Favorite Quote from 'Done Running'?
Not sure if a thread has been made on this already, but one of questions on the Tublr AMA got me thinking...What is your favorite quote from Episode 1 of Done Running?
There are a crapton of quotables in this episode, but my favorite is from Louis:
"Aasim loves giving me crap about having a good time. 'We need to gurentee our freedom', all that horse shit. But I tell him right back, there's only one guarantee...this moment. That's the only thing you've got, only thing any of us got. Might as well enjoy it"
There's just soemthing about the way this line is said that keeps drawing me back time after time. You can tell how much he truly believes it, that it truly is the motto he lives by.
Point is Telltale, whatever you're paying your voice actors, double it.
Anyway, what about you?
"Fuck up monsters, yeah!" - Alvin Lee Junior
Mine is “Then you better bury me deep! Because if I come back, I’m coming for you first!”
"Oh my darling Clementine"
"Who are y'all gonna believe, huh? Johnny Come Lately and her little fucking lunatic?!"
I agree with you on the voice acting this season. It's probably the best in the series, Louis, Violet and AJ's are all great. Best one for me though is Marlon. His breakdown and emotion the actor put into the scene was on point. Best voiced character since Gryff imo
“What.. I aimed for the head”
Yes you did AJ, yes you did.
“You suck at protection!”
How about shitbird?
"Shut your fucking mouth"
"This isn't like you. I know you're not weak!"
Also I could totally see this line being said as dialogue for like a final panel of the comic. I really think they knocked the comic book-ness of it out of the park this time.
Funniest: "Shit Fuck!"
Most Badass: "Then you better bury me deep! Because if I come back, I’m coming for you first!"
Corniest: "Oh this? It's a chair leg. I call it, 'Chairles'." I facepalmed so hard, but I love the kid. He wears his heart on his sleeve.
You can't forget "i AimED FOr tHe HEad" and "i SAved oNE fOr mE"
"You don't get it. You- you don't understand at all, do you? I'm trying to protect you! All of you! Every fuckin' one of you!"
Ray Chase did a PHENOMENAL job voicing Marlon.
(I asked this question during the Q&A!!! Omg)
Instead of picking a favorite line, I would pick Tenn's whole dialogue about his sisters near the end of the episode.
“That little dude said fuck.”- Mitch, 2018
Almost forgot.
"Master of Fine ass. Master of Big ass. Juris Doctorate of...ass..."
Almost died when Clem read those certificates.
''You suck at protection''
And what came before, but I don't remember it now.
After AJ shoots Marlon: "Oh come on tough guy, shake it off!"
I didn't even understand that. Were they saying they get a lot of ass, or just those certificates were just...ass?
Marlon's voice actor was INCREDIBLE
"Damn it Brody... Shut up... I said shut up!... and this is how they thank us, guns being pulled and murder!...oh come the fuck on... Who are y'all gonna believe huh, johnny come lately and her little fucking lunatic? or me? your friend?" etc etc, every time Marlon was angry or desperate. Voice acting was amazing
He did a great job! Marlon's ending rant is definetly appalling to listen to
Yea, gonna miss that turd.
Me too. And I constantly switch opinions on him, I can't decide. On one moment I feel sorry for him, then, at other time, I completely hate him for killing Brody, trying to put it on Clem and then wanting to kill her.

You made my day lmao.
Well you know, I do what I can
When Marlon leaves you to search for Louis, on the wall to the right, there are certificates, but were heavily graffitied at the end with the word "ASS" and you can have Clem read it. And her face is so done when she reads the last one. It was small, but I was dying.
“[Burp]” - Clementine
''Little Shit'' - Marlon's dog looking at AJ thinking
"What? I didn't hesitate."
“You’re a good person, Clem... I would’ve liked to get to know you better.” (Determinant) - Brody to Clementine, before dying.
"The name's Abel. And I am hungry as hell." -Abel
"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" - Abel to Clementine after being pushed into walkers
Clementine: "The first person who taught me about survival was Lee."
Marlon: "What'd he teach you?"
Clementine: "Lots of things"
Marlon: "The most important?"
Clementine: "How to say Goodbye"
Maybe this:
Louis: "What are we going to do? Eat Rocks?"
AJ: "You can't eat rocks."
Louis: "I'm aware."
I would've picked something else, but all y'all took mine. Not that I'm complaining.
“What? I aimed for the head”
Such a perfect way to end an episode
It’s a toss up between Disco Broccoli, and “Cooking with Chef Omar and Louis.”
But seriously it was probably the game of cards after dinner, Clem’s face when you’re silent after being asked if you’ve ever had to kill anyone you love, it broke my heart.
"Hey! You want to loose some more teeth? Keep staring."
"Victory Violet"
Marlon had some of the best lines simply because how well they were delivered. One of the best VAs in the series.
The best part is the look she gives after reading them.
Why do I get the feeling Mitch is the one that wrote all that graffiti, especially the “Ass” stuff on the diplomas.
"Pretty rad huh? That's how you fuck up some monsters."
"That little dude said fuck."
"Lee taught me how to say goodbye"
"I ate a guys leg once...."