How can people be mad at Louis? [SPOILERS]

Okay so I really can't believe it. I know that we play as Clem and we of course have to take care of both her and AJ, but really? All freaking day I'm reading that Louis is a douche and other bullshit. Like really - AJ murdered his best friend that he had known for 10 years. In addition he even surrendered so it was an unnecessary murder.
And people really expect him to be okay with it? He had every reason to vote to kick them out. He had every reason to be mean to both of them. You shouldn't be mad at him - you should feel sorry that you screwed up and you hurt him and the rest.
I lost it when there was a possibility to choose a dialog "Fuck off Louis" after Marlon's death with Clem responding "He is just a little kid". Jesus, it's like the most freaking stupid thing she has ever said. Since when little kids killing others aren't a big danger?
It's not about Louis or Violet and their possible ships with Clem, but about a normal logical point of view. How the hell can so many people be such ignorants to not even look at what they did?
Seriously? You keep doing this stuff and sorry, but I'm sick of it. Your discssion history is pretty much just Louis stuff 'why is Violet so good?' 'how can you hate Louis?'. Idk, I shouldn't be here.
So you want to add something to the topic or you just went there to post a pointless comment and go away?
Clem screwed up? She was dragged into that mess in the first place!
(Btw, I told him to Fuck off lol)
It's not fault of the player of course. You weren't able to play Clem for all those years she was raising AJ, but the act of murder that AJ has comitted shows how many things Clem screwed up in terms of raising him. She focused so much on teaching him how to stay alive that she forgot that she didn't give him others, much more important values.
The whole point of this discussion is that Louis has every right to be mad and insulting him 24/7 that he is mean to us is simply stupid. I'm saying that he has every freaking right to be awful towards us. It's not like he did something really bad to us. He wanted us to be gone and he was telling AJ that he is a murderer and he is a dangerous. And he is a murderer and he is dangerous.
So how about those people just think about it? About how they would act in this kind of sittuation? Everything he has said and done was JUSTIFIED.
Louis is a fool. Marlon was a waste of space and would've gave louis up if he was there instead of sophi and mini. Marlon said it himself he'd do it again. Marlon also waved a gun at louis and everyone else. Aj was right when he said he killed a monster. Aj didn't point the gun at anyone other than marlon. He only shot marlon. Marlon was a murderer too but louis seemed to have forgotten that or he didn't care. Yet he acts like a jerk to clem and aj and gets on aj's case. Louis was out of line and was being a hypocrite.
My original comment was stupidly worded so I edited that..
Louis had every right to be upset, Marlon was his best friend. But what he failed to realize was that Clem was only ever involved because Marlon made her involved by fucking around which resulted in to his death.
His words and actions weren't completely justified, thats why he apologized.
So did I
Honestly, I wish I could have told him to go back to training with the bow when he said he needed a partner to help him play the piano or whatever. I'm 100% sure if episode 3 is ever released, the raiders are gonna try to give him back.
A lot of ppl here are naive when it comes to such matters, if they want to think that Louis being mad is not a realistic reaction towards AJ, then let them, because there’s something I learned here after nearly 2 years, and that is that it is 100% impossible to change somebody’s mind, no matter how stupid or strange or unrealistic their views are.
I think you shouldn't be mad at Louis because is takes people time to process things when their mad it's just human nature and IF YOU BLOW THERE BEST FRIENDS BRAINS OUT but I forgive him so yeah...
Nobody said that it wasn't a realitic reaction. People just criticize him for letting his emotions get in the way of reason too much
Maybe he would. You don't know it. It wasn't AJ call to make and it wasn't right to shot him. You just don't do that. You are not better than others if you do. You don't know how Louis would act and we won't ever know because he didn't get a chance. He stepped up to protect Clem so he took that serious and he saw that Marlon was wrong. Louis had every right to be mad. He wasn't a hypocrite at all.
That’s called being a person
It's not like he has done something serious to them. He apologized because he is a nice guy. If he would be mad at them forever I would understand it and unfortunatelly accept it.
I don't think we (as Clem) have any right to be mad at Louis. Dude was clearly grieving, it wouldn't make any sense if he wasn't mad at all. Nevertheless him voting to kick Clem and AJ out made me sad, which is why it made all the difference in the world when he actually apologised for it. He didn't have to, and yet he did. He went through character development as well when he realised he put all the pressure on Marlon. I like Louis a lot.
That is so true. This comment should be written in gold font.
Well I don't really think that we should forgive him. It's him to forgive us.
It also made me sad. But it made me sad because I saw how that night destroyed that guy. He was basically a walking fun and we hurt him so badly that he got that mad at us. Like so mad.
Yea ik, but it doesn't mean you can't criticize him for it
It doesn't to be serious to owe someone an apology
Well yeah but we kinda killed his friend soo...
plus he did kinda apologised during the practice shooting thing
Okay but what exactly he has done that you can say that he put his emotions before his reason? He voted to kick them. And he had every right to do so after what happened. Kicking Lilly in Season 1 wasn't emotions. It was logic. Same here. It was logic for him. He saw then both dangerous to the group. I really don't think that he has ever crossed the line in that episode.
Of course. Still people playing that game acting like it is not Louis that was hurt by us, but it was us hurt by Louis is simply stupid. It's just turning the siutation upside down. And I can assure you that quite many people does indeed act like this.
I have no trouble with people having different opinion on him overall, but false judgement is the thing that always gets on my last nerve...
He has everyone reason to be mad and upset but that doesn't mean he can't be called out for acting the way he did.
What about what marlon did? What about who marlon hurt? What about how aj felt and was feeling? What about vi and tenn? Oh poor louis for him to have lost a scumbag like marlon. My heart really goes out to the poor guy. He shouldn't have acted the way he did although he had a right to. I personally wouldn't have cared to have lost marlon. Vi lost brody and aj killed the person who killed brody. Marlon brought everything on himself. He didn't have to do what he did but he made a conscious choice to do what he did and it lead to his demise.
Different situation. Lilly shot a innocent person. While AJ shot a person that wronged the group, Clementine and himself. (Reminder: What AJ was wrong and it wasn't his call but his actions were understandable)
Exactly that, vote to kick. This is a serious decision and when he made it he was thinking "They killed Marlon" instead of "Why did this happen"
Which is dumb since Clem herself didn't wrong anyone and the only reason AJ shot Marlon was because he thought he was bad or "a monster". Not like he just killed him for the lolz
Look I like how they handled Louis. They made him kinda an ass cause it made sense for a majority of the episode. I felt pity for him up till he tried to console us when AJ was scared of being back on the road in the cold. "It isn't that bad. You've done this before". That sort of made me lose my cool, so Clem's snap back of "Stop pretending like you give a shit" was so in character for her in that moment of time. I of course ended up forgiving him. I almost hesitated by saying it was our fault and yeah it sorta was, but nah he went too far at times, so he should have been the one apologizing. I'm happy he ended up feeling that way too.
Louis was out of line and his anger was misplaced though he had a right to be upset and angry. But imo it should've been directed towards marlon. Not aj and definitely not clem.
That's what I was going to say
What AJ did was wrong. I don't think anyone is going to disagree with that and I sure as he'll didn't try to sugarcoat the situation for him in anyway. But also, Marlon confessed everything he did, and still it felt like the whole situation was taken like Marlon was a victim or some shit. I can understand he's grieving, but refusing to see the truth in front of you at this point in the apocalypse is just dumb in my opinion. Going to the point of grieving and making a funeral for that shit was too much. Still I only got pissed when he tried to tell me I was going to be okay when they kicked us out. I told him "Don't pretend you give a shit" and it really didn't seem like he did.
My thoughts exactly. If I'm not mistaken marlon says something you were the only one who refused to see it.
Throughtout the whole beginning of the episode he had mixed mind. He said AJ was dangerous and he felt sorry. When they were taking them outside the zone it also showed that he was sad for them, but at the same time angry at them.
Marlon wasn't a victim, but you can't say that grieving and making a funeral was too much. He was their friend. Louis' best friend. His brother almost. They all knew that he screwed up, but that doesn't mean that rest things he has done for them went to hell as well.
Trust me. He gave a shit. He felt sorry. But at the same time he was hurt by what happened. And what happened was PARTLY Clem and AJ's fault.
Clem: You're pathetic.
Marlon: I know, always was.
Louis: That's not true.
Marlon: Yes it's true Louis. You were just the only one who couldn't see it.
That's how it went. Most likely at least because I wrote without watching it second time.
They all saw a leader in Marlon. Of course his best friend has biggest faith in him. So really. Marlon wasn't a victim there yet you just can't handle those situatuons like that. If you kill someone like that then trust me, it doesn't mean who that killed person was. It's about the whole act.
Exactly. Louis was blind to what marlon really was. If it's about the whole act then it should matter who that person was and their past actions. Everything should be taken into consideration. Imo it boils down to if marlon should be forgiven or not. And imo he shouldn't. That's why I don't feel for louis like how I felt for christa when she lost omid. Like how I felt when clem lost lee. Etc. I despise marlon therefore I don't feel anything for louis because he lost marlon.
You say you wouldn't have cared to have lost Marlon and the thing is, neither would I. In my opinion Marlon is a scumbag for the things he did and did not deserve forgiveness.
But i dont care because i didnt know Marlon like Louis did so it's easy to pull the plug on him. You can't tell me knowing a person for 10 or so years can't make a person feel conflicted, even though the logical thing is seeing Marlon for what he is. So the "oh poor Louis for losing someone like Marlon" I actually pity him. He lost his friend, even though that friend is a despicable human being. Maybe even blames himself on not helping Marlon as much and probably thinks this pushed him to deal with the raiders.
Those are my 2 cents on why I understand Louis.
I respect your two cents. I'm glad we agree on marlon being a scumbag and him not deserving forgiveness. From an inverse and louis perspective I agree with you. Looking on from an outside perspective I don't pity louis. Louis deserves better than marlon. I consider marlon being an anchor that's no longer pulling louis down.
Marlon not being able to influence Louis anymore is the best thing that could've happened, honesly.
Good that we had that talk. Polite from the beginning till the end
I agree.
His handling in that "first 10 minutes" video was a red flag I had going through this episode.
Agreed. At the end of the day, he saw his best friend shot and killed, and reacted like most of us would have after seeing our good friend shot and killed. Despite what he did, I forgave Marlon because my original thought was simply to keep the group together and just work through the problems, cause at the end of the day its the apocalypse and so we needed to stick together despite whatever may come our way, so I was ticked as well when AJ shot Marlon. Besides, he (Louis) eventually learned that Marlon was out of line after given some time to think about it. I think the situation made him more human.
It's kind of a shame that people don't understand he was just upset.
Having actually read the OP, that instance is small potatoes and somewhat understandable compared to later--when Louis is trying to improve himself on his own time by practicing archery and opens up about the fact that he was ultimately something of a negligent friend when reality hit them all in one of the few real character development scenes he gets in the episode, there's seriously an option for her to do so there as well.
Because there are so many overly sensitive people around who get offended when someone shows any negative traits. It’s like with Kenny and Larry or Lilly. People don’t like them just because they show a mean side now and then. It’s kind of pathetic for people to now hate Louis for how he was. They obviously don’t comprohend that he just lost his best friend he’d known all his life and they expect him to still be nice? Besides he redeems himself with AJ later.
Some people disappoint me
People are instantly gonna assume I’m biased (“hE HaS a TeAm LoUiS pRoFiLe PiC”). All you haters talk big game, but if you were in Louis’s situation you would’ve acted worse. Imagine your very best friend that you’ve known your whole life ended up getting shot by this kid. Yea, you just figured out that your best friend was actually a low key fuckstick, but it’s not like your instantly gonna go “yea ok he was kind of a retard, I’ve known him my whole life and we were best buds, but nah it’s cool that you shot him straight in the head”. Like no, you would obviously be mad.