Do AJ's actions make you think that Carver is his dad? [Spoilers]
There aren't any paternity tests in the apocalypse, and you could easily say that AJ is simply hardened/scarred/not properly socialised from having to grow up in it, but perhaps there's something genetic going on?
Killing Marlon (and a few other smaller things like wanting to steal Tenn's toys and Aasim's diary) definitely makes me think he might be Carver's son.
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Wasn't there already a thread about this?
No, not at all..
Definitely. He's sick in the head, just like his old man.
I feel like it's because of his upbringing more than anything. AJ never had the chance to be a kid and he was never really around other people, especially not his age.
He learned that what you find out in the open is yours, so he thinks that's how it also works in society and that the toy is his. Loud is bad because it attracts walkers, so the piano is automatically bad. Threats are best solved by violence in AJ's eyes, because walkers should be killed immediately and he never had to deal with hostile humans as far as we know. So he draws a gun on Abel and shoots Marlon because that's how you deal with walkers.
You guys do know personalities arnt genetic...right?
Nope. Carver would have been grinning if he killed Marlon.
AJ being excited about Clem protecting them and theirs seems a tad crazy but Clem was badass.
He looks more like Alvin. Like someone said previously, personality isn’t genetic.
I haven't bought the game, but I watched the episode online. In my eyes, AJ's father is Carver. I don't care whatever the reason for it, but I won't let go of the fact that AJ came out white as Mini-Me lol. I get that babies may be lighter as an infant, but they only changed the skin color in the following episode. Also on a sidenote, Rebecca herself believed the baby was Carver's. Regardless of skin color though, I think it's more interesting to have Carver as the father.
I think this is the best explanation your gonna get
You, you get out of here with your fancy science!
Well, some studies suggest that your personality traits are partially genetic. Part genetics, part environment/upbringing. So I don't think you can discount genetics completely.
The way AJ grew up explains a lot, but there's still something... off about him. Like how he's so delighted if/when Clem throws Abel out the window. He seems to delight in that sort of thing, and that's rather disturbing.
It isn't exactly clear how long Clem's had AJ back, but her influence over him doesn't seem to be that strong. She can convince him to sleep on the bed or return the items he steals or respect the walker couple, but AJ only seems to listen in the moment. The morals Clem tries to instil in him don't seem to have long-term effects.
I genuinely don't think that's true
Certain mental traits/issues can get passed on.
For starters, the story tries to say that Carver wasn't always a egomaniacal psychopath.
And while I suppose some similar quirks can be genetically transferred, AJ is old enough that this wouldn't really come into play and his current point of view is a product of his environment(s).
No, it makes me think he's a kid raised in a psycho world.
AJ is the way he is because the apocalypse is all he knows. All he's ever done is surviving. He doesn't know how to fit in with groups of people as most of his time was spent with just Clementine.
Nah I think AJ is Alvin's kid but I do admit AJ does act crazy, but that's because hes been raised in a hellish version of the real world where you cant enjoy many of the things we all enjoy today. An example of this is when he was offered to play the piano but he thought it was bad because it was loud.
This. This. A thousand times this
No for very obvious reasons.
Personalities are not at all genetic. A father can be nothing like a son. The only way AJ would have had a similar personality would be if Carver lived long enough to corrupt him
Once again absolutely zero resemblance, not even in the slightest. I don't even know why it's up for debate that it's anyone else's child but Alvin's
I'm not saying there isn't something wrong mentally with AJ, in all reality someone who grew up their entire existence in an apocalyptic setting is no doubt to have some screws loose. I'd even be willing to bet he has a cluster of personality disorders and possibly the early signs of a sociopath but it simply has nothing to do with genetics.
Because that's apparently what the story was considering having be the case.
AJ has daddy's nose
. The main reason I like to envision AJ as Alvin's son aside from Carver being a huge piece of trash i'd love to forget about is that he looks absolutely nothing like Carver. He looks a lot like Alvin imo. He's still young but the hairline is similar, the ears are similar and the nose is the exact same. AJ does take more features from Rebecca but I see way more Alvin than carter. So i've been rolling with him being Alvin's in my mind. And he doesn't have mixed traits even though I know that's not a tell tale sign or 100 percent confirmation.
As for his actions being reflected by Carvers. You don't become what your parents were automatically just by bloodline. It's not how it works. AJ never met Carver. Even if Carver was his dad, I wouldn't blame his actions on inheriting traits from Carver at all. AJ certainly hasn't done enough to drawl paralells to Carver. Carver was a rapist piece of trash that i'd stomp. Aj is just a little who been given too much responsability in a apocalyptic world.
Aj has never shown lack of empathy, he's always shown regret for what he's done. I know the shooting of Marlon was extremely erratic and irresponsible and a complete neglect of everything Clem has taught him. I'm sure it came from more of a place of wanting to help than just wanting to kill him. He was scared and he was attacked, disarmed and watched his adopted mom and the only person he has almost get shot and killed for a good 5 minutes. I'm sure it's not easy to handle. Although I do agree he's in need of some descipline in episode 2.
I'm assuming you've never heard of epigenetic factors? Otherwise, where are you basing these outlandish assumptions on? Even though this should be basic biology 101 for most people, the latest research states the contrary.
Why we're more like our fathers than our mothers: Scientists discover we 'use' more male inherited genes:
Scientists Have Found Genetic Links Between Personality Traits And Psychiatric Diseases
& no, I don't think Carver is his dad, that's absurd. He's just a product of his environment, the only thing he can bring up from the ranch is bloodshed for crying out loud.
i vaguely recall rebecca saying she knew carver was the father in s2.