I am vengeance. I am the knight. I. Am. DabigRG!
I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am eviction notice that seals your unpaid rent. I am DabiiiiiiiiigRG!
So, who knows how many months ago it was now, I bought Telltale Batman Season 1 from either Wal-mart or Gamestop, most likely the former. I'll be honest: I was kinda airy on paying that much attention to the existence of other Telltale games for a while and Telltale Batman in particular was one I actively had no interest in looking at. I know it was something of a artifact genre to begin with, but when it comes to franchises that could potentially be made a point and click adventure title in this decade, Batman was certainly not one of them.
However, when it was going around that there was a Season 2, with numerous commercials, reviewers, and even some otherwise biting Telltale fans saying it was really good, I couldn't ignore that and seIt about to prepare to play them for myself. Of course, as I've openly stated before, just because I bought Season 1 didn't mean I was gonna play it any time soon--my diligence in actually getting to it was even lower than many other things that was victim to my bizarre procrastination. Plus, I had other games, like Sonic Forces, Dragonball Fighter Z, and poetically enventual, the Wolf Among Us that took priority across the [remaining?] semester.
Well, as you can no doubt assume now, I finally buckled down and started it at the start of the New Year. I finished Episode 1 by the evening(more on that later) and intend to play Episode 2 tomorrow, with the possibility of finishing the game by the end of the week. So, as I did with the Wolf Among Us, I will be posting reviewing and chronicled impressions for each episode as I go through the Season. My thoughts on Episode 1 will hopefully be up before this time tomorrow night.
Cool,i really think the second season is one of the best game telltale's ever made,and one of the most interesting Batman/Joker stories i've seen.
I still liked the first season,the main antagonist is pretty cool (there's other antagonists too),the story takes an unexpected and interesting turn after EP3,it's still pretty good tbh.
Here's my notes for Episode 1 Realm of Shadows.
Compared to the Wolf Among Us, I'm generally tried to include actual criticisms & details amongst my thoughts and omitted the stuff where it was obvious I was learning about stuff I don't know for obvious reasons.
City Hall 8:53 PM
Gotham needs something to fear, the city needs protecting, Told the Cat not to struggle
The coloring on the models and environment look pretty good for this ANF style. The bends and angles of the lighting, on the other hand, looks a little bad at times.
Kinda engaging and seamless at times once you get used to it. Some prompts didn't really make sense. Also, did I hit the wrong one those two times and have them count?
Hi Bruce, finish drink, we all have a role, depends on man, thank you, off the record, everyone loves host, maybe it's lipstick, doesn't look good, you can't afford it, refuse,
Harvey looks dumb. Like a jacked David with a fuck load of moose. And I mean jacked.
The Zellerbachs
These characters' faces, man--wtf?
The husband reminds me of someone.
Vicki Vale
I thought Vicki Vale had blonde hair?
Carmine Falcone
Gee, I wonder if he's the bad guy?
I think I figured out what else bothered me about the characters--a lot of them look rather generic.
Pool Room
Refuse, Harvey comes with me, Harvey has integrity, Chalk the cue, just for Harvey, you should go
The Batcave
Nice Title Font
I'm working, I don't play his game, I'll stay out of sight, this city needs me, it's not a coincidence,
Subtle TV.
Jack Ryder-Reporter and Librarian.
Resistant Fire at Ace Chemicals?
Louie Falcone is dead
People getting stabbed with ice picks.
Leon and Valerie Muldoon. Where's Robert?
Mayor Hill may be corrupt
And it looped.
The Cat took the grapple.
Dry cleaning at a dock, Alfred?
Mrs Zellerbech is an alcoholic.
Ah, so the Codex is Personal book of Fables. Awesome.
The Cat is new, wanted for Burglary and petty larceny.
Thomas was a physician, Martha(How do you know that name?!) is a philanthropist
Joe Chill is dead.
And the fuckin game crashed. Lovely start.
"Old men worry--it's our gift and our curse."
Oswald Copplepot used to be friends with Bruce.
Cobblepot Park 6:06 AM
Gave change, I got nothing, you went too far, a shame, I lost my parents too, he wasn't invited, is that a threat,
Oh, we got text messages in this.
Why have Graffiti prompt if you're not gonna show read it?
Boy, Bruce sure does like to stare silently.
Tell me to beat it, then stick me up with a knife? Gottfried
Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Wait, that's Oz?! Looks like brit Louis with a lick.
His mother was committed, his father committed suicide
Did the music just fart?
Future Home of Thomas & Martha Wayne Memorial Hospital
Good morning, what is it, the sick need our help, we can change Gotham, it's day has passed, it's free country, answered text, I doubt your evidence, that's absurd,
Who's the Lady on the otherside of Harvey?
Ain't that the thug from the park with the camera?
I love how like 10 people could be assed to attend a Hospital opening
Julia Remark of Tribune
Not!JimmyOlsen(?) from the Globe
The fuck did Falcon...or dad do?
Wayne Manor
I didn't do anything, who authorized this, and you do what he says, no problem at all, what's your angle, Falcons is behind this, gave quote, that story is purr fiction,
Don't exactly trust Vale, so I'll say the least incriminating or defensive.
Cafe Triste 523pm
You don't know, he blindsided both of us, it's politics, just keep your distance, ,I'm Bruce Wayne, What brings you to town, what did you lose, what do you do, likewise, you're with Harvey, I'm the good guy, sounds important, I can help you, you need to trust me,
Oh...look who it is. Gasp, and she's perceptive!
And hear comes a breeze.
...You blinked, I win!
"Looks like you've made your bed." Dang
What is up with this music?
Gotham Docks 133-she's dealing with Eevee?
EastSide Docks 6:44 pm
Punch him, time to live up to my reputation, hit barrel, disappear,
Holy sh--wtf...?
Damn--that mofo blew up?!
White rose=Falcone
What the foooq... Why would you stick that in?
"The force grows thinner everyday"
Scorch marks...an exploded body...slashed face and throat...burned from bullet within the skull...melted shraipnel
I did what I had to, I can't live up to them, accept tickets, its some kind of blackmail, James Gordon,
Half to dea...I barely touched him, Alfred!
Weird Tunnel Thing
I trust you, No strings attached,
What the fu--I thought he was gonna go as Batman!
Skyline Club 943pm
Grab balcony guard up, throw door guard against stairs, throw couch guard threw panel, and toss cube at tv guard
"What's the difference city council and Mafia? One is organized."
So that guy's name was Nikki. And Kimmy usually covers for him.
Goddammit, no Not another foggin crash!
And that guy has a cracked skull.
Falcone Boss
Threw him against tvs, bataranged gun, Youve lost Falcone, brutalized him,
I see some of these prompts aren't mandatory again.
And those guys are definitely riddled. Even though one had a unique design.
This guy got dakka! This guy got dakka!!
This guy got beaceaup dakka!
Hes being set up...
And thats the first gameover--shit.
What? Dammit Alfred!
Next Time Segment
Getting TWAU vibes from this
No you’re just a virgin living in your parents basement. Stop living on the forums and focus on real life.
Thank you 4k60psHDR, very cool!
Tfw this actually is the cringiest thing I have read in quite some time, and I did read the main post.
That's not necessary. Please don't make comments like that.
This are my many notes from Episode 2 Children of Arkham.
This episode, man. This was indeed a pretty good one. It's also fairly long, though it likely didn't help that I left several times throughout to take care of other things.
Crime Alley 5:53 Am
This can't be true, you kept their secrets, and I'm the last to find, I'm not ready, someone got careless, couldn't answer, it's hard to see him as a criminal, , ,
Thomas Sr, Hill, and Carmine we're partners.
Dang, Martha had pull with the pictures
Um, what's up with that random shadow chopping off mom's head, dad's feet, and Chill's wrist?
GCPD 856 am
No one needs to know, it's personal, I was going to tell you, Batman is a hero, , ,
Rude, lady
Oh look, it's Muggerhawk.
Ah shit
Oh, so that is Renee Montoya. Kinda weird looking up close.
Gonna get careless here
...And so did the lip-synching there.
We need to talk, Until you hired Chill, Watch your mouth, hurt him, we'll get the truth, I didn't ask for it, took her down, , , ,
Waited a while just to see if he'd react much
Really now...?
WHAT THE FUCK?! You idiot!
What's up with her mouth?
Something was wrong with her, Let's get the facts straight, what do you remember, did you see anyone, Someone got to her, I'm in a rush, Where did you hear that?, I don’t have time for this,,
Uh, you sure you wanna talk like that around her?
And she's up.
It must've been someone in the hall.
Dammit Vale. Puttin me in a tight spot
He got off easy, let's focus on the evidence, it could create chaos, ,,,,,,
The mercs had the base chemicals; Montoya got a smaller refined dosage
Yeah, "first" try!
Find who--Montoya?
Wait, was that green dot always there?
No, it can’t be her. He would’ve liked Falcone out of the picture.
He’s at the Skyline Club!
Skyline Club 457Pm
You get no thanks from me, I don’t kill, I’ll deal with Hill, ,,,,,,,
Oh shoot, he got a metal man with him.
And that bust his nose or something.
So he did do it.
And he hired Cabwoman too? Ohhohoho,Ozzie...
Déjà vu.
Do you now?
So he’s working with Hill then? Guess that confirms it.
And this guy’s laugh crashed the game.
I missed?! Jeez!
Ow howhohoho!
Why go back up there when Oswald is getting away?
...He’s gone.
Stacked Deck 6:26pm
I’m looking for something, step back, you’re in serious danger, I didn’t screw you over, We grew up together, some sort of revolution, you’d let people die, I thought you were dating, let's work this out, back away, stay out of trouble, find anything else, go as Batman
Night club or Fight club?
Bar. Heh.
Probably should’ve worn a disguise.
"Music for drinking, dancing, and fighting. Not necessarily in that order."
So that's Hill.
"Very possessive of his toys?" Gotten remember that.
Of the Street Demonz, apparently. Thought I was Dramatical.
Oh, so he goes by Penguin. A name that makes cats pay attention.
Aw shit, its Oz's assistant
Set the tunes, I see.
Dat ass.
Getting Nightwing up in this bitch.
Lucky they ain't thorough bout they job
Uh, shouldn't you leave the area?
I knew it.
Woah. A legitimately tough choice to make. Gonna have to think about this for a while.
City Hall 7:11 Pm
I'll be delicate, we need to talk, time to start talking, what proof do you have, why deal with Penguin, Do you have proof, not on my watch, , ,,,,,
Harvey’s still winning. Good.
Should’ve come in silently. .
He really thinks going out to the balcony is a good idea?
So Thomas sent Oz’s mum to Arkham, among others. Damn.
It was hard to hear,,,,,,,
Did you come with a cover reason for requesting that?
Oh, newspapers.
Oh shoot, Nikki escaped.
Okay, they're keeping Montoya's involvement under wraps. Looks like Anthony Gatti ain't resting on finding out, though.
Ah man, Falcone's death has Gothamites seriously questioning their identity. You know he was toxic.
Codex has been updated with separate logs. Cool.
Geez, Montoya looks weird.
Time to check the cameras.
They did what? How?
Are you alright?, I understand, as long as you win, Of course,,
Yeah, I figured that come up eventually. Good thinking.
"You're a liability."
. * Speeds up. *
Woah, gettin super sinister--what was up with the lighting there?
Can you count my money is the better question?
"She's here to put on my face."
Batman’s eyes get big.
Wayne Memorial Auditorium 827 pm
Gotham needs me, We're all on the same side, There's hope for you yet, no one else dies, took two myself while Selina gets the one, Oswald has partners,,,,,
I noticed.
Oh hey, Catwoman.
Who knew Batman was a campaigner?
The mercs. Penguin was behind everything.
Pffft--Penguin, that mask!
Was that the guy from earlier? Oswald must've been holding a debt the whole time.
Fuckin Vale... and that steel guy's here too.
And Hill just gave up the deal. Hopefully, that made things easier.
The other reporter from the Hospital opening--Julia Remark.
Oh shoot, who is this? Stitched mouth...Mastermind...fear...oh no....
Let him go!, Save Selina
Waitaminute, she's got the chemical injectors!
Hill's got a Prince John mindset. Wonderful guy.
Ah shit...SHIT!
Time to put an end to this.
Fuck, here comes the big guy.
Eat this!
It WAS you!
Killed the shit out of Hill.
Dat shriek tho.
Geez, so many getting hit in the eye
Bastard got away
Really Alfred?
Look what the Bat brought in.
Next Time
This credits theme.
And you do?
Fuckin douchebag.
Oh, you....
SLEEEEP! Wuzzuuuuup!
It's a tangential reference. Take it or leave it.
Or better yet, given this is how you chose to act, then you'll likely just leave.
And stop using stereotypes in lieu of actual criticism.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Also yeah,i forgot to tell you,i'm not surprised at all that your game crash sometimes because the engine SUCKS,like,really sucks it's bad.
I think this is the "new engine" they were talking about,i mean it's not a new engine but they said they improved it or something like that,i think that was supposed to be a huge deal,but it was terrible.
The art-style is much better and the game runs way better in the second season.
Here's a screenshot of the second season (no spoilers of course) just to show you how much the art-style improved,it's crazy.
(First off, I'd like to apologize for this taking so long to actually post: I actually got up to reply not too long after you posted, but eventually went to a different tab halfway through to look at some other stuff and forgot to come back and actually post.)
I had to admit that I was wrong about expecting Batman to not jive well with Telltale's style, perhaps due to the Arkham games being the real standard for me. But it actually works really well and the characters & elements they used for this so far were well chosen and/or reimagined.
I think I thought longer about my choices here than in the other games. Not that that's necessarily a positive most of the time, but you know.
Oh shit, really?
Like, that would definitely help explain the surprising number of decently thought out hub areas and the occasional button combo mechanics, still.
That at least it led to a funny moment where that big steel guy(never got his name) laughs before he about to start swinging at Batman and the crash just sounds like his bad Elmer Fudd impression.
I would hope so, considering it's inherently supposed to be "more up to date."
How bout them weird shadow and facial issues?
Woah, starting to get a little old there, eh Bruce?
But yeah, I think the artstyle for Season 1 is good enough for what it is, but this is a definite leap.
Haha yes, it is quite strange that it's what, a year time-skip? (not too sure) but it looks like a 5 year time-skip, he looks quite old in season 2.
Guess the revelations and developments around his family were really takin a toll on him.
So after some trouble actually finding some time to sit down and get through this, I have more notes--this time for Episode 3 New World Order.
I honestly don't know how to feel about this episode overall. Maybe if I had been able to complete it as a uninterrupted, more consistent playthrough, I'd retain more off the top of my head. I guess the mixedness, in combination with the above issue, comes from the fact that I'm really not used to sitting through what feel like legit 2 hour episodes, much less ones with pretty long chapters and no rewind feature. With that said, what I do remember that I can commend is the fact that this is primarily something of a breather episode with a select few crucial developments interspersed. And I do really appreciate that, especially after so many TWDG episodes where there's either too much story or recently, a little "too much breathing."
That ending, tho.
Episode 3 New World Order
Previously On
Again her head looks weird
Gotham General Hospital 8:45 pm
Don't owe you a reason, He needs you, I'm so sorry, stayed silent, you'll hear from her, don't torture yourself, turned off TV, remember I'm next, you should listen to them, the Cobblepots were friends, you did what you had to, I have a date,,,,,,,
What happened there? Do bouquets always cause weird jump cuts?
Esther Cobblepot
Is it a sting operation?
GCPD Rooftop
Here I am, I could back her up, Ask Cobblepot, You wanted help, Nice Work, listened to Harvey, headed to construction site
Arrested? Way return the favors, Jim.
Montoya. Shoot. I knew something like this would happen.
So they don't know Oz is Penguin.
Dammit Harvey.
Is that his secretary?
Oh shoot, he's being tailed!
Gotta love how you heard the car collide and stop, but the feed still has it driving.
Leeroooy! a-Jeeenkiiins!
Construction Site
I don't want your apology, you didn’t blow it, I would've arrested him, they want us to panic,
Pfft--okay, well some of them are deaf!
And there goes his arm.
Bitch, I'm Batman! Nice try though.
Don't you kill him.
And there go the canisters.
I saw that, Pinocchiko.
You didn’t blow it--I did. With that other guy's gun.
They’ve got a lookout of somewhere.
Deborah, Harvey's assistant.
She's black.
Dang, Harvey must be packing.
What, that wasn’t Alfred!
Pfft--that mask is so dumb.
Bare handed?
Fuck you.
They are listening in to the police directly.
Uh, you sure you wanna upload that frequency into your stuff?
Wayne Tower 7:29 AM
I understand how you feel, I've done nothing wrong, That’s nice of you, They won’t get in my way, bad news, Call the GCPD, Hill took my computers, ,,,,,,
What is this music? I was bought to sit back.
Mrs. Regina Zellerbach. Chairwoman.
Emergency Board Meeting? Oh, fuck no.
A knight for a king.
Lucius looks weird
It’s our tech?! Oh goodness...
Thermal vision, an attack drone, sticky bomb,
Wait, he had this table before Batman? Yeesh.
Looks like another piece of technology
Building schematics
Security measures for The Bat computer. Held within a flash drive.
Tiffany Fox. Looks like little Michelle.
Luke Fox. Stubborn.
Bruce's Office.
I understand, Thank you for trying, refused, what about your revolution, he's a criminal!, Pick that up!, I know what you really are, Keep an eye on it, let him decide,
"Hostile Takeover?" Well, that bodes well.
Better hold on to that.
"And have they sent the Chairwoman to wield the axe?"
Ah, so he's CEO.
Resignation? How is that temporary?
"Wayne Enterprises needs a new face." You didn't...
Oh, so this IS a publicity stunt
The CEO is mostly a figurehead.
I should. Fuckin. Break you.
Oh shoot, don't tell me he knows.
At least I have you, give me a minute,
Use the footage from the Debate to confirm his voice.
Kinda hope she's getting some fire herself.
Lucius. What a loyal friend.
Gotham Media Feed
Maybe roping Catwoman in was a mistake.
I guess a second option would have been fair. But fair in Gotham means failed remission in this case.
20+ years worth of Thomas Wayne approved inmates? That doesn't sound good.
Theodore Cobblepot. Dang if Oswald ain't got a list for revenge.
Well, he was operating under Penguin. Still, what about his prior records?
When what happens?
What was Alfred staring at there?
Damn, that car's cool.
City Hall
Everything alright?, you're in danger, be more careful, what’s wrong with you?, go see a doctor, your secret's safe with me, Batman will make her talk, you know who it is,
Deborah. Looking a little weird up close.
Cheese and rice
Uuuh, Harvey? What's up with the voice?
*An interview with the Lea&--Vicki Vale, what the fuck?!
Sigh...guess she is "owed" by them.
Uh, don’t have that conversation here, genius.
Cobblepot Park 7:15 pm
Why here?, no, they’re terrorists, you sold out, lives are at risk!, I'm not protecting him, I handle bigger threats, We're not done, ,,,
Wait, didn't Bruce say come here?
I saw that.
I should be more Batman right now....
Did she forget her phone?
Sky Train Depot 8:55 pm
Gives me time to investigate, Selina plays both sides, I know your plans Gotham won't fall, ,, ,,, ,
They're building some sort of train bomb.
The drug is now dermapermeable
A drug bomb...they're planning a riot!
Oh shit! Hope they didn't spot me.
The Leader.
Nice staff. Dumb getup overall.
So they weren't gonna kill her?
No you don't!
Bitch, I'm Batman.
An anti-EMP shield? What are the chances?
Okay, let's put an end to this then.
What the shit?!
Need to take that stick from him.
Going up.
Dat slowmo
Selina's Apartment 11:58 pm
I need to get back out there!, I've been through worse, Didn't know you'd be there, Help me take them out, I'm harmless, Including you?, I'm honest with you, You're more than that, I know what you mean, You have the wrong idea..., let's not complicate things, no thanks, I never stop being Batman, ,
"I am not invincible and painkillers do not solve the problem." Tell that to Max Payne.
Ugh, that cat.
I wanna tell you off...
Why are you leaning on the hurt guy?
Cat stops hissing when I back off the other one
"Hooray for small miracles."
Next morning
I'm sorry, Alfred, Good idea, put it back, stay hidden, I came to check on Selina, Nothing happened, I can handle them, I don't want to fight you, Wear him down, who are you talking about?, I think we can help, you can handle him, Come stay at Wayne Manor, I need to warn them, ,
Why can't I interact with my grapple?
Ah, Cereal brand cereal.
Cat eats better than she does.
Scarlet Pimpernel, Much ado about nothing, Petrarch, and The Gita Govinda. Romantic and a dash of "academic".
Oh, the irony of that diet. Though bagels and cream cheese should be alright.
She stole one of his paintings despite Lucius. Dang.
Ah, so now I can.
Guess I'm having breakfast at the Cat's.
Oh, fuck!
Of course...you're--Bruce Wayne can handle anything lm
I didn't hit anything there.
This sequence is so dumb.
Wow, this guy is a bull in a China house.
Wayne Tech
Stayed silent, oh,you'll remember this, you're just a pawn, that's up to the board, it doesn't matter, read, read, I worry for the future, he's one of the Children of Arkham, Go away, She drugged me!,
I saw that.
Is that a threat, then?
You. Bitch!
Wuh-what the...you're their Leader...?!
Lady Arkham!
Few had Lucius leave.
Very few we're Platonic with Selina.
Next Time Segment
Arkham Asylum
Still alive, asshole?
Alfred with the shotgun again, Harvey with a combine?!
Unfortunately there's another one of these "forced romances" in this game,if you rejected Catwoman,none of this shit matters,the scene after that plays exactly the same,and the game will still think that you romanced Catwoman.
Yeah, I noticed.
The fact that Harvey looks like a fusion between David and The Beast kinda gave it away too.
Oh, Telltale.
Episode 4 Guardian of Gotham
The penultimate. This was kinda similar to the previous episode in that it feels rather relaxed at the beginning. Unlike it, however, it takes off into getting the ball properly rolling after the first few chapters as a result of the revelations and developments of the previous episode. Things start to get heavy in residual ways and the conditions after that that ending don't look too good. I honestly don't know what else to say about it, in part because my mind is more focused on the finale and all it brings.
Previously On Segment
I didn't say anything there Lucius, but okay
Dang, that's even funnier
"Selina, I need to tell...Bruce." * Goes through table*
Arkham Asylum
Why am I here?, I'm so sick of this, No, I’m not okay, it was all a blur, I appreciate that, We used to be friends, , , , ,
Beatin the shit out of Oswald
Is Bruce in his drawz often?
Damn, stuff must still be in his system. Must not have been a critical dose, though.
"Is that my blood...God, I hope it's mine."
Do you?
Not the voice I'd expect from a guard. Or orderly, not that I'd know.
"I've been asked for rope before. Not really allowed to give it out." Cool story, bro.
The foooq?!
Oooh shit....
John Doe
Pasty, creepy looking joker. Nice guy and a most improved patient. Never gave out real name.
Dr Joan Leland
Head of Psychiatry. Bruce's doctor.
Oh Eric Stirpe, boy.
"You gotta be careful, Bruce. Some of these guys bite."
Phones are for staff use only.
Uh, can you NOT look like some creeper every few minutes, JD?
What did they do?, What's the deal with your scars?, I like the puppet trick, What do you know about John?, tried cabinet, gave key to guard, Lady Arkham is dangerous, Maybe, tell me what you know, Not, it was the drugs, This isn't about me, You're never getting out, Stop the Fighting, ,
Sane Lewis
Boo! Favorite show is Static. Dissociative with Crazy Lewis. Not really crazy, but Bruce obviously belongs here.
Arnold Wesker& and Victor Zsasz
A Ventriloquist and a tally mark cutter. Murder, Mayhem, Carnage.
Protective Sock puppet friend. Arnold avoids John, Sock loves him.
Totally cheats at chess. Likes Klingon politics. Frees lost souls from their earthly woes. Artist.
Oh shoot, metal guy is here! He's got an orderly watching him, though.
Huh. Wonder what this key's for?
Mind knives? Perceptive...or worrying.
Doesn't like being mind controlled.
A lot of folks are scared of John. He's chaotic. No one remembers when he came to Arkham.
Nurse's station unhelpful.
Just got pranked.
They know about Lady Arkham? That BITCH!!!
"Mayor on a Rampage vs. Freaky Drug Terrorist!"
Vicki Vale disappeared, eh? I wonder why....
"Very tricky, Vicki." What does he know...?
Nice lip synching there
And nice timing there, TV.
He is a punk
Yeah, that sounds about right. I hate that.
Victoria Arkham? Shit, I ain't know y'all had your own Vogue.
Wait--does Vicki come here often?
And everybody look.
Ah shit, there's always a favor involved.
Woah, what the Exorcist, for a second?
"Oh no, I don't match--oh God, I DONT MATCH!"
Oh. Well, never mind...?
I tried to help!, I'll get a second opinion, it's not safe here,,, , ,
Wait, what?! I'm too dangerous to have here...so you're sending me home?! ...huh....
Okay, no, what kinda shitty doctor are you?! Or superintendent or whoever the fuck?!
Um, okay music. Not what Alfred should be encouraging.
Oh. I'm sorry. You are dedicated.
Ask the Vales--her parents? Hmph. Oh, I'm sure I can just walk right up to their steps and knock.
Downtown Gotham 1:23 pm
It's Batman's turn, Armed goons won't help, This isn't you!, She's just a friend, I've nothing to hide, I don't want trouble, pay the enforcer,,,,,
The family lawyers' got pull.
Don't answer. Dangit!
You sonuvabitch!
Two-Face will remember that.
Call me a liar, will ya?
Oh shit.
You better not be bleeting this, Not!Eleanor.
Oh damn....
I'd like to tell em to go to hell.
Selina. You don't know the half of it.
Wayne Manor
You're going to ditch me?, Fine. Just leave, ,,,,,,
I'm just getting back and you wanna go.
Love her face there, though. 'Have one too many there, pal?'
Better not go jillin off, I know that much.
I have to do this, Never trusted her, He knew Vicki was Lady Arkham, ,,,,,,,,
Sheesh, jumping around quite a bit, aren't we?
Whoa, pop in?!
Ugh, I need see what Vale did to me...
But first, news feed and Codex.
Gotham Media Feed
So, no one knows where these goons came from.
It was only two days? Felt like four.
Fuckin fascist taking credit for bad shit planning more bad shit. Topical.
That's what you get for being nosy. Is what I wish I could say.
Well, at least things are looking up for someone.
Wait, only two entries on Harvey?
To make cure, just flip DNA around like a puzzle.
Uh, you sure you don't want one of them to do this?
Probably should've used all of it.
"Trying to get the scoop on youuu." Words I never imagined Alfred to say, angrily.
Gotham Heights? Seriously?
Strobe Grenade.
"Please be careful."
Races out the cave'
Gotham Heights Vale Residence 5:46 pm
Easy, I won't hurt you, you're going to be alright, why are you hiding, Are you okay?, Look away, He lives here, ,,,
Pffftt--I didn’t mean literally walk in the front door.
What the fuck...
She injected her own parents?
Ugh...what happened to Mrs. Vale's eyes?
Wait...so she killed her mother...then injected her?
What the fuck...a black kid?
She's...a post-op?
...To make them think it was?
Fffuck...now it makes sense.
Ah, there's Vicki. I think.
What an emo.
"It’s a letter from Gotham Social Services." They only speak in smudged rectangles.
A black boy in a photo and a recent stipend for adoption...dammit, no...
Did she really need to do this? Couldn't she have just asked a favor or went behind their backs or something? Like a good rebellious daughter.
Cheese and rice, man. She just snap--
What the fuck was that?
Oh thank goodness.
Uh, wrong music...?
What's that sound... Oh shit!
Dammit, Penguin did get my shit! And he put GUNS on it!!!
Dammit Lucius!
Quick, break off the guns.
"You're the kid who saved Batman." Aw, he said that with a legit face.
Jim. Montoya.
I'll see myself out then.
Don't blame yourself, Tread carefully, Go as Bruce,,,
So Penguin is getting the ability to control my shit? Great.
Yeah, you could've done something. Sigh....
I should appeal to him with knee is what I should so.
City Hall 9:12 PM
We were friends, I've paid my dues, What happened to "Put a Dent in Crime"?, you killed innocent people!, Gotham will turn against you, Punch him,,
What the hell is happening to his other face?
What's with the walkie...
What. The FUck?!
Oh hell no...
You aren't...
Flying right over the line, aren't we?
Crime Alley
Why are you doing this?, You're not helping Gotham, He'll destroy Arkham!, Ok, then pull the trigger, How could this happen?, Go around the system, Go to Wayne Enterprises,,,,,
Son of a bitch!
A Black box?
Oh NO!
Damn. Damn! DAMN!
I gotta think about the bigger threat...Please be safe.
Wayne Enterprises 12:01 am
That's not a smart bet, How’s Lady Arkham involved?, ,,,,
Okay, Lucius can stay in control while Alfred seals the entrance.
Damn, I've been seen!
Okay, that was awesome.
Hopefully, we’re tracking the Black Box specifically.
Had to stitch your beak up good, didn't they?
Nice monocle, by the way.
Oh shoot, its throwing me off!
Um, where was the sound effect for that? Dang, chess really is a game about quiet.
I’m pathetic?! You're the one who got a beatdown courtesy of some rich pretty boy and a goddamn reporter!
Well that was an ungraceful cut.
Lucius's Compromised Lab
Your revolution is over, Lady Arkham is using you!, Knock him out, , , , ,
Dang, this wanka's got power fists.
Time to throw a wrench in that legacy.
Lip synching's off again there, birdy.
"I’m not a pawn, I’m a soul-ja." A distinction without a difference.
You know what, you deserve this.
Uh, you sure you just wanna sledgehammer that thing?
Next Time Segment
There is none.
I'm glad you chose to go after Penguin. Imo it makes the final episode better.
I guess. Can't really say Two-Face is really all that interesting.
Just made more sense to deal with him given the circumstances. And hope.
Dabiiiiiiig play the final episode and start the second season !
If my nephew didn't show up last night, I might've done it then.
And now, the finale to Season 1. I finally got around to doing it and it's eight to midnight as I begin typing this message.
I gotta say, this was a pretty nice way to end things, all things considered. Sure, the hostage situation was...a little above a thing, but that's not really the big focus of the story, now is it? The final fight was great, as you'll probably note when you get to that part. Though I gotta say, there were tech issues throughout this game, but the ones that happened near the end of this are pretty bad. Guess the game couldn't handle continuing after all that badass, huh?
As for the future, Season 2 is being installed as I speak; whether I'll do something similar with that? Well, you'll just have to find out, won't we?
Episode 5 City of Light
Five Days Later GCPD
Dent's a sick man, He gave his life for Gotham, I can reach the old Harvey, , , .
The heck happened to Gordon?
Commissioner Grogan spoke out?
Huh. And here I thought he'd be problem.
Oh shit, looks like there goes Jack Ryder!
His tongue? What wrong with people?
Understatement there, Lieutenant.
Whelp, at least two of them are dead.
Yeah, throw a bench at his ass.
What was up with the music there? Did Gordon kill the mood or something?
Goddamn that Harvey...
Oh thank goodness.
One Year Ago--Wayne Manor
Please,let everyone go, You can fight it,Harvey!, You said you wanted a "Safer Gotham," You know this is wrong, This isn't you Harvey!, threw the coin, there's been enough death already, .
What the hell?
So the coin was a thing even then.
Deborah--your own damn secretary?! What did she even do?
Too bad I couldn't always count on yours.
You mothafucka.
Who did he shoot at?
Wait, she WHAT? Like, are even half sure, Twoface?
Oh shit--why didn't you get Harvey too?
Is it me or is everything getting blurry?
Oh shit, missed...!
Oh, he got the coin.
Oh fuck, didn't think that all the way through.
Oh okay, he's alive. I almost wondered if I should be concerned for a second.
I thought he fucked up his shins or back there.
Uh...try not to kill him?
Your welcome, Jack.
Who the hell--oh yeah, he somehow caught one of you goons.
The Batcave
I have you,Alfred, All that matters is fixing it, She betrayed me!, , , , , ,
That mothafucka messed up my kitchen?!
Wait. Where's Lucius?
Wasn't gonna say anything cause i wanted to...so ill say something because i still get go.
Martha wanted to stop Thomas, huh? Damn.
Oh, so he got part of the company back? Excellent.
Gotta figure out their strike back...but first, codex!
Still deleting entries,eh? Lame.
Penguin was her top lieutenant? Wow.
There are still eight empty spots.
Gotham Media Feed
Damn, GCPD didn't hear that shit? Tch, this city IS shit.
Good, they arrested Oswald. Asshole.
She's in her mid thirties, huh? Not too bad.
I love Bruce's face for a second there.
Like, don't compare us if you can help it.
Wait, THAT's their symbol?! Wow, you guys really are junkies.
Smart move having her be a newsreporter, though.
Wait, there are gaps in her record? How does that make any sense?
Damn if them suckas ain't backpedal hard.
Pissin in the snow there, Cobblepot?
Pfft--waitaminute, so he was gonna make Penguinland?! What the hell?
Oh. ...I don't get it.
"I'm on a boat, mothabuggaz!"
The Board seriously let him embezzle all this shit?! Make, they suck.
Why sociology?
Wait, so what's the real degree?
Hwhat, did you go to Cambridge, Al?
Damn if that ain't useful.
Oh, don't tell me I locked the game?
That makes sense. What did happen to her parents, though?
So she was building a war map. Thorough bitch.
Dammit,Selina--I KNEW IT!
Woah, what happened to Alfred's face there?
And they're the closest thing Vicki has to a buddy-buddy now. Shit,we need to stop her.
Uh, sure you wanna go as Bruce?
The Highway
Don't look surprised, It's too dangerous, stayed silent, Gotham needs me, If you did,yes, That's on you, That's all you are, Stay out of trouble.
Da hell?! What, did you call her this way?
This better be the real deal.
Oh...hohoho.... ?
Im bout to claw this pussy
A job, huh?
Oh shit...Selina must've been a distraction! If I ever see that bitch again....
Wayne Manor
Alfred? Dammit, no.
I'll be damn if Alfred didn't do what he had to.
A scuff mark, a tall break in the bookcase.
Wait, she DID check through Arkham's records...
Oh yeah, I forgot about the staff.
Damn, Alfred threw that shit!
The Butler did it? Password... Reckoning?
This is my fault,Lucius, , , , , , , ,
And Alfred just adjusts his glasses.
Oooh, THATs why he's doing that! Keh, I thought that was just a polite way of saying, "Bitch, you ain't shit!"
Gotta save Alfred! ...But first, Newsfeed.
Gotham Media Feed
Poor boy...wait, y'all just reportin that shit?! Yesterday afternoon?!
I know Vicki Vale is missing, but COME ON!
Wait, she was here to rob Bruce Wayne all along? What a cunt.
I WILL save you, Alfred.
Oh shit, is this a snuff film?!
It's in a basement--you don't say?
"There doesn't seem to be anything else here."
"Let's check the next one."
"Nothing left to see here."
"Moving on."
. * Lady Arkham enters the frame*
"Nothing to see here."
I could barely see that shit.
Okay, good. Now Lucius should research while Batman goes looking.
I can't see which option I'm clicking here. The heck's going on?
Oooh, it's in gold--like with Penguin's changes. I could barely see that.
So, we narrow it down to a corner store...
Shit, really? That was actually my first guess! Wow, Vicki, you got problems for real.
"What is that...?"
It's a batsuit, Bruce. Get your eyes checked.
Vale Residence 8:53 PM
Pushed open, called down, Why she killed the Vales, , , , , , , ,
Oh look, the time cards are back.
Wow, that police tape is loud. And pixelated.
Moved one step at a time and of course there's a trap.
Wow, she hid a gun under the floor. How budgeted.
I would assume. After all, who would put a Batman story in a small ass basement?
I don't think the Vale's put that there.
"A small room...with a whole in the floor?"
And someone playing trombone badly... and fucking outer space on the ceiling--what the hell?!
Ope-- why would you call down the thing?!
The hell...?
So this is the original.
She only has one eye, though....
To make him understand...to make ME understand.
She's gonna spring Arkham! I knew something like that was in the plan!
Only two links, huh?
Took you this long to piece that together?
Arkham Asylum 12:15 am
No one's dying tonight, I'd want justice too, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Huh. A little surprised she didn't go ahead and try piecing it together.
"Don't try to psychoanalyze me, Batman."
"You're WRO-O-ONG!!!!"
Wow, sure killed my genuine feel there.
Oh wow, was that sound effect not supposed to play there?
Oh! Thought we we're bout to get Arkham up in here for a second.
Reused models are sorta obvious.
That was a weird way to end that scene.
The Doctor!
Huh...midbattle planning...that's kinda awesome.
Damn, shoulda went for tasing The Leader.
You go, doc.
Hoohoo, went WWE on his tallied ass!
And then he just takes drink. Hope that isn't glass or watch your neck, dude.
Oh yeah, you. What the hell is wrong witcha?
Oh look, it's my old cell. Fun times.
Do YOU know da wae, Victoria?
Oh! Well, down the rabbit hole then.
Final Boss
You're sick,Vicki,you need help, Okay,let Alfred go first, There's a better way, The mask is a symbol, Release him and we can talk, Remove Cowl, I can't change the past, ,
I honestly forgot you could hover.
The fuck was that? Enough medicine to cure an elephant?
I hear that...
Damn! Bout to get RotJ'd!
Damn, this bitch can sprint!
"Why did it end in a church?!"
Oh wow, you brother poppin from that image.
At least y'all we're happy, though.
Shhh, Alfred. She's still here.
I like how the organ sounded and there was a whole second before she actually started to drop.
The music actually stopped for a good reason there.
Okay, that was cool!
Damn, I missed that one!
Kinda wish we punched each other there.
And she get right back up! Though she has more reason to than Zsasz.
Damn, she STILL up?!
A Week Later...
I had to stop her, There will be more, Thank you,Alfred, Attend as Bruce, , , , , ,
So they know it's her now. And that she fought Batman.
"To my Butler "
Dr. Thompkins? As in Leslie?
Yeah, I got it Alfred.
Woah, Bruce--what the hell?!
The stutter is real.
Don't get a fat head there, Alfred.
...Seriously though, what the fuck was that?
Really now? Lucius can do that?
Unfortunate? That sounds like one he'll of a suit!
Wow, really? Okay...
GCPD Headquarters 6:30 PM
Time to own my family's past, He's protecting Gotham, No excuse for my father, A better Arkham Asylum, , ,
"Commissioner Gordon...doesn't sound right."
"Cut myself shaving."
"What'd you use, a chainsaw?"
Wow, so many different citizens of Gotham--WOAH, wtf?!
Don't pause your games, kids.
Gotta love that pop out.
The hell?!
Thanks Montoya.
And the game FINALLY fuckin crashed again. What an ending.
The FUCK?! He got out!
I love how the drink clearly splashed out of the glass before he could chug it down.
Less threw the coin.
27.7% said fixing the problem was all that mattered.
8.7 deemed her a thief.
Most removed the cowl.
Most attended as Bruce.
Just a suggestion. Not tryin to step on your toes or nothin but would in my most Humble opinion appreciate more of sort of a semi proper review than scattered comments. But you do you. Me support.
Yeah, I thought about actually doing one when I noticed a few days ago, but decided to just let that Midnight Last Comment sit until someone else commented.
Sorry bout that.