Season 1 - Ben's fate (spoilers, duh)
Did you save Ben at the bell tower or let him die there? I watched him struggle with the walker until they both fell and I felt fantastic afterwards. If the game had let me I would have killed him myself long before we got to that point.
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I saved him and I pretty much always try to. I haven't gotten to that point in my Switch playthrough yet.
I saved him,if I just dropped him or let him die like that, then I'd be no better than the people at Crawford.
I saved him, I actually feel sorry for him.
Usually save him, as it leads to a better scene in Episode 5. Having Kenny risk his life for the sake of a walkie talkie always seemed a bit stupid
I can't remember what I did in my first playthrough but usually I save him
I dropped him only once, just to see what happens.
I always save Ben - I don't like making Clementine cry.
I save him even tho he was the cause of the groups downfall and turning Lilly insane enough too kill Carley/Doug.
Obviously saved him.
Actually ended up unintentionally letting him drop on the second playthrough, though. Not too long after I ended up finding out you can end up shooting Molly, no less.
You can shoot Molly? What?
You have to leave Clementine at the house when you go to Crawford and then you have to fuck up during the scene where Molly is grappling with walkers and Lee takes a shot.
Does it kill her? I'm guessing not.

I saved Ben. He was a screw up, but at least his intentions were meant to be helpful. He made a lot of bad decisions out of lack of experience and self preservation. Even after Clem saw Ben abandoning her to walkers, Clem believed in the good nature that Ben had. How could I do any less? Should everyone at least have the chance to redeem themselves?
I saved him. Yes, he did fuck up a lot but it looks like he was forced to be a screw up in episode 4 so it can make that decision of his fate easy. At least he apologized, tried his best and didn't want anyone to die.
Plus, he is 10 times better than Gabe. I felt bad when Ben died but laughed my ass off when Gabe died.
Ben pisses me off all the time but for some reason I always save him.
That technically applies to Gabe as well. [Un]fortunately.