Looking for Sam and Max Hit The Road Jewel case

edited September 2009 in Sam & Max
Hi Everyone,
I am looking for the jewel case or the jewel insert art for the Sam and Max Hit The Road game. I would prefer the Jewel case art that is for Mac. Willing to pay a reasonable price if its in fairly good condition. I wouldn't mind paying for the CD-ROM with the Jewel case art as well. Thank you very much.



  • edited September 2009
    Umm, eBay?
  • edited September 2009
    Actually, ironically, I've been looking for a jewel case copy as well for the past few weeks. They're incredibly difficult to find, for some reason. 99% of vendors selling the game only have the DVD case version ("LucasArts Classics") or the DOTT/HTR bundle.

    :( Disappointing, to say the least.

    EDIT: Found one! $30 is a bit steep, though.

    EDIT2: Okay, actually, I've found a couple. This puppy comes with the official hint book, a nice little treasure, but no manual. $18, plus shipping. This one is the complete jewel case with disc for $9.99 plus shipping. Happy hunting.
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