This is the thread for all our grief and sadness when the best S4 character died, Marlon...

"Remember the good times that we had..."

"I let them slip away from us, when things got bad..."

"How clearly I first saw you, smiling in the sun"

"I want to feel your warmth upon me, I want to be the one"

That dude had a Mullet, his death was justified.
I’ll raise a glass.
This is the time that happens when you mess with the Clem

It's Clementime!!!
He was a good character...he'll be missed.
So were going to get to keep the bow right? I mean fair is fair, Clem and AJ get to loot the body, that's just how video games work.
him being dead means I get to keep rosie
it was a necessary sacrifice
if it wasn't for Marlon, Rosie wouldn't like you...
yeah, no. Brody was the best s4 character to die.
Good thing too. Rosie is obviously best girl and deserves a better owner than young Liquid Snake.
Marlon with Ben voice
oh god,Marlon again,better take a break from the every TWD related thread untill ep 2 comes out
cuz u kno even if it aint about him
he gon get mentioned
well this is about him
but he would b here regardless
At least we wont b talkin about AJ here,right?....
Why do people keep sucking this guy's dick?
He was a good character. It's great that we have many discussions surrounding him, even if people fight over his persona, it shows that he was a good and believable character.
Also, swear !
You're doing the same thing with AJ, defending him wherever you go sooo... ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It just really bothers me when they hate on Aj, but their favorite character is Marlon it's very strange to me.
I haven't seen anybody that said they hate AJ and their favorite character is Marlon but maybe you have.
I like them both, in my eyes it's really easy to like Marlon because he feels real. He's a flawed kid who had too much pressure on his shoulders and made some terrible choices. He doesn't deserve to get murdered in cold blood for it, especially since he was not a threat anymore, maybe if the majority of kids agreed to kill him later on then yeah ok I could see that happening, but I know why they did it at least: to show that AJ is unstable, he doesn't know who to kill and who not to, he doesn't understand who is a threat.
Episode 2 will explore that so yeah they needed to do the whole AJ murdering someone thing.
They don't actually come out and say it, but when I see all these Aj threads and people are saying he should be killed. I see their profile pictures and guess who it is, Marlon.
That still doesn't mean anything. I can also have a profile pic of Carver even if he is a villain. Maybe those people just find Marlon an interesting character.
Double post.
I should probably be more clear with the types of users im referencing to. When they say stuff like Aj deserves to die or needs to be killed, And their favorite character is Marlon. Its odd because Marlon did way more stuff to deserve to die than Aj. But they will constantly make excuses for said character no matter what. Now if you had a Carver profile picture and you were like these people, I would still find it odd.
Because "badboy" or somethin.
Here’s a novel idea. Don’t like Marlon? Don’t go into a Marlon fan thread just to start a debate.
You made my day

While you call it a Mullet, those of us in modern times refer to it as a Skrillex haircut for the apocalypse. Care to join us in the future?
Boomer, much?

Now this would be a justified shooting, lol.
OMG, you're really starting up with this again?
Drop it, we already know you're just here to launch more straw man arguments in order to defend your delusions about AJ.
Ooh, Taco Bell!
I was tryin not to say somethin myself
Louis has something like that but with dreads.
Here's a thought. If you're uncomfortable with the idea of characters being killed off, maybe you shouldn't play TFS? People are going to continue to die in TFS and to assume AJ can escape that is just fanciful thinking. Get real. He's just as likely to unexpectedly die much like Marlon did. If you can't grow up enough to stomach that idea, this game isn't for you.

Continue to pretend you have it all figured out. You have no idea how likely it is you'll be in the same boat as the Marlon crowd by the end of EP4. To paraphrase a quote by Vernon from S1 when he was talking to Lee about taking Clem, "It's a shorter trip from AJ to Marlon than you think."
Use that frontal lobe.
Afterwards, expect us to come kick dirt on your "Why did AJ have to die?" threads & say:

More people would probably prefer to have Clem live & get an ambiguous open ending (think Maggie) rather than see the shitbird carry-on her torch when he's already fucked up so much in E1. Lil Ben 10 with a gun is going to continue screwing up, don't believe me? Just watch.
Oh, it's the pseudo intellectual who thinks putting up a bunch gifs counts as an actual argument. Your just mad because i'm calling out your hypocrisy for Marlon.

so go ahead cry some more, because I can post where ever I want to so deal with it.
@Divided_We_Fall gets it both figuratively AND literally. (btw, cool ironic username)
No one is playing favorites. However, you're projecting your bias on the rest of us. Just because AJ is your favorite doesn't mean that everyone else already established their favorites. Most of us that are tired of the shipping threads are waiting to see future character development before we begin picking favorites. (e.g. Violet vs Louis)
Didn't you notice how there are very few threads about Chef Omar, Aasim, Mitch, Willy, Brody, & Ruby? If anything, people are playing favorites between Violet & Louis. People didn't get enough time with the other characters (Marlon included) to even try and play favorites. The closest we got to favortism was the choice to go Hunting or Fishing. Get your story str8 & stop trying to apply rules for radicals in a half-assed fashion.

"Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing as you are doing it to create confusion."
I'll join!

They better do something with his bow. I thought I read somewhere in the Scopely game Marlon taught Clem how to shoot it?
Really hoping this was a dream sequence courtesy of Clem's head from the wreck, because I was looking forward to seeing that happen in TFS.
Well I see you couldn't stop yourself from using the same format from our previous debate, running out of ideas so you hide behind your gifs. Very cowardly on your part to keep making such desperate arguments, but here we go.
Dont lie on me, or maybe you can't read either way I didnt post anything about being uncomfortable about AJ dying. Its the fact that you Marlon fanboys keep talking about how he should die for killing the character you like.
More tears I see, your putting dispositions on me that you yourself have because your favorite character got killed. Maybe you should be telling yourself that, then you'll be able to get over the fact that Aj killed him.
Your so filled with hate for AJ that you don't make any sense. There is no point in arguing with someone who makes such baseless assumptions such as yourself. The fact that your even trying to compare Ben to Aj, so desperate.....