I appreciate what you're trying to do here because it requires too much effort. People have to go into the game to make screen shots or get lucky and find some good ones online, then open them up in paint or some actual editor program, edit them and save them, then upload it to a file sharing site, THEN finally be able to post a comment. It's too much work, dude.
Kenny: You know what it fells like to get beaten almost to death? Peaceful. It was like i was floating away but then i woke up again...Why the hell couldnt Carver have just finished me off...
Clementine: Oh my god, who called in the whaaaaambulance, huh?
Lee: Me and that girl have been through the hood more than you can imagine and the fool that tries to get between me and her is going to get jumped you hear me!
Javi: basically what this means is that you could be a mom if you wanted
Clem: how??
I'm kinda pissed they didn't make that dialogue in ANF, would've been the funniest shit ever and it'd make the most sense because realistically she'd immediately wonder how.
Javi : Clem are you ready?
Clem : Hella yes I am ready for the mosh pit shaka brah.
Javi : huh? Are you cerial?
Clem : I am super cerial, common let's go.
Javi : Clem are you ready?
Clem : Hella yes I am ready for the mosh pit shaka brah.
Javi : huh? Are you cerial?
Clem : I am super cerial, common let's go.
Clementine: I know what you guys are talking about.
Bonnie: I certainly hope not!
Clementine: You’re talking about unprotected sex, that’s not safe, one of you could get an STD and Jane could become pregnant!
Jane: goes to find some rope
I appreciate what you're trying to do here because it requires too much effort. People have to go into the game to make screen shots or get lucky and find some good ones online, then open them up in paint or some actual editor program, edit them and save them, then upload it to a file sharing site, THEN finally be able to post a comment. It's too much work, dude.
no not at all. Just write the original dialogue and what you want to change.
In the end of Season 2 (Kenny ending)
Kenny. I'm real glad to have met you Clementine
Clementine. See you later alligator.
Kenny: You know what it fells like to get beaten almost to death? Peaceful. It was like i was floating away but then i woke up again...Why the hell couldnt Carver have just finished me off...
Clementine: Oh my god, who called in the whaaaaambulance, huh?
Plot Twist. Violet is Ben with a mask on.
Larry is a old piece of shit. (Had to post because it forces you to post a character minimum.)
Lee: Me and that girl have been through the hood more than you can imagine and the fool that tries to get between me and her is going to get jumped you hear me!
Javi: basically what this means is that you could be a mom if you wanted
Clem: how??
I'm kinda pissed they didn't make that dialogue in ANF, would've been the funniest shit ever and it'd make the most sense because realistically she'd immediately wonder how.
Javi : Clem are you ready?
Clem : Hella yes I am ready for the mosh pit shaka brah.
Javi : huh? Are you cerial?
Clem : I am super cerial, common let's go.
Javi: "I'm sorry I never got you those candy bars" sobs
Oh wait, that was an actual dialogue lol
Sweet tap-dancing Christ, that was real...
(Y) Every time.
Sorry Vi, gotta get that Jake Paul swag (DAB ON THEM HATERS)
That was so bad. That whole scene was just terrible.
Congratulations, you just killed me with that.
Every line AJ ever says should be replaced with "Watcha talkin bout Willis?"
(I have no idea what chisel down means)
I wished the A option would read Dab on Larry's corpse.
(I know some of these are really bad, but that's kinda the point)
While that's bad, "Batter up fuckface" is so much worse.
"Fear is the coffee of emotions!"
Javi was cringey af in general
Oh God I forgot about that. Let me tell you, I like Javi, but some of his dialogue really gave Life is Strange a run for its money.
NO. You can't compare it to Life Is Strange.

just watch this... (8:22-8:45)
"Come on gUyZ, we've gotten out of tougher jams before!"
Gabe: enthusiastic "Yeah!"
Clementine: I know what you guys are talking about.
Bonnie: I certainly hope not!
Clementine: You’re talking about unprotected sex, that’s not safe, one of you could get an STD and Jane could become pregnant!
Jane: goes to find some rope
That's not a bad line tho. Javi was the one of the funniest chars in the series.
Why must you remind me of this crap? Ah well, it's still better than the play scene.
Carver: What is your name?
Clem option 1: My name is JOHN CENA!!!! theme plays
Carver: Where did you go?
Clem option 2: Don't you know who I am? I'M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH!!! rams Carver, sending him flying.
Clem option 3: My name..is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father...prepare to die.
Carver: But I only have 10 fingers.
Clem: Didn't finish grade school. You could be tricking me. draws sword.
Clem option 4: My name is Tony Stark...and I am Iron Man.
Carver: ....so where is you suit?
Clem: ....punches him in the nads and closes the door Idiot.
Carver: screams so loud only dogs can hear him as he goes fetal om the porch.
You're welcome.

Ouch that was hard to watch
F*** you.
I don't even have to write any dialog with this one...