Louis' huge character development in Episode 2. What do you think?

There has been of course many characters getting huge screen time such as Mitch or Ruby. Especially Mitch. But the person that got the most development was surely Louis.
In the first half of this Episode we've seen him from a sight we've never seen before. The pain, the sadness, the hostility towards Clem and AJ with regret and being sorry for them at the same time. It was like a fight in him between his feelings and bad emotions.
In the second half we saw him slowly backing to his old form. He still was grieving, but at the same time he didn't want to repeat his past actions towards Clem and AJ.
The two majors points for sure were him talking about his past actions, about leaving Marlon with everything on his own and about attitude towards AJ and Clem. He apologized to them even though he didn't really have to. That took guts. The second one was his scene with Clem when the whole situation with the raiders and with the past actions seemed to really depress him, yet he still tried to make others laugh and spend good time.
Also the line about people stopping having interest in him after the jokes and piano also was pretty important. It felt like he was always there for others when they needed him, but turns out no one was really there for him when he needed that.
What do you think about that? In my opinion this episode proved that he is not only a fool that doesn't take anything seriously, but he is a guy with his own view of life that is underrated and constantly criticized by others while he was raising the morals of the whole group and he still was doing his job.
Maybe someone will do something simillar about Violet. She seemed to drop her 24/7 depression attitude when she stepped up from being a side person to a leader. That is pretty interesting topic aswell.
I’ll hold my judgement for Episode 3, that’s when we’ll really see what kind of guy he is when things become dire.
I think it means he’s dying. Once a character starts getting heavy development then they’re killed off soon after
If the Episode 3 ever comes then yeah. Still a lot of stuff to think about it after last episode.
Well it's The Walking Dead after all. Hardly doubt that someone expectes a happy ending. Let's enjoy what we have for now. Feels like S2E5 case a bit. Good times before a huge blood. We've had part of it already to be honest.
He still doesn’t know how to use a bow sooooo I think I’ll prefer James’ help in getting the kids back.
You expected Clem and Louis to bow entire Delta community?
You know, in hindsight, I realized that Louis actually had a relatively solid arc in Episode 2. It's just that the way it came off initially and the somewhat restricted development he actually got made it a little hard to appreciate.

No, just to stealthily track down and kill the Raiders to get their friends back.
Both Vi and Lou got some well needed and deserved depth in this episode. Though Vi's was more defined, Louis's felt like the heavier of the two because of his inner conflict.
Louis had about 4 or 5 different feelings all collapsing on top of one another in this episode and it had him very confused with what he wanted to do. First of all, I don't think he's ever really sat down to take a moment with himself because he was so busy being the light to everyone else's day. He saw Malon get gunned down, so he's obviously upset about that, but then again, Marlon screwed up as well for selling out. So not only is Louis's image of Marlon screwed up but he also feels guilty for being his so-called "best friend", and still let him carry the burden of leading the school on his own while he goofed off. He never bothered to understand Marlon's struggle, and that's eating at him. Plus, as his best friend, he feels like he should at least give him peace of mind knowing that even in death, he's still on his side.
With all that eating at him, the easiest thing to do was to use AJ's mistake as the scapegoat for his anger which and you could see he didn't want to, but as a teenager, that's the easiest way to handle things. Then AJ gets shot, and he had to deal with that as well. Almost ended up being another dead kid on his conscience.
Watching all that, from episode 1 to this episode, I feel like I really watched Lou grow up right in front of my eyes, and I loved that.
As for Violet, it can seem a little strange how an introvert like her could just take some responsibility for Marlon's mistake and then proceed to step up but I can relate as an introvert myself. The ability to be very self-aware. To look at things differently from others. For me personally, the leadership role can feel natural, but it's not my favorite role.
There's more backstory to Louis. You'll see
Is that what she was about...?
Yeah, when I said Louis didn't quite get the development I would've thought he'd get, that's largely what I meant..
Well, I can only speak for myself. But if I were in her shoes, that's how I'd imagine she was.
I meant her supposed character development.
I would think so, yeah. Out of everyone, hers felt like the biggest jump. Like from point A to point C without showing us point B. Just wanted to make some sense of it.
That is one of the closer ways of looking at it, yes.
Episode 2 was his moment, yeah, then determinants die in the next episode or two, with the exception of Conrad
In episode two I loved his character changing, same with violet. Violet protecting clem and Aj as long as she can till they get kicked out. Louis not so much, but he lost his best friend . It hurts when you lose a best friend, seeing the picture in episode 1 (louis and marlon together when they were young). Honestly we have to see more in the coming episodes.
That's the only person that came to mind.