What is AJ becoming?
From what i see after playing the episode is that aj is becoming more like kenny or jane rather than becomming like clem??! Whats your thoughts on this!!!!
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From what i see after playing the episode is that aj is becoming more like kenny or jane rather than becomming like clem??! Whats your thoughts on this!!!!
Gonna give that little turd an ass spanking he won't soon forget
Its the Carver blood that flows through him
yeah i dont think hes turning into a angry boat loving floridan man with a bad history with booze and or a pragamatic yet desperate loner who saw clem as a sister to replace her own.
whats with the winky face, you are sending creepy vibes
I see nothing wrong if he turns out to become Jesus reincarnated.
we need another crusade...
A crusade led on boats, yes
As far as i see this kid! This kid can become a worst headache for clemntime going into the future!?can also lead to her death and i dont want that???
I can see Jesus coming back a telling everyone he got lucky...real lucky
But clem is not that cruel! If it was kenny surely he would have got one???

You gotta post it on the meme thread
A dead man
a dead boi
What is AJ turning into? A little foul mouthed pistol packing gang banger.
My thoughts are we should start calling him CJ for Carver Jr.
He’s like that kid from the news that said he wanted to do hood rat shit and then grew up to be a criminal .
Lol I was just thinking how great it would be if Arvo comes back this season and Clem gets a dialogue option that says I must break you .