If Clem dies who do u want to protect AJ? Louis or Vi?
If clem dies who do u want as his parent? Vi or Louis
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If clem dies who do u want as his parent? Vi or Louis
...Oh, you said parent.
Already been done but screw it. I'd pick Violet. She's more serious and more of a leader than Louis.
Who do you trust to look after AJ when the going gets even tougher? Louis or Violet? do you think Louis would pull a Marlon save his own ass and leave AJ if there was a herd?
Louis only plans for the now. Violet plans ahead. Even though Louis would try to do the right thing by AJ, he's not really suitable to take care of a kid.
Does she?
She helps Clem with fortifying the school, so yeah.
Louis because fuck the logic of who has a better mind to survive it's twd anything can be done by anyone if the plot calls for it.
Yeah but even against her friends whom she's known longer than Clem and A.J., she still defended them even threatened them to not touch A.J.
Louis backstabbed Clem the moment shit went down
Tell me how would you deal with a girl you just met and suddenly her son shoots your best friend when it wasn't necessary who you knew for 15 years....
I mean, you're not wrong.
How do you backstab someone you have been extending a friendly hand to since you met em? If anything, sheAJ [indirectly] backstabbed him.
That same person who AJ shot sold Tenn's sisters into Lilly's gang, lied to Tenn saying they were killed by Walkers, manipulating everyone into believing Clementine was the one who killed Brody. And then when that didn't work, he was willing sell Clem and AJ to Lilly if no one believed him. Hell he even tried to get Walker!Brody to kill Clem by locking her up in the basement.
If Clementime dies they can all die with her for all I care tbh.
If I had to pick one, I’d say Louis. Sure Violet has the better head on her shoulders, and she could be good at teaching him survival related stuff, but when it comes to looking out for him, Louis wins that hands down. From the beginning he appeared to show an interest and care in AJ, and even after he and Clem returned after being kicked out, he was by AJ’s side hoping he’d get better, despite what he did to them. Violet may be able to teach AJ how to survive if Clem were to die, but Louis would teach AJ how to live.
Abel... ?
but uh,i'm gonna try to make sure that never happens,thank you very much.
I protect no one. All man for himself.
Louis if I have to choose
Im glad this is the last season, well it would have been regardless cause of telltales demise, because I cant take any more sadness.
but I rather have the whole group do it