Why didn't they use that cover in walker's blood tactic in s4?
Even if those kids didn't know, Clem knows, right? Like in ep1, why they kill one walker then cover themselves with blood&guts so it's easy and safe to get in that station?
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You have to wash it off too, though. I think it was just easier to distract the walkers in that situation.
It does grind my gears how little this strategy is used in the games and the show...
It'd be pretty boring if they'd use that all the time, just saying
It's more of a tactic you use when you've run out of all other options.
And I wouldn't exactly call covering yourself in disease safe.
Father Gabriel agrees
Comic book Gabriel, or tv show Gabriel? I'm a bit out of the loop with both of them.
Tv show Gabriel got pretty sick after covering himself in walker guts, not sure about comic book Gabriel.
"Pretty sick" is an understatement. The guy went blind in one eye from whatever infection he had.
*Really sick, my bad.
I guess that old method is getting fazed out for Jame's walker skin costume method. It's like when the guy who invented the stone wheel got one up'd by the guy who came out with the rubber one. It's like major dick move bruh.
But in fairness, if you are going to get nasty, Jame's seems like a more reuseable solution. Call me old fashioned but I think both Jane (Patented inventor of covering yourself in walker guts like a eww) and James (Creepy mask walker loving guy) are both completely gross and nutty. And I think Clem should kill zombies the way she has been while still staying clean and pretty
. But I guess their comes a time when you have to sacrafice to survive.
We can only use the tactic once per season lol, I guess they're saving it for the rest of the season or we're just going to use the Whisperer way
Honestly, the best in-game reason is probably the simple fact that the guts trick is... well, pretty fucking disgusting. You're covering yourself in rotten old guts and blood that could be carrying god knows what kind of diseases or infections. And it smells like shit, and it most likely doesn't wash out easy (an easy to miss detail in S2; all the characters still have the guts smeared on their clothes after escaping the hardware store. They're faded as if they've washed it off, but there's still a fair amount of it that wasn't cleaned off.)
It always struck me as a last resort kind of thing. No sane person would want to cover themselves in walker blood 24/7. If not for risk of infection, then the fact that it's just.. yuck. There's also the fact that the show, while it may be in another universe from the comic canon, implies that the guts can cause sickness, as seen with Gabriel-- he gets a really nasty infection that damn near kills him, and ends up blinding him in one eye.
Jane just got lucky/crazy. Lee is the true innovator.
Heck yeah!