Don’t you think think their pushing you to be with Violet?
Knowing and playing episode 2 now I can say is this that the whole story plot is kinda being buyers on Violet here...I mean yes Louis won’t side with you if AJ guns down Marlon (obviously)but we’re kinda forcefully pushed on having a relationship with I got nothing against violet especially yours truly is team Louis all I can say is that majority of possible players romanced Violet to say so the I got nothing against that...really I don’t but anyways Louis did change his mind about Clementine and AJ in a heartbeat after seeing Clementine struggling to hold AJ. was forcfully pushed with the Team Violet.
What do you guys think?
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Nah, you can choose who you wanna be with. Nobody is forcing you to do anything, man.
Tbh I’ve never understood why Violet has WAY more fans than Louis does. Sure, she’s adorable, but Louis is funny, cool and has a great fashion sense for the apocalypse
This is why you are single
I think you’ll find that it’s called making the best out out of your virginity, which I clearly am not doing ?
The game wants you to be annoyed with Louis and warmed up to Violet. What anyone else thinks is not what the game is telling us.
True, i’m just saying that it’s a little forcfully biased though even tho I think Violet is an ultra badass...but still feels forcefully telling you who to pick.
True people are forced on teams, but this is more buyers spend the Carly/Doug/Lilly Team spit back in 2012... this is even more pushed.
Oh boy, here we go...sort of?
Honestly, that's kinda been a thing since Season One(ultimately).
I will say that in Violet's case, it's a little more ...muddy in the sense that the direct sense of "this is the "right" side" is sometimes there, but in a way that mostly feels distracted. Kinda like Violet's character focus in general, which helps stave off most truth for claims of favoritism.
Anyway, to address the OP itself, you might wanna revise to get your point across both to make what issue you're generally talking about clearer and to hopefully make the argument a little more objectively readable in a way that anyone can look at it & not just say [anti-]bias is the driving force.
If violet was marlon's friend since high-school she'd be the lesser picked romance...Louis had every right to be mad and I'm happy how TT dealt with him and it makes sense unlike Gabe that was completely garbage the whole time.
I think that due to the fact that Violet plays more of a part to the story (she steps up to become a leader) unlike Louis, she inherently gets more screentime and seems more important to the player. Couple that with the romance, and it gives the impression of Clem's romance being Violet-sided.
Don't really wanna touch this, but to give a reason, that's really not out of character for how these little rivalries tend to be seen in this series, with Season 1 arguably being an exception.
Huh, I was about to make a comment that it seemed to me that Louis got more hits on youtube, but as it turns out from a quick scroll down just searching for "Clementine kiss," Violet kiss videos actually had quadruple the amount of views when put together...
Then why did i friendzone her.
Telltale's was trying to gain the support of lesbians to help fuel the company. Don't you know what kind of power lesbians have? If one can get a hold on that, their limits will know no bounds.

Can we please stop bringing up the shit ya'll incessant talked up for fuckin once in their monthly year?
Actually, Louis has had the lion's share of screentime and character work thus far in both episodes.
It's part of what makes her weird for me to think or talk about.
I had the feeling it was a tad biased, too. A lot of the fanbase seems to like Violetine more than Louisentine as well. Even some of Telltale's ex-devs have the Violetine scene as their banner picture on their Twitter profile.
Personally, I didn't romance anyone, but I also had that feeling. I made the mistake of saying this on Twitter and I was called homophobe among other things, for some reason.
I don't care about the romance stuff either.
Dude, I seriously had to Flag someone besides myself a few weeks after the premiere because I made the mistake of not knowing/noticing that Violet is gay(as I honestly didn't see the heart at the Fishing Shack in the video @Kennyshouladiedins1 sent me) and/or mentioning that I initially guessed her comment about Louis's "trap" was her talking from experience.
I don't mind that she's gay, I mean, I guess people took my comment the wrong way and thought I was opposing to a gay relationship in the game or something. I was just pointing out that I was feeling it was a tad biased on one side. I don't mind either side, as I already said, I didn't romance anyone. I don't dislike either relationship, I just decided to not go with any of them. Had it been Louis in her place, I would've still said the same thing.
I got called gay on the forums once for saying sexuality isn’t genetic
What? XD
Facts. I also got called sexist on twitter for saying that people shouldn’t tall about strong female characters because they don’t talk about strong male characters, making it seem like they are favouring one gender over another, which is sexist in itself, therefore people should just be treated as people and not as whatever gender they are. I’m not the best at talking to people online apparently
I didn't actually properly count the screentimes for both of the characters. I was Pro-Violet in nearly all the scenes, and as such, barely saw Louis.
Louis might have more screentime due to the fact he might have more scenes, but I think that at the end of the day, the character with the most screentime in YOUR game will be the character that you ally with the most.
Like, do you remember Rhyiona and Rhysha? Throughout the game they kept on throwing hints about Rhys and Sasha. In this instance, I feel like there's more hints towards both sides (unlike before), and you can actually pick who to go with.
I don't either. It's just a thing that can be said about her character.
Again, it kinda is[ in this last episode], but personally, I don't feel to alarmed or even certain about it.
...I mean, something like that is the case with me as well.
I do not think so, it is easy to say well..she is seen more because she took the leadership position and was reluctant to kick Clem out. But Louis's reaction was believable and rewarding for those who chose him. I will say this...of the two...who would have been the most likely to shake off their shock and get to the business of getting the school ready...they one who was friends with Marlon almost their entire life...or the one who had reason to be pissed at Marlon...and hell when you are being kicked can see that Louis is regretting his choice...but he is still hurt by what happened.
I think some people are just looking to kick up trouble where none exist.
PLz form a sentence I can understand cuz I don't speak gibberish.
I don't know man, I'm just going by what I've seen.
And objectively, Louis gets a lot more focus--specific or otherwise--than Violet does, as far as I can tell.
No, I don't. I'm not too familiar with Borderlands stuff outside of a few characters and some side/fan videos.
Okay: Shut the fuck up about the Gabriel shit for once in our lifetime!
Make me
Well, to be honest, in my first playthrough i went with Violet to the tower instead doing the piano-project with Louis (i changed it later tho, bc Louis>Violet), because i thought that the Violet scene will actually lead to a "preparation-scene", where you do something important for the endfight. Some youtuber thought the same way (for example PewDiePie and FeelGamingTV [German Ytber]: they preferred Louis over Violet, but thought that Louis just "wants to hangout/play on the piano" while almost everyone thought that Violet attempt to do something important (which she didn't, by the way)
So, yes, to me, after my second playthrough and watching some lets play from youtubers, I do think that Telltale pushed the Violet-scene over the Louis-scene a little bit. I mean, Violet didn't do anything preparation-stuff or anything like that, but it seemed like that she'll do that, if you follow her instead Louis.
Almost everyone thought that you can choose between helping Violet to do something important for the endfight OR help Louis with his piano-project.
(Sorry for my bad english, tryin' my best)
Louis definitely had more focus at the beginning of Episode 1 than Violet. But then it branched out with Violet's scene with the crayons and the later determinant scenes. You've also had the whole best friend dying drama thing going on with Louis.
On the other hand, you have Violet with the whole Minnie business. And the somewhat larger presence in Episode 2.
Now that I think about it, doesn't seem too unbalanced.
That's actually a pretty good reason, but I honestly don't remember what I thought beyond another Fishing situation.
I wouldn't say pushed so much as better constructed, question mark?.
It is worth noting that the shot of them looking at the moon was online before the episode actually came out, though.
Unfortunately, that's also representative of my point/"issues(?)" with how Violet has been showcased.
Mm...I guess one can debate feeling that way, somehow.
(no offense wiso2kinfinity)
Aww sweet pea start by not being a Louis
Oof. I’ll take that as a compliment ?
No, it doesn't feel pushed at all.
It was handled a lot better than the romances they did before. I'm not to sure on Batman but let's look at Javi/Kate. Javier can turn down Kate and the idea of dating Kate multiple times, however the choices to flirt with her are still there. Then when it finally gets to the option to finally get into a relationship or reject her is there but if you tell her you're sorry that you don't feel that way she'll get angry with you. Yes, it's understandable given the way David treat her and how unhappy in her marrige she was, Javi was the only one nice to her and she couldn't help but have feelings for him, but she should've gone with it in a much more respectful way.
And with Rhys/Sasha while their relationship was a lot more enjoyable than Javi/Kate still you kept having to be a dick towards Sasha in order to not flirt with her, which was a shame because when Tales first came out I didn't ship Rhys and Sasha at all but Sasha was one of my favriote characters. But even then it would give you romantic moments between them and still imply Rhys has a crush on her.
Meanwhile with Louis and Violet, you have the option to constantly side with either one of them or in some cases remaining mutual, they have a lot more chemistry with her than she did with Gabe (which is another forced ship, but we had no control over Clem so it couldn't be stopped) and you can either become their best friend or love intrest and both options feel natural.
The idea is that she's heartbroken after having those feelings for so long.
Also, there's two other reason/variations for that:
I'm not entirely sure on the specifics, admittedly, but she does have different reactions based on both your answer and on how you acted toward her.
With that said, I can sorta see the use of a scenario where she actually tries to deal with it relatively quietly, assuming that doesn't exist.
But then, this is actually a better example of how most interactions should've been in the subsequent games.
Okay, in-universe, does that really count as a true relationship-ship though?
People have always gone on about the very idea and nowadays frequently say that it was forced, but looking at the actual context has almost always made me see those attitudes as just blowing a fuckton of unnecessarily hot air.
With Clem and Gabe, while it was never a relationship, it was a fling but it felt based of that they're around the same age and on that "he was a boy, she was a girl" - So in other words it felt like fanfiction to me and I think (along with people disliking Gabe) that's why people wasn't happy with it.
I never actually saw that Kate could respond to the way he acts towards her. However, yeah I get it why she can slap him. It's just that as someone who actually liked Kate and did have Javi return feelings for her, the whole thing did feel forced though.