Look at the flowers, AJ
I know they won't but if we end up having to put AJ down because he's a little psycho, it'd be hilarious if we distract him by telling him to look at the flowers so he doesn't see us about to shoot him lol
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I actually kinda like the idea of something along the lines of Aj cant adjust to a place where society and leadership is present. Would def be unexpected and an interesting twist. Would be interesting if the last choice is basically: is it better to let Aj live but endanger people, or to put him down to keep people who are working for a better future safe.
he's barely a toddler. toddlers kill all the time. it's just a phase. he'll grow out of it.
Or Carol from the tv show walks into the game, takes one look at AJ and shoots him in the face. "I'm not going through that again."
look at the drawing, AJ
That's pretty fucked up man, ngl.
I just fucking snorted at that title jesus christ
Aside from that, if AJ does turn out to be someone who just can't adapt properly in the world, and it comes down to something like that (I don't think it will.) It would be pretty interesting to have that kind of call back.
He's not a fucking psycho, he's a kid who's been living in the apocalypse since he was born. Psychos kill animals for fun. AJ just doesn't differentiate between dead and living threats because he doesn't understand the difference. Killing him because of hit is fucked up on so many levels.
Yeah carol killed that little girl who killed her sister so she can come back as a walke, she killed her because she does not see the dead as a threat and simply killed her sister with a smile on her face, instead of trying to help the girl get through that carol killed her.
We might end up at the same situation with aj.
I don't think he's a psycho. I think he's a kid who just doesn't fucking get it. He's been raised in a world where it really just is kill or be killed by zombies, and I don't think he knows when to take a step back. It shows in the confrontation with Marlon cause you talk Marlon down, it's a lot calmer, and yet AJ shoots Marlon anyway. The moment he sees someone or something as a threat, I don't think anything can change that he feels that way about the situation unless Clementine forces him to back down, which she can't be there in every situation and was clearly distracted in this one to stop him. He needs to be taught or he really could become a danger to big groups, not in a "he's a psychopathic kid," way, cause he's not, but in an "if he doesn't learn that not everything is a threat even if it seems like it is, then he's dangerous," kind of way.
Need ta rip out his tongue and feed it to him
Who's the psycho again?
That would be AJ. Aka the one who will have a the name Kenny carved into his chest for what he did
No shit, that doesn't make him a psycho, just a kid who needs guidance.
I wasn't trying to be rude, I was agreeing with you, sorry if it didn't seem that way.
Same here, I apologize if I came across as aggressive. I agree with what you've said.
Maybe but right now I dont think so, Aj is a bit crazy but thats because hes never been around people bar clementine
I think you definitely got a point here and the scene where Louis played on the piano was quite meant to show us that. All he was thaught about from since he was born is how to survive.
Where Clementine enjoys the song because maybe she heard it when she was very little and it remembers her the days before the outbreak, AJ thinks in different categories. For him, loud is bad because the whole life he was told that noise attract monsters. Same thing applies where Clem sings a song and when AJ hears that "kids are screaming" he tells that you shouldn't ever scream. I'd never call him a psycho because all his world is different from ours and probably from the people who lived before the apocalypse. Him being unable to adapt in a larger society would make sense.
You're obviously joking, right? There is no way you want to murder a child right? RIGHT?!
If that’s the final choice I’m gonna be really disappointed. I’d never shoot Aj, even if he killed everyone at the school.
Same. If little AJ is gonna be my psycho sidekick, then so be it.
I'd put a bullet in the back of his skull no problem if it meant saving others.
Isn't that what AJ did though?
Wait but aren't you one who is so against killing? And your saying you wouldn't have a problem shooting a six your old in the back of his skull?

Not at all. AJ killed someone who had surrendered and was a blubbering mess, begging to be allowed to walk away. AJ didn't protect anyone. He executed Marlon.
If he can't adjust to being civilized, it's necessary. Clem will never be able to be around people if he's so screwed up he kills unarmed people well after they're no longer an immediate threat.
I am against killing in general, BUT if killing AJ meant saving everyone else it’d be worth it. It’s ending ONE life to save MANY lives.
AJ shoots one guy after:
1. Said guy shoves AJ to the ground while taking his revolver and then goes on full rage mode.
2.Clem reveals that said guy killed Brody and would trade Clem and AJ to raiders. (Why wouldn't AJ trust Clem?)
3. Said guy points a gun at Momma-Clem and says "We would all be safer once I pull this trigger"
and now some people are like "OMG, AJ is literally a threat to every living thing around him, I gotta take his life to save many, dude's a fucking psychopath, LoOk At ThE FlOwErS and other edgy shit.
Yes, what he did was wrong BUT some are you are overreacting. Its not like AJ shot Marlon during the card game for winning a round.
Had AJ shot Marlon at any point during Marlon's panicked tirade, sure, he'd have been totally justified, but AJ couldn't shoot Marlon while Marlon was waving a gun around and threatening to kill Clem because Marlon was using AJ's gun. When Marlon surrendered and dropped the gun, or was disarmed then surrendered, when he was crying asking to leave and no longer an immediate threat, AJ wasn't protecting anyone. He simply executed Marlon. It wasn't justified. Maybe Marlon deserved to be executed, but it wasn't AJ's place to do it and certainly not in that moment. The older kids should have made that call, not the youngest among them.
I totally agree that AJ did the wrong thing and that it wasn't his call but my point was, like I said, some people are overreacting, drawing conclusions that AJ is a threat to everyone and that he is a psycho when that simply isn't the case.
Holy fuck I just realized that the whole character of the dog Rosie was foreshadowing for AJ. Cause if Marlon isn't around, Rosie would have mauled Clem no problem, just like if Clem isn't around, AJ would go off the deep end. The parallels are REAL
damn most of you guys don't need kids. You guys are crazy as Hell.
I fell some times like a lot of people on here can’t grasp this simple consept. I’m not saying I’m smart or anything but aj isn’t a phyco and we aren’t going to have to kill him. This stuff is just stupid.
Yeah, I definitely think some of us are overreacting at AJ having killed Marlon.
What he did was wrong, but he had the best of intentions. Just like Marlon believed when he sold two of his own to the bandits and lied to his group that the walkers had killed them.
Just look at the fish AJ
So what type of killing are you even talking about, execution style? Because I literally see know way in which you would need to kill Aj without contradicting your own beliefs.
What scenario would their need to be for you to justify killing Aj a six year old boy?
look into the barrel AJ xDDDDD