Favorite Lines by All Characters
- Clem - I don't care who you are, you evil bitch. Avoid the teeth, go for the cheek. Why would I go anywhere else I'd you're here.
- Violet - Holy shit... I mean, holy shit. We need Clem's help since no one else stepped the fuck up.
- Louis - He was my friend, almost like my brother. Blow on the strings. You're not his type, he's into Red-Heads. When you said you had feelings for someone, I kinda hoped it was me and I was right, holy shit.
- Brody - You're a good person, Clem. I wish I could've gotten to know you.
- Marlon - I didn't want this, I wanted to save all of you.
- AJ - I love, Clem. I fucking hate the fucking dickhead shitfuck.
- Ruby - She loved us when no one else did, really... loved us. You've got a good heart.
- Mitch - That's everything we need to blow those motherfuckers to hell.
- Tenn - The walker age will end some day
- Willy (not much to choose from)
- Omar (not much to choose from)
- Aasim - You get more annoying everyday.
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That line from Brody if you choose the bottom option in the basement.
The one you picked!
"I dont want to see more people dead!"
"Then close your eyes and I'll make it quick".
This isnt from S4 though, but this is one my favourite line of the game.
When did that happen?
That thumbnail
Kenny shoulda fucking pulled it.
I also love the quotes you mentioned. Especially Brody
My favorite Tenn quote was "They werent always walkers. In this world. Everyone looks like they did before all this hsppened" it was so deep.
"You guys were like two peas in a pod" Season 2 Kenny and Clementine reunited
These are separate quotes though. Mitch asked Violet since when she was the one making the calls, and Violet replied, "since no one stepped the fuck up!"
You can eat or eat right. - Chef Omar 2018
Best 2 out of 3, sucka
"I love you Clem".
"I love you back".
"Yeah but a part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about, even if sometimes... that means hurting someone else." - Lee (Season 2 flashback)
“You take care of that little girl, you know she thinks the world of you.” -molly
"she was sad Clem, that can make people angry sometimes.." - Lee to Clementine about Lilly in S02E05 flashback scene.
Mitch: "That's how you fuck up some monsters".
AJ: "Fuck up some monsters!"
Mitch: "That little dude said FUCK!"
AJ : "i'd take a big shit on his head".
Clem: "I'll see you in hell."

Lilly: "You'll be there a good long time before I show up."
Clem: "I don't mind waiting."
Clem: blank stare
The most badass line, in my opinion, by any character ever -- especially considering she was staring down the barrel of a gun.
I'm sorry, Clementine. I'm supposed to take care of you. I can't now. -Lee
"First words I ever hear you say and it is some crazy stupid shit".
before the raiders attack

I want to bring this back just to mention a line from Mitch that's just so delightfully smug, I can't even hate it: