When did your Clementine realized she liked girls/boys/both/neither?

Since Louis asked about boyfriends and bringing up Gabe was an option I was considering if Violet asked if Clem ever had a girl she liked and the various options through the years. Molly probably being the first most likely girl crush (carley and Lily not so much she might have. So then I thought some Clem's might not be interested in love. Some Clem's might have had feelings for Ben/Gabe but then violet. There's no wrong answer because it's your Clem just consider these are crushes not sexual actions will your responses.
For me I think Clem likes both. Starting with Duck and Ben. But Molly was so cool it was a bit confusing. Then Jane came and she began feeling something more. But after Jane's death she tried to find comfort in Gabe but ultimately it didn't feel right and so she found violet.
I always played like Clem had an innocent crush Luke.
Lol your Clem is thirsty.
When Sarah asked her to teach her how to swag.
Jeez, is this all people care about ?
This forum is lately filled with ship threads for the most part.
Ikr Almost everyone in this community is thirsty af rn....
I didn't really had time to think about sex and romance the past three seasons tbh
Yeah i know, it’s a sad world we live in these days
Why is romance crap all that people are talking about?
In a zombie apocalypse it should be the last thing people think of
Fuck enjoying life let's be miserable and afraid the entire time.
There are worse things that could be talked about.
I don't know why we need so many threads regarding this.
We got all sorts of posts like 4 Violet threads, 5 Louis threads, one "Is clem lesbian", one "is louis bisexual", one "is violet trans"
Now that we are later into the episode weird shit starts appearing as well like this one for example (Clem liked Molly ? Seriously ? Or Carly ? Lilly ? What ?).
I get that we have a cast that consists of teenagers who are probably horny as hell but relationships should be the last thing they think about in their situation.
Everyone is so obsessed with these ships it's kinda sad.
You have no idea how pleased I am to see you say that. So true
My Clem had a crush on Luke and had feelings for Gabe. That’s about it.
Yeah cuz enjoying life is a top priority right now.
They barely got any food to eat, they are starving and they should enjoy life ?
Enjoy life when you got food and safety.
That's just how the world is: miserable and sad. It's the end of the world, what do you expect ? People dancing in the streets ?
Right now everyone should focus on surviving. There's not a lot of things left to enjoy.
My Clem was too busy, watching the st johns die, watching caver get his head beat in, and killing others herself. My Clem doesn't think about love or relationships. She mostly thinks about murder.
So you should enjoy the things you can. Game set match
It's beginning to feel that way. I feel like there's so many things we can discuss. The complexities of Marlon's morally grey character, how Clem is going to deal with AJ in the next episode, how his decision to kill Marlon is going to impact his character, who these raiders are and what they want, who the returning character could be, how much of a role the other Ericson children will play later, choices made in Episode 1 and their impact later, and much more. Yet a lot of what I see is shipping or Violet being trans discussions. Look, I'm not saying people can't discuss shipping, but it can be toned down a lot and relegated to a couple of threads, not takeover the whole forums. Whatever Clem's sexuality is is up to the players, and we really shouldn't be making such a big deal about it anyway.
Not me, my Clem is celibate.
Whether Assim will take over as leader, what Tenn is gonna confront the veteran raider as well, is Rosie gonna be okay after seeing Marlon get his sauce leak out, whether Sophie and/or Miverna are still relatively alright, whether AJ lost his chance to be good with Ruby...
Well, then what is the point to be alive in a zombie apocalypse? If all you do is trying to be alive. Why not take the time to enjoy a bit. Like Louis.
Ain't that the truth. Are you a survivor from the KennyVsJane wars back in the day?
Mine too. I don't think she has time to worry about that crap.
When I've had control over it (not that stupid forced romance stuff from ANF), she's been a celibate. Louis and/or Violet, or possibly others, need to prove themselves to her.
no shit, this is insane.
I don't think my Clem has given it much thought before getting to know Violet. So sometime after they talked in Clem's room.
The sad part about this is that not only they are kids but there has been only one episode.
Not on these forums. I merely picked a side and then watched as the rest of the world burnt down around them.
It's a hard life knock for us
My Clem feels nothing she has no crush on any one in this season my Clem is not easy flirting target for Louis and not bisexual the only crush she had is that forced shit show gaybentine which I 100% denied it in the cards game when Louis asked about it.
Just because ya said it
Get this man a like
I love your clem
Sorry but I don't get the meaning behind this picture
Showering in the blood of her enemies
I was actually gonna comment what the thread was about, but I guess I can't since everyone is discussing why shipping threads are bad and you can't have fun because you need to focus on "real important things". So I prefer saving the comment for when everyone shuts up about trying to stop people who just wants to talk about what they want.
Oh yeah I remember the days when even the smallest talk about either Kenny or Jane started a battle.
But there wasn't a new thread about it every few hours and people were still talking about other things that happened during the episode, now it feels like everyone is focused on the Violet v Louis and they are shoving the rest of the story aside.
This Clem should have another name but brutal clem its not enough to describe her Majesty she needs a devil/hell/bloodthirsty clem any name that give Justice to her evilness.
boring thing ... as I said in topics similar to yours, it will only be bi if you want, she'll like boy or girl ... most topics only talk about it.
Right now it seems that all everyone wants to talk about is who's going to have sex with Clementine, or who deserves it more. It would be fine if it was just 2 threads: The Louis and the Violet one, but the they keep spawning every 2 minutes, and the serious plot discussions are just buried under all this crap. Seriously making me wish Telltale would just kill them both off so that the romance hype dies with them.