The Killer's Identity-Who Was Your Prime Suspect?

The Wolf Among Us had it's main plot based around a murder mystery and the search for the killer behind it. This was the source of a lot of investigation, buildup, and suspense throughout the story.
Who did you think the killer?
How was the reveal of the killer's identity was handled?
What would you have done differently regarding this plotline?


  • Well like most people i thought the guy you meet at the beginning of the game when you're walking with Snow was the killer,you also see him multiple times in the episode at different places so i was like "wtf is this guy following me ?" but yeah i was wrong.

    Still,that guy was actually supposed to be the Boy who cried the wolf,the deputy of Bigby or some shit,but then they changed it.

  • That was a little weird, now that you mention it.

    Still,that guy was actually supposed to be the Boy who cried the wolf,the deputy of Bigby or some shit,but then they changed it.

    Well that explains why he was semi-constantly around, including the ending if I'm not mistaken.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Well like most people i thought the guy you meet at the beginning of the game when you're walking with Snow was the killer,you also see him

  • I guess I should talk about my thoughts going into the game and who I thought the killer was: I went into the game thinking it was Bloody Mary.

    An easy assumption to make and wholeheartedly believe throughout the game, if it wasn't obvious when I was doing my impressions. But yeah, that was thanks mainly to having seen hints of people talking about and referencing this game for years. From her coming up when discussing villains, to screenshots/videos heavily implying she was the final boss of the game, to references to the Crooked Man not turning out in a way that matched the buildup, you'd be forgiven for thinking Bloody Mary was behind the biggest crime in the story.

    And what's interesting is that, from how certain events and details are timed as the story progresses, the game itself seemed to indirectly wanna encourage that train of thought half the time. Like, yeah, it technically never directly wants you to seriously consider her as a suspect(or at least not up until a dialogue option literally moments before you find out who it really was), but everything about how the plot beats she's involved with lingers on her makes it seem like they want to remember her.

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