What if both Rodrik and Asher had survived the end of Episode 5?

If, by some chance, both Forrester brothers managed to get under the portcullis in time, without one having to sacrifice themselves, would the Whitehill siege of Ironrath have gone more the way it did in the Asher storyline or the Rodrik storyline? Rodrik was Lord of Ironrath, but the sellswords had pledged their loyalty to Asher.

Would Gwyn have still tried to talk her father into a marriage alliance with Asher? And would Ludd have even listened? Personally, I think the fat pig would have been too angry to listen.

If things still went as they did in the Rodrik storyline, I could see Rodrik going after Ludd and Asher going to save Ryon and/or kill Gryff, or vice versa.

But, even without that, who would have the better chance of surviving?

Any thoughts?


  • If they were both alive then the Whitehills would probably not have taken Ironrath because Asher could've gone after Ludd and Gryff with some of the sellswords and Beskha while Rodrik and the rest of the sellswords defended Ironrath. Gwyn's marriage to Asher would not benefit anyone because Asher would not be the lord of Ironrath with Rodrik being alive. These are just my opinions of how I think the final episode would've been different.

  • Even without Ludd and Gryff, the Whitehills still have an overwhelming numerical advantage over the Forresters. And even without Ludd, they took advantage of that.

    If they were both alive then the Whitehills would probably not have taken Ironrath because Asher could've gone after Ludd and Gryff with som

  • Yea that's true I haven't played this episode in so long I kinda forgot that the Whitehills had a bigger army. Also my Rodrik and Asher would've killed Ludd because that ensures that they win the war and that the Whitehills are lead by an inexperienced Gryff.

    Even without Ludd and Gryff, the Whitehills still have an overwhelming numerical advantage over the Forresters. And even without Ludd, they took advantage of that.

  • A better question would be what if Asher's army survived the ambush becvause regardless the Whitehills would win.

    I'd say a peace offer would come in considering Whitehills would still have the advantafe and since Asher is alive you can still come into an agreement though Ludd would be more tense and reluctant to go through considering both Forrester brothers are alibe. Maybe it'd be choice as Rodrick to accept or not accept. If their army sirived then Ludd would attack regardless.

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