The 'Goodbye Telltale Community' Game Giveaway [Everything is Gone. I'm out of games.]
Here we are. Near the end of an era of unique choice-based games. This community may die soon, so I wanted to do one last thing to bring people together. A games raffle.
The rules are as follows:
- I'll take submissions of games people want to donate and add it to the donor list. Either note it here or via PMs to me.
- People can sign up to be a part of a raffle for any game and as many games up until April 2nd. The winners will be randomly drawn and announced on April 3rd. The codes will either be given by me or the donor, depending on who has them at the time (I can take them and put 'em in a secure list if need be).
- You must have at least 50 posts on the site to sign up for a raffle.
[Donor tips: Want to be nice and donate a game but don't know where to look? Humble Bundle. PC game-code-giving, charity supporting marketplace. They've got sales on their store every week and bundles that come and go as well. They can be purchased to gift or to keep for yourself, but the point here is gifting. They currently have a bundle of Curve Digital games for not too much, a Ubisoft sale, and a Rockstar sale underway, as well as a bunch of other miscellaneous deals.]
- Forged Battalion (donated by @4k60fpsHDR)
Pathologic Classic HD (donated by @4k60fpsHDR)
- WINNER Captainivy1
Sudden Strike 4 (donated by @4k60fpsHDR)
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition (donated by @AChicken)
- WINNER Captainivy1
**The First Tree (donated by @AChicken)
- WINNER Lilacsbloom
Tooth and Tail (donated by @AChicken)
- WINNER Captainivy1
Tangledeep + Soundtrack (donated by @AChicken)
- WINNER Pipas
'Getting Over It' with Bennett Foddy (donated by @AChicken)
- WINNER Blind Sniper
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator (donated by @AChicken)
- WINNER CandySquared
Bone Episodes 1+2 (donated by @Pipas)
- WINNER Adam245
Poker Night at the Inventory (donated by @Pipas)
- WINNER Captainivy1
Puzzle Agent (donated by @Pipas)
- WINNER Captainivy1
Telltale Texas Hold'em (donated by @Pipas)
- WINNER Captainivy1
[still open for submissions if you have any you want to give away.]
- WINNER Captainivy1
The last piece of content of Telltale's legacy has been released. Thanks for playing...
How do you sign up?
Thank you Chicken. I'll PM you some keys now.
If you've got a game you want to donate, just message me what it is here or via PMs. I'll add it to a list. (you can be the keeper of the codes or you can give them to me and I'll hand them out when it's time to do so).
If you want to sign up to get a game, just wait until there's someone who's given a notice they've donated games, and I'll put them up on the list in the OP. You can pick whichever one you're interested in and I'll add your name to it for a draw
Added a few games from myself to the list.
I have 47 games I can donate if you want them :P
They're all from the Christmas giveaway thread I did in December.
So this is going well.
I hadn't thought of it earlier. Walking Dead peeps I think live in TWD section. They don't come here.
I'll extend the deadline by a week.
Well, since nobody is signing up, might as well be the first. I'd like to sign up to get Tangledeep, that looks pretty interesting.
I think I'll donate some games myself once I'm on PC, so expect a PM s00n.
I'll enter in for "Getting Over It", please and thanks.
I'd like to enter for 'The First Tree'.
Added you three to the respective lists.
@Pipas @Blind Sniper @lupinb0y
Thanks to Pipas for donating some classic Telltale games...
I’d like to be part of the Raffle for The First Tree please ?
I would like to enter for Dream Daddy, please.
I’d like to enter for bone episodes 1 and 2 please.
Wouldn't it be funny if this site stays around forever?
Sticking to my word, it is now April 3rd and the signups for the games has closed.
Later today (around 6pm EST) when I have the chance I'll put the names through a randomizer and figure out which game will go to which person.
I'll reopen and keep this thread open for possible use in the future, maybe setting a new date for raffle draws if there's anyone who is interested in getting some games. If not, I'll just bring 'em over to the Discord
Oops. I'm late, sorry. Raffling out the prizes now... Will edit this thing soon.
The winner of THE FIRST TREE is @Lilacsbloom! (Check Your PMs)
The winner of GETTING OVER IT is @Blind Sniper! (Check Your PMs)
The winner of DREAM DADDY is @CandySquared! (Check Your PMs)
The winner of BONE Ep1+2 is @Adam245! (You code will be given to you by @Pipas)
@captainivy1 gets the solo games he signed up for, the randomiser was not in his favor (Check your PMs)
@Pipas gets Tangledeep + the Soundtrack (Check your PMs)
Edit: Oof there's a post time limit even on PMs. Don't worry it's all sent out now...
Sudden Strike 4, if you would.
I didn’t get the PM. Could you send it again please? Thanks.
Sorry about that. Sent it just now.
It's cool that you made another giveway,sadly the games people donated were just not really interesting for me and i couldn't donate one either.
But that was a great thing to do for the community and that's all that matters.