Telltale Help me

edited September 2009 in Site Support
Forgive me if am wrong. but i thought it was part of the deal that if i bought the series of 5 episodes of monkey island tales i would recieve in the post a hardcopy CD as and when the episodes become avavlible... i am aware i can download them... but if i can have a hadcopy CD i would like one... as of yet i have recieved none just emails confirming the CD keyfor the games.

Please note i have emailed support on this matter already and i've recieved the automated reply but no further help from telltale.. not that am sayying you've forgotten but am sure it must have been lost in the way.


  • edited September 2009
    You get the hard copy when all episodes have been released. ^_^
  • edited September 2009
    all five in one go... cool... thanks for they reply
  • edited September 2009
    Basically... a few months after the season finishes, Telltale will announce that the DVD is up for ordering. At that point, you can click on it in the store, and add it to your cart, put in your address and get the DVD sent to you for free (plus shipping costs). It won't be posted to you automagically, you still have to actually order it.
  • edited September 2009
    Yep, the downloads are just an added bonus, kind of like early access to the game :D
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