Even more parallel scenes



  • Did the link not work? It shows the similarities between S1 Lee's clothes and S4 Clem's clothes as well as S1 Clem's outfit and S4 AJ's outfit, super cute.


  • edited February 2019

    Okay, it is there but the web page is so broken the main page looks like a side ad

    Very cool.

    Pyreflie posted: »

    Did the link not work? It shows the similarities between S1 Lee's clothes and S4 Clem's clothes as well as S1 Clem's outfit and S4 AJ's outfit, super cute.

  • Yeah, it's really weird, I couldn't get just the image to post. Glad you can see it.

    Okay, it is there but the web page is so broken the main page looks like a side ad Very cool.

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