If you save Louis in your playthrough, then he’ll tell you his backstory just like with Violet if you save her. Louis was a spoiled rich kid that got mad at his dad for not signing him up for singing lessons. So Louis basically stages an affair causing his parents to divorce. After they divorce he tells them that he was the one that broke them up.
If you save Louis in your playthrough, then he’ll tell you his backstory just like with Violet if you save her. Louis was a spoiled rich kid… more that got mad at his dad for not signing him up for singing lessons. So Louis basically stages an affair causing his parents to divorce. After they divorce he tells them that he was the one that broke them up.
If you save Louis in your playthrough, then he’ll tell you his backstory just like with Violet if you save her. Louis was a spoiled rich kid… more that got mad at his dad for not signing him up for singing lessons. So Louis basically stages an affair causing his parents to divorce. After they divorce he tells them that he was the one that broke them up.
All the Ericson’s kids are mental. Violet watches her grandma commit suicide and then proceeds to watch cartoons like nothing happened, and then Louis ruins a happy marriage because he was bratty about not taking singing lessons. They might be all screwed up in the head, but I love these characters.
What they have done to Louis if you saved Violet... Man, they basically destroyed him. I don't think that anyone who even hated Louis could be satisfited with seeing him like this...
Ok I'm not going to bother shitting on Violet because I don't hate her but I'm put off her to the point Clem, Louis, AJ and Tenn are now the only characters I really give a shit about right now but I kinda find it bullshit that if you save Violet, Louis gets his tounge cut off meanwhile Violet is physically fine if you saved Louis. Either both should've been physically fine or somewhat mutilated.
Violet could one day be able to forgive Clem for leaving her behind and put it behind her, meanwhile Louis is permently a mute and will always have that trauma with him.
I mean it makes sense why did they cut off Louis tongue, but I still find it hard to believe that Violet wasn't just being there and shouting at them all the time something like "Hey assholes, I will kill you when my friends will be back". But I guess that Minevra still gave some shit about her so she was a lot safer than Louis. Even though I saved Louis, I still am completely devasteted about what happened to him in Violet's route. As much as I dislike Violet I would never ever wish that they would hurt her so badly.
Ok I'm not going to bother shitting on Violet because I don't hate her but I'm put off her to the point Clem, Louis, AJ and Tenn are now the… more only characters I really give a shit about right now but I kinda find it bullshit that if you save Violet, Louis gets his tounge cut off meanwhile Violet is physically fine if you saved Louis. Either both should've been physically fine or somewhat mutilated.
Violet could one day be able to forgive Clem for leaving her behind and put it behind her, meanwhile Louis is permently a mute and will always have that trauma with him.
I don't wish that they hurt Violet, I wish the opposite actually. I want Violet to forgive Clem (which I completely understand that it takes time) and I want her to turn Minnie onto our side.
You even have some violetine fans who are upset about what happens to Louis (I'm one of them but rn I prefer Louistine due to Violet's betrayal) I was saying that they should've both been physically okay or been injured as it's fair then.
I mean it makes sense why did they cut off Louis tongue, but I still find it hard to believe that Violet wasn't just being there and shoutin… moreg at them all the time something like "Hey assholes, I will kill you when my friends will be back". But I guess that Minevra still gave some shit about her so she was a lot safer than Louis. Even though I saved Louis, I still am completely devasteted about what happened to him in Violet's route. As much as I dislike Violet I would never ever wish that they would hurt her so badly.
I mean I hardly doubt that any people actually hate him trully. Dislike - sure, but pure hate to be satisafted about this? I don't think so. I'd also rather want them to be both completely fine. But also it is understandable why Violet didn't get hurt. Minnie still afterall has some feelings for her.
But damn seeing Louis like that. It's like you would cut arms of a painter. Or cut legs of a sportsman. They basically destroyed him in that moment. He will never ever be the same. It's not canon in my playthrough, but I honestly has never felt soo bad over a fictional character anyway. The only guys that came close were Lex Luthor from Smallville or Boy Blue from Fables' comic series.
I don't wish that they hurt Violet, I wish the opposite actually. I want Violet to forgive Clem (which I completely understand that it takes… more time) and I want her to turn Minnie onto our side.
You even have some violetine fans who are upset about what happens to Louis (I'm one of them but rn I prefer Louistine due to Violet's betrayal) I was saying that they should've both been physically okay or been injured as it's fair then.
Vi was fucking crazy if you let her get caught, like, did she just want me to let my boyfriend get taken?? I'm totally down for her to go kaboom at this point, same with minnie
So glad I knew what would happen ahead of time if you spare her. No way was I letting a former Power Ranger and star of my favorite video game series (Persona) die for Lilly.
I guess he dried the inside of the skin off — which makes me wonder, after years you’d think the smell of a face would essentially dissipate if you’re using it the way he was.
Also, someone needs to slap some sense into James. He’s all like ‘They’re basically like normal people’. I was over thinking to myself like … moreummmmm noooooo they are not. Without his walker hide, they’d rip him a brand new asshole. I didn’t kill his walkers because we could’ve used them to our advantage, but I disagreed with him completely after walking through the barn. Also, how tf does he wear that mask without his face being all slimey??
This episode was really good. Probably my favourite of the season so far. It started kinda slow, but as it went on, it got better and better.
The first-person barn scene was well shot. You could hear Clem being absolutely terrified while walking among the walkers.
The dancing part was sweet and the party scene was quite nice, especially hearing how most of the kids got into the school. Well, except Willy.
The whole third act was so intense. I saved Violet in my playthrough, so seeing Louis like that really fucked me up. Like... shit. Got me really emotional. Poor Louis.
As for the last choice, I didn't let AJ pull the trigger. Not because he'd probably be messed up afterwards, but because I like Lilly. Got James killed, but oh well. Didn't like him much anyway. Besides, the way he turned his back to her so she could stab him was really dumb.
But honestly, with the main antagonist now being determinant, I have no idea what's going to happen in the finale.
Hol' up, something's not adding up with Violet and her enrollment at Ericson's. If her father was drunk at every turn and her mother was working 3 jobs just to barely make ends meet, how the hell did could she afford to go there? I just think it might've been pretty costly since Louis, a boy who came from a rich family, was enrolled there.
Hol' up, something's not adding up with Violet and her enrollment at Ericson's. If her father was drunk at every turn and her mother was wor… moreking 3 jobs just to barely make ends meet, how the hell did could she afford to go there? I just think it might've been pretty costly since Louis, a boy who came from a rich family, was enrolled there.
I really liked it. The parts with James felt kinda slow and unecessary like in the last episode but that's the only complaint I have.
I g… moreot everything that I wanted out of this episode. I got to torture Able, tell James that he's fucking insane, dance with Violet and watch AJ fill Lilly's body with lead!
H e l l
Y e a h
Best part was when I found out that Louis had his tongue cut out. I fucking laughed my ass off dude. Finally that punk bitch will shut the fuck up. Forever.
Oh, and the Lee scene was alright I guess, could have been left out tho. It felt a little fan-servicey.
A really awesome episode overall, one of the greats.
IKR. I thought both Violet and Louis are cool, but now I'm convinced that Louis is ten times better than Violet. I will not give a shit if Violet dies, Louis is better for Clementine.
If you save Louis in your playthrough, then he’ll tell you his backstory just like with Violet if you save her. Louis was a spoiled rich kid… more that got mad at his dad for not signing him up for singing lessons. So Louis basically stages an affair causing his parents to divorce. After they divorce he tells them that he was the one that broke them up.
well violet old girlfriend was there to help her coup. Meanwhile louis was acting like everything is just a joke and wouldn't shut up. I pretty sure they might have warned him first before they did it. It was louis being louis and that caused him to lose his tongue. where as Violet wouldn't have been joking around. She's a fighter and they noticed that about her, and they got her on their side just like they did with minnie. what happen to both is understandable.
Ok I'm not going to bother shitting on Violet because I don't hate her but I'm put off her to the point Clem, Louis, AJ and Tenn are now the… more only characters I really give a shit about right now but I kinda find it bullshit that if you save Violet, Louis gets his tounge cut off meanwhile Violet is physically fine if you saved Louis. Either both should've been physically fine or somewhat mutilated.
Violet could one day be able to forgive Clem for leaving her behind and put it behind her, meanwhile Louis is permently a mute and will always have that trauma with him.
That was an excellent episode. There were some moments that I would call some of the best in the franchise. I saved Violet last episode and I think that was the right choice, seeing as she didn't act the way she did if she's the one who got captured.
The barn-scene was great. The dancing between Clem and Violet was just perfect on how unperfect it was, Violets story on why she got send to Ericsons was also really fucked up. That whole third act was just perfection in trms of intensity and tension. Louis getting his tongue cut out was honestly really shocking for me, because I liked him. In that cell, he reminded me of Theon Greyjoy in his not so great times in Game of Thrones.
My favorite piece of cinematography this episode was in the scene where Lily tells the story of the twins and somewhere during the end of that monologue the camera holds onto Minervas face for what felt like 20 seconds straight and you could see how the more Lily told about that story, the more regretful Minervas expression became. Her left eye even twitched a little at the end. I was surprised how great that facial expression was animated. I could really see how Minerva looked back at and relieved that moment just by her expression. Whoever did that is a genius.
I didn't let AJ shoot Lily and it cost James' life. I immediately regret my decision.
My favorite piece of cinematography this episode was in the scene where Lily tells the story of the twins and somewhere during the end of that monologue the camera holds onto Minervas face for what felt like 20 seconds straight and you could see how the more Lily told about that story, the more regretful Minervas expression became. Her left eye even twitched a little at the end. I was surprised how great that facial expression was animated. I could really see how Minerva looked back at and relieved that moment just by her expression. Whoever did that is a genius.
Exactlyyyyy. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. The way that whole part was directed was stellar to me. You don't really see direction like that in games like these. It's not like it was overly artistic or anything, but it said everything it needed to.
I also more or less agree with everything else you said. I saved Louis, but it broke my heart seeing what happened in the other route.
That was an excellent episode. There were some moments that I would call some of the best in the franchise. I saved Violet last episode and … moreI think that was the right choice, seeing as she didn't act the way she did if she's the one who got captured.
The barn-scene was great. The dancing between Clem and Violet was just perfect on how unperfect it was, Violets story on why she got send to Ericsons was also really fucked up. That whole third act was just perfection in trms of intensity and tension. Louis getting his tongue cut out was honestly really shocking for me, because I liked him. In that cell, he reminded me of Theon Greyjoy in his not so great times in Game of Thrones.
My favorite piece of cinematography this episode was in the scene where Lily tells the story of the twins and somewhere during the end of that monologue the camera holds onto Minervas face for what felt like 20 seconds straight and you could see how the more Lily … [view original content]
Yeah that's true tbf. However I doubt he was taking it as a joke because in his route he does mouth off to the delta and screams fuck you to Minnie (I don't know if the same happens with Violet in her route bc I'm too much of a pussy to check with the whole tounge thing) so he's probably done the same thing but they gave him that treatment instead of losing his finger.
Idk then I guess it rubed me the wrong way that that's what happened to Louis meanwhile with Violet shes physically ok but she hates and betrays us (which also felt somewhat off too though I get that she's upset that Clem choose to save him over her)
Sorry if this makes no sense it's 8 and I've been up for more than 24 hours lol
well violet old girlfriend was there to help her coup. Meanwhile louis was acting like everything is just a joke and wouldn't shut up. I pre… moretty sure they might have warned him first before they did it. It was louis being louis and that caused him to lose his tongue. where as Violet wouldn't have been joking around. She's a fighter and they noticed that about her, and they got her on their side just like they did with minnie. what happen to both is understandable.
If you save Louis in your playthrough, then he’ll tell you his backstory just like with Violet if you save her. Louis was a spoiled rich kid that got mad at his dad for not signing him up for singing lessons. So Louis basically stages an affair causing his parents to divorce. After they divorce he tells them that he was the one that broke them up.
So basically he's a sociopath.
Pffft hahahaha, I knew it xd.
Are there videos of this clip on YouTube?
Yup, on DomtheBomb’s livestream
All the Ericson’s kids are mental. Violet watches her grandma commit suicide and then proceeds to watch cartoons like nothing happened, and then Louis ruins a happy marriage because he was bratty about not taking singing lessons. They might be all screwed up in the head, but I love these characters.
I didnt know that Nate st. Germain from pretty little liars voiced louis
Woah. Um.....I think i’m uhhhhh......I think i’m gonna reconsider not killing Minnie...

So are we not gonna talking about WILLY THE G.O.A.T. and the reason he was sent to that school?
She's like top 3 most attractive female in this series now. And Cherami Leigh was a great casting choice.
Minnie definitely wore it better than Clem btw. (The hair)
AJ's reaction was my reaction as well
I’m guessing you only dance with someone if you’re dating them? I got no offer to dance with anyone.
What they have done to Louis if you saved Violet... Man, they basically destroyed him. I don't think that anyone who even hated Louis could be satisfited with seeing him like this...
Ok I'm not going to bother shitting on Violet because I don't hate her but I'm put off her to the point Clem, Louis, AJ and Tenn are now the only characters I really give a shit about right now but I kinda find it bullshit that if you save Violet, Louis gets his tounge cut off meanwhile Violet is physically fine if you saved Louis. Either both should've been physically fine or somewhat mutilated.
Violet could one day be able to forgive Clem for leaving her behind and put it behind her, meanwhile Louis is permently a mute and will always have that trauma with him.
You only get to dance with Violet because she's the one who offers it, Louis just takes you on a two second date.
I mean it makes sense why did they cut off Louis tongue, but I still find it hard to believe that Violet wasn't just being there and shouting at them all the time something like "Hey assholes, I will kill you when my friends will be back". But I guess that Minevra still gave some shit about her so she was a lot safer than Louis. Even though I saved Louis, I still am completely devasteted about what happened to him in Violet's route. As much as I dislike Violet I would never ever wish that they would hurt her so badly.
I don't wish that they hurt Violet, I wish the opposite actually. I want Violet to forgive Clem (which I completely understand that it takes time) and I want her to turn Minnie onto our side.
You even have some violetine fans who are upset about what happens to Louis (I'm one of them but rn I prefer Louistine due to Violet's betrayal) I was saying that they should've both been physically okay or been injured as it's fair then.
look at the flowers Aj. We all know it's coming.
I mean I hardly doubt that any people actually hate him trully. Dislike - sure, but pure hate to be satisafted about this? I don't think so. I'd also rather want them to be both completely fine. But also it is understandable why Violet didn't get hurt. Minnie still afterall has some feelings for her.
But damn seeing Louis like that. It's like you would cut arms of a painter. Or cut legs of a sportsman. They basically destroyed him in that moment. He will never ever be the same. It's not canon in my playthrough, but I honestly has never felt soo bad over a fictional character anyway. The only guys that came close were Lex Luthor from Smallville or Boy Blue from Fables' comic series.
Well we found out why Willy is called Willy.
Spared Lilly, not because of her but because of AJ
Vi was fucking crazy if you let her get caught, like, did she just want me to let my boyfriend get taken?? I'm totally down for her to go kaboom at this point, same with minnie
I can handle mutilation. What I can’t stand is when someone stabs me in the back. Even more reason for me to be glad that I saved Violet.
Clementine really doesn’t give a fuck about her parents?
That was my reasoning exactly.
If I'd had the option to blow her brains out as Clem, I wouldn't have even hesitated.
But James though...
So glad I knew what would happen ahead of time if you spare her. No way was I letting a former Power Ranger and star of my favorite video game series (Persona) die for Lilly.
I guess he dried the inside of the skin off — which makes me wonder, after years you’d think the smell of a face would essentially dissipate if you’re using it the way he was.
I’m assuming AJ would make the choice with how you’ve raised him so far.
This episode was really good. Probably my favourite of the season so far. It started kinda slow, but as it went on, it got better and better.
The first-person barn scene was well shot. You could hear Clem being absolutely terrified while walking among the walkers.
The dancing part was sweet and the party scene was quite nice, especially hearing how most of the kids got into the school. Well, except Willy.
The whole third act was so intense. I saved Violet in my playthrough, so seeing Louis like that really fucked me up. Like... shit. Got me really emotional. Poor Louis.
As for the last choice, I didn't let AJ pull the trigger. Not because he'd probably be messed up afterwards, but because I like Lilly. Got James killed, but oh well. Didn't like him much anyway. Besides, the way he turned his back to her so she could stab him was really dumb.
But honestly, with the main antagonist now being determinant, I have no idea what's going to happen in the finale.
Hol' up, something's not adding up with Violet and her enrollment at Ericson's. If her father was drunk at every turn and her mother was working 3 jobs just to barely make ends meet, how the hell did could she afford to go there? I just think it might've been pretty costly since Louis, a boy who came from a rich family, was enrolled there.
Maybe in TWD Universe USA has free education? ?
IKR. I thought both Violet and Louis are cool, but now I'm convinced that Louis is ten times better than Violet. I will not give a shit if Violet dies, Louis is better for Clementine.
Well, now I don't feel so bad he got his tongue cut out. I mean Violet just didn't want to stop watching cartoons. But Louis is sick.
well violet old girlfriend was there to help her coup. Meanwhile louis was acting like everything is just a joke and wouldn't shut up. I pretty sure they might have warned him first before they did it. It was louis being louis and that caused him to lose his tongue. where as Violet wouldn't have been joking around. She's a fighter and they noticed that about her, and they got her on their side just like they did with minnie. what happen to both is understandable.
That was an excellent episode. There were some moments that I would call some of the best in the franchise. I saved Violet last episode and I think that was the right choice, seeing as she didn't act the way she did if she's the one who got captured.
The barn-scene was great. The dancing between Clem and Violet was just perfect on how unperfect it was, Violets story on why she got send to Ericsons was also really fucked up. That whole third act was just perfection in trms of intensity and tension. Louis getting his tongue cut out was honestly really shocking for me, because I liked him. In that cell, he reminded me of Theon Greyjoy in his not so great times in Game of Thrones.
My favorite piece of cinematography this episode was in the scene where Lily tells the story of the twins and somewhere during the end of that monologue the camera holds onto Minervas face for what felt like 20 seconds straight and you could see how the more Lily told about that story, the more regretful Minervas expression became. Her left eye even twitched a little at the end. I was surprised how great that facial expression was animated. I could really see how Minerva looked back at and relieved that moment just by her expression. Whoever did that is a genius.
I didn't let AJ shoot Lily and it cost James' life. I immediately regret my decision.
Exactlyyyyy. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. The way that whole part was directed was stellar to me. You don't really see direction like that in games like these. It's not like it was overly artistic or anything, but it said everything it needed to.
I also more or less agree with everything else you said. I saved Louis, but it broke my heart seeing what happened in the other route.
Yeah that's true tbf. However I doubt he was taking it as a joke because in his route he does mouth off to the delta and screams fuck you to Minnie (I don't know if the same happens with Violet in her route bc I'm too much of a pussy to check with the whole tounge thing) so he's probably done the same thing but they gave him that treatment instead of losing his finger.
Idk then I guess it rubed me the wrong way that that's what happened to Louis meanwhile with Violet shes physically ok but she hates and betrays us (which also felt somewhat off too though I get that she's upset that Clem choose to save him over her)
Sorry if this makes no sense it's 8 and I've been up for more than 24 hours lol
Rich parents have no excuses not letting their children to do what they want.