Help: Forum language code and search?
Sorry if this has been discussed, but I can't seem to find it.
How do you add the name of the person you want to quote, when you want to quote multiple people?
for example:
Quote member 1: blah blah blah
Quote member 2: Yakity yak yak
Quote member 3: Blah Yakity blah
I've done it once when I first joined by clicking on some setting and now that setting is gone or something.
And why is there no search function. This is the first forum I've been to, that does not have a search function.
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Quoting multiple people all in one post, you can mention them by using the ''@'' symbol and typing their names after. Their name should pop up once most of their name has been spelled out. Press enter after you've mentioned them and then add their quote. To add a quote, place the ''>'' symbol at the beginning, and leave a space between it and the text you're going to paste after copying. Example
Wait that's it?
Wasn't there some other code that let's you put the name along with the quote box.
In other forums it's easy, like [quote=MintBlue92]text quote goes here[/quote]
Yeahhhh it's not like that here
Try it on me to see if you get it.
I tried the complex quote thing on myself and it does not work. I know there was this full format option on here and now it's gone.
Oh well I will use the "@" method instead.
Thank you