Tales of Monkey Island - Launcher Errors

edited September 2009 in Game Support
Ok... I installed the first chapter, and whenever i try to launch it i get the first window (1.jpg) , and it stays like that forever unless i do something, when i try to close it from the taskbar i get the second window (2.jpg), and it stays like that forever too, unless i close it from the taskmanager, or try to close it from the X on the top, in which case i get the third window, (3.jpg).
im running windows XP, i updated the DirectX when i installed, i tried all sorts of things i found on this forum (lowering resolution and those kinds of things).
my Internet explorer is up to date (even though i usually use chrome or firefox).
and any other game is working so i dont think its a graphic issue (card nor driver), also i never get to the game, im stuck on the launcher so i have no idea..

any ideas?

thanks, elam.


  • edited September 2009
    How did you install the first chapter? Where did u download it? (Exact link)
    I don't think it's your Graphicscard, seems like a firewall blocking..
  • edited September 2009
    i downloaded from telltale games site... actually i dont use a firewall. stopped about 6 months ago (ya ya i know its not safe...) but i have no firewall installed, and the windows one is disabled.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2009
    Have you downloaded the second chapter too already?

    I would like you to check your ToMI installers for errors. This checks the first 2 chapters.

    MD5 Check
    Please download and install Hashcheck.
    Then Download this MD5 File into the folder that contains the ToMI installers you downloaded from Telltale.

    Finally just double click on the .md5 file for verification and tell us the results.
  • edited September 2009
    I only have the first chapter, but i did the test and it came out green
    (MATCH)... what does that mean?
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2009
    elam91 wrote: »
    I only have the first chapter, but i did the test and it came out green
    (MATCH)... what does that mean?

    That means that your File is okay.

    What happens if you try to start the game while you are disconnected from the internet?
  • edited September 2009
    i solved it just now
    i realized that the task manager is writing the program as C:\documents and settings\??\local settings\temp\blablablablabla
    whatever, that made me suspect that something is wrong in documents and settings, than, i realized that my Windows username is in another language(my native tongue), most programs can overcome that , but not the TOMI launcher apparently, because changing the username of your windows does not effect the name in the folder documents and settings, and changing that is close to impossible, i opened a new windows account, named it TOMI, and i can play the game from there.

    thanks. Elam
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2009
    Nicely done :)
    I wouldn't have thought of that.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2009
    Just to prevent other possible trouble:
    You should download the second episode and run an MD5 check. It is likely to fail, because I noticed that with a number of Netvision users.
    If it does, just tell me.
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