Is anybody else having trouble seeing the choices after the 2nd episode?

I can't look at the choices. Anyone else have this problem?


  • yeah i am. refreshed a number of times with no luck. i’m sure the servers will be back up in no time.

  • edited September 2018

    Did you try moving the joystick left/right? The “refresh” message is there by default during the credits. I was able to see mine on PS4.

  • Can you see your choices in the Extras too? I can only see my ep 1 choices. Shit is weird af.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Did you try moving the joystick left/right? The “refresh” message is there by default during the credits. I was able to see mine on PS4.

  • I checked, but no.

  • Weird

    The_Duck posted: »

    I checked, but no.

  • Can I see the choices percentages somewhere on internet? Cuz I can't find them anywhere.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Did you try moving the joystick left/right? The “refresh” message is there by default during the credits. I was able to see mine on PS4.

  • I tried, but no to that too.

  • Choices didn't show for me either.

    Is it because brand new or because of the TTG situation?

  • edited September 2018

    Same thing here. This kinda sucks... I don't even know what the choices are. I could only see my relationships with no percentage.

  • Same

    Archielan posted: »

    Same thing here. This kinda sucks... I don't even know what the choices are. I could only see my relationships with no percentage.

  • edited August 2019


  • Servers problems...probably no one was there to flip the switch for showing the choices

  • edited September 2018

    Fuck. I wanna see how wrong everybody else were.

  • edited September 2018

    I've turned Violet down on the bell tower. I felt bad about it, but you know... I can't wait to see how low is my percentage number on that lol

  • Can't see choices either.

    Weird though, it said Lilly's state was unconvinced (An assumed bad state) yet all the examples i got from her were good. (Gratified that I remembered her name/pleased that I accepted her help up)

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