice, the screaming woman, definitely let her die in episode 3. How moral am I? Wait did I shoot Duck? Man I have to check my save file again.
Well, you HAD to kill a bunch of those bandits, so every one should be saying yes
? I have no shame.
The Stranger
Oh yeah, I savored that one lol. Well Kenny technically did but I did hold back the skitzo daughter while that old man finally got his just dues. If he was alive and they gave me the option to kill him I would have let alone dead already.
St John Brothers, Yeah Killed both of them. Cannabil pieces of shit tried feeding clem human. So i'd do it again a million times. I threw his ass into the electric fence after giving him the Lee fist of vegenace.
The stranger, In my first playthrough I think I didn't because he got in my head and made me feel like I was subjecting Clem to unecessary b.s. Second playthrough I put a slug through his head ghostface killa style.
Hell no, Ben is life. I spent the whole game being a prick to ben until he stood up to Kenny. Then at the end my best friend Kenny dipped saying I didn't have his back when I ass kissed him the whole game. And now Ben is the one who stood by my side. Ben for life for always being there for Clem in my storyline. Except when he got scared and let her almost die twice.
Jolene? Is that the psycho chick in the woods or the chick almost getting eaten by Zombies? If so it seems like you missed one or two because I remember you can also kill that suicidal girl at the motor inn.
Chick in the woods- Yup, Round right through the head. Sniper style. Regretted it.
Chick with the zombies that Kenny says to ignore. - I ignored her so she'd distract the zombies. Also regretted it. The last 2 decisions i've mentioned were 2 times I felt like a scummy human being lol.
You're both wrong, Brenda is the brother's mama and Jolene is the woman you find in the Bandit's abandoned camp.
Oh, yeah
All of the above.
Smashed Larry (but let's be honest, he was already dead and if not, he was on his way out)
Killed both the St. Johns.
Shot Jolene
Watched Ben fall
Literally choked the life out of the Stranger.
Also killed Duck
So was there anyone/anything you didn’t kill?
Yep that entire list of people actually ?
Honestly I didn't kill anyone
The Save Lots bandits would like to have a word with you...
Larry was dead so I don't count him, I held Lilly back so even if he was alive Lee technically didn't kill him. Actually I think that the risk was worth it not because he's a prick but more because we were unarmed and he was huge.
However, I didn't kill any of the brothers because they were already defeated and I didn't have to be like them.
I had to put Duck out of his misery, no parent should have done that and being a walker is fate worse than death. I did help Kenny kill the boy in the attic later.
Oh yeah, I choked this motherfucker to death. (Stranger)
I saved Ben, he didn't deserve it even if he made the deal, he didn't want to hurt anybody.
Jolene... Almost pulled the trigger, I was 1 option away to kill her but Danny did it for me.
lol I didn't kill anyone because clem was around
Me and Lee were stacking up the bodies like cord wood... those were the good old days
So you let her kill the stranger... That is kinda the worse outcome of the two but hey! That's just my opinion.
Killing the bandits is mandatory man, everybody did it. Remember the shootout sequence and the RV leaving the motel? You can't skip it. You HAVE to kill the bandits to be able to leave
Well lets see...I killed some bandits...both brothers....tried to help Larry because I am not an asshole who wants to bash people's heads in....though I did strangle the stranger to death. Oh and I shot Duck...but it is ok...I let him be robin.
Well my hand iegitimately slipped, I wanted to kill him, I really did, but Clem, little sweetheart that she is, got there first.
Helped kill Larry, didn't kill Jolene, killed Danny but left Andy to be eaten, dropped Ben, and failed the QTE to kill the stranger so Clem did it lol.
Besides the bandits in episode 3, I killed Danny. That's basically the only cold-blooded kill I made, because that guy legitimately got under my skin. I also shot Duck, and shot the girl in the street at the beginning of episode 3, but those were both mercy kills.
I saved (or tried to save) everyone else; Larry, Ben, etc. Clementine killed the Stranger, partly because there were was a moment when I was choking him out where I started having second thoughts about it. Like an "am I really doing this?" kind of moment, and stopped pressing the button for a second.
I also tried to play Lee as the redemption seeker, but still not completely perfect. In fact, Lee's reaction to killing Danny pretty much mirrored my own-- fuming with anger in the moment, then a few seconds later realizes what he just did (and that Clementine saw it), and instantly regrets it. I ended up trying to hold those feelings back for the rest of the game afterwards.
I killed the bandits but i didn't kill the other determinant characters
No Jolene was the crazy bandit woman in episode 2. With the bow.
None of them except the bandits who invade the motor inn, you have to kill them.
The senator, bandits and Duck out of mercy.
I killed Larry (tbh I didn't even want to but I was too worried about pissing off my BFF Kenny
) and Danny St. John (but not Andrew).
Just Larry. I tried to strangle The Stranger, but Clem killed him in the end (whoah, I just remembered that, she wasn't much older than AJ)
I killed everyone you mentioned. I felt Lee had a moral duty to kill the brothers. You can't leave two murderous cannibals alive to prey on others even if they're no longer a threat to you personally. There's no way to imprison them in that scenario. You either let them go knowing they will most likely murder others unless they die first or kill them. These types of choices are what I loved about season one.
I helped kill Larry because he was huge and most likley already dead. The way he treated Duck and attempted to murder Lee in E1 made the decision easier, but having Lilly right there definitely made it harder. I felt bad even though I didn't doubt that it was the right decision.
I killed Jolene in self defense since she seemed crazed and could have shot at anytime.
I shot a lot of bandits at the end of E2.
I killed the woman being eaten alive to put her out of her misery.
I left Lilly on the side of the road, but probably would have killed her if given the choice.
I killed Duck because I didn't think Kenny should have to shoot his own son. I killed the zombie kid in the attic for him too.
I let Ben die because he had screwed up too many times and cost lives. His death was sad because he finally accepted that he was too weak and cowardly to live up to his personal moral standards. He was full of shame and knew he couldn't change.
I killed the stranger because he had done too much to let go.
My Lee was violent, but I made choices I thought were the most moral from my perspective. I wouldn't have killed any of the character just because I was mad or annoyed with them if given that choice. I was surprised to find myself making more realistic moral decisions in a game. I would only kill if I thought it was the moral choice. These actions would cause most people psychological damage, but so would letting killers go and wondering what they had done since; although it might be easier to suppress. I wouldn't have killed anyone in front of Clem when it wasn't necessary if given the choice. I can play as a madman in most games because there's no sense of realism to make you relate to the characters or world, so you don't care about your actions unlike S1 of TWD. The choices in S1 weren't black and white, good vs. evil, and characters had more realistiic personalities. Unfortunately telltale games got greedy, and their games have regressed since finding success with S1, instead of evolving and improving their game mechanics like I thought they would.
Beatrice, Duck and the Stranger.