15-17 is the range and the "confirmation" of her age seems to constantly go back and forth between these ages.
Due to the timeline it'll always be an estimation and not an outright fact.
Let’s be honest here, a majority of people on this site don’t get what you’re referencing except for yourself, but hey, you reference whatever you personally understand I guess...
Let’s be honest here, a majority of people on this site don’t get what you’re referencing except for yourself, but hey, you reference whatever you personally understand I guess...
You couldn’t keep yourself civilized based on your own comment. If you don’t like the shipping in this community then maybe you shouldn’t participate in any of those threads.
You couldn’t keep yourself civilized based on your own comment. If you don’t like the shipping in this community then maybe you shouldn’t participate in any of those threads.
Problem solved!
She's been mentioned as being 17, guys.
16-17 to be precise.
15-17 is the range and the "confirmation" of her age seems to constantly go back and forth between these ages.
Due to the timeline it'll always be an estimation and not an outright fact.
Like it matters anyway.
It really doesn’t I mean look at Carl and Lydia
Day 85 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...
I guess Clementine & James were never meant to be together, this ship is tainted now.
Gee, where have I heard that before.
Past comments, and you don’t hear them, you see them.
Not what I was getting at.
Considering you missed what I referencing, I guess.
Goodbye James...

Fanart by zoruui
Let’s be honest here, a majority of people on this site don’t get what you’re referencing except for yourself, but hey, you reference whatever you personally understand I guess...

And shipping in this community is dumb.
You couldn’t keep yourself civilized based on your own comment. If you don’t like the shipping in this community then maybe you shouldn’t participate in any of those threads.
Problem solved!
That would be simple. Alas, it's not like there's much else going on whenever I visit most of the time.
That would be simple.
no pls dont say that...
Day 86 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...
This ship is officially dead,it's over man,let go..
James can’t be a romance option, but he’ll always be a close and reliable friend for Clementine.
But I want more than that...

Day 87 of James confirmed not to be a romance option...
tomorrow's the day fellas...
James’ plan vs. Clementine’s plan

Fanart by Monicherrie
Yeah, seriously.
Anyone else playing Episode 3 right now? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
LMAO right now at this thread due to a revelation about his relationship preferences in this episode hahaha

That's not even the worst part...
Well this thread is going to get real awkward
Stabbed in the heart three times.
I swear I heard screams from around the world when I heard what I heard!!!!
How I imagine Jamestine shippers are feeling after James talks about his past relationship: