Who else thinks Abel is going to be another Arvo/Badger?
Even if you were nice and let him take some food, there is 90% chance that he doesn't care about your humanity and wants you dead anyway.
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Even if you were nice and let him take some food, there is 90% chance that he doesn't care about your humanity and wants you dead anyway.
I mean, at least the majority of the time, where you literally threw him into a pack of walkers, he'll be even more justified than Arvo and Badger ever were.
Although I don't think this is the kind of guy who just kills people. He would have tried if he really wanted to, albeit he would have put his own life at risk by doing so, considering there were a lot of zombies around. We'll see.
Oh god, I really hope not. But i feel like generic one not "kill them All" villains have become kind of a staple for this series. He was at least somewhat reasonable but I'm sure he has an ulterior motive
How dare you compare those two.
Also, since when were we ever nice to Badger?
Joan(or hell, even Carver to an extent) wasn't a Omnicidal villain though.
In what way are Arvo and Badger alike at all??
Even if you don't take from Arvo he'll claim you did. Same with Badger.
You don't really do anything to Badger though.
In fact, he practically comes out of nowhere at the end of Part 1 if you're not paying attention.
What do you mean? Badger is one of the the ones who first confront Javi when he's collecting the gas. Max takes the lead, but Badger is there, too.
Yeah, he's there, but he doesn't really do much. In fact, that's likely a holdover from when he was more or less Rufus.
Possibly. He did shoot AJ point blank if you stay silent. I’d rather not be reminded of Badger or that awful game though to be honest
Inb4 he's like Chuck and is actually pretty cool if you let him take off with the food.
Nah. If you don't do anything or choose the "..." option, he killes AJ and Clem. Someone cool like Chuck would lower his pistol and defuse the situation if he didn't want to shoot a kid.
I mean, technically, Aj's still ready to shoot him, so..
I wish AJ could have headshotted him like Marlon
Yes, but lowering his pistol would show AJ he's not a threat. I mean, I get your point, but I feel like someone who was actually a good person like Chuck would take the risk and lower their pistol rather than kill a kid.
What happens if you told AJ to shoot him?
He's true to his word.
I'm not one of those edgy "dog eat dog" spouters, but you're kinda askin for someone to fuck you over if you don't know em well enough.
Honestly, him givin AJ a countdown was one of the smarter ways to handle that.
He shoots AJ then Clem because Abel hears Clem say it too. That's an idiotic thing to do.
Ahaha oh right, I chose to attack him so I wasn't sure. Wasn't letting him get away for another Arvo situation.
Does anyone know if the situation with the man stealing the food is different depending on whether you chose to go fishing or hunting?
the gun
Wasn't he bitten if Clem pushes him into the pack of walkers? That kind of determinant status usually implies a smaller role with less of an impact on future story lines, no?
He is not heard getting bitten or torn apart and you can hear gunshots, so it's possible that he escaped.
Wait, yall attacked Abel? I let him get away. It honestly wasn’t worth it
Pause it at 5:27 and tell me the walker isn't nipping on his right-shoulder. Although now that I've watched it more closely...I do see that that walker doesn't have a lower jaw...
Omg... I just realized... Abel's voice actor plays in fallout 4, the Kellogg dude. I realized watching that video Pahn7II posted.
No. That's not Kellogg. At least not according the imdb credits.
This is Abel
This is Kellogg
Well, wow. They sound so similar. Or maybe I just haven't played fallout 4 in so long.
Man, I hope not. It's the same situation as Arvos/Clems groups meeting up, really hoping whether you were hostile/cooperative plays a part in their attitudes.
I pushed his ass through the window. That's OUR food. Go find your own, Lame-o :P

He's most certainly alive though, Look at this walker's mouth.
He's gonna come back with an even BIGGER appetite, looking for food........and REVENGE!
probably but still i hope to see Arvo return
So if you pick to give him food then he only takes some of it and not all ? How much does he take ? I pushed him out the window in two play throughs.
Ostensibly, not much. A few cans/jars. I don't think there's an actual difference between how much you bring back if he takes food or doesn't. If you let him take food, he takes one duffel bag, leaving 2 for Clem. When Clem and the others get back, the two bags they have are overflowing with food. If you push him, Clem and Violet still only bring two duffel bags out of the train station so basically, what he doesn't take, you leave behind because they can't carry all of it. (Weird though. If I were Clem I'd have grabbed two bags and dropped one by the road and told Louis to pick it up as he came to it, that way all of them (except AJ) would have a bag in one hand and their weapon in the other)
Crap sure could use rewind I guess I’ll have to make a third file now.
Brody still bitches at your for it, btw. You can't please her. Let him take food, push him out the window, she still freaks out and says you did the wrong thing.
It's because you were outside the safe zone and she realizes that the raiders are likely back, getting ready to come for them.
She and Marlon both seem to get really anger when they're nervous.
I kinda see her point now though I think her greatest fear was being given away .
No, her fear was having to trade more people. It was her and Marlon's secret so they would've been the last ppl to be given away after everyone else already had their turn
Not if they were like we want that girl . They only had 3 to chose from . Marlon could’ve hade stopped them secret or not .