Play It Again, Sam - Situation: Comedy

edited September 2009 in Sam & Max
Forgot about this! Sorry bout that! Been busy. Anywho:

In this case, talk show host Myra Stump has gone bonkers! She is giving away prizes, and Sam and Max must stop her! In this episode, you also get to meet the suspicious leader of Prismatology, Hugh Bliss!

Replay the episode and put a review here.


  • edited September 2009
    Not as good as I first thought. Moved from #2 to #3 on my all-time ranking.

    The moving from the studio to the street back and fro-ing, seemed so tedious, as there was not enough content/enjoyment reason to go back to the street.

    However, Sybil was more likeable and getting closer to her extremely likeable personality in season two as the love-lorn delusional, although her new job working for the tabloids seemed abit out of place in the Sam and Max world. Bosco's English transformation was quite inspired and funny.

    The studio itself was terrific. Cooking without Looking always makes me laugh, the inventive puzzle for the sitcom is just...inspired and really enjoyable, if sometimes a case of process of elimination. The American Pop Idol parody show was ok, but the Soda Poppers kind of ruined it. Whilst Who's Never Going To Be A Millionaire or whatever it was, seemed abit weak in content.

    I wasn't aware how tiresome the Director was, she seemed to bring a drone on the whole place.

    So the highlights for me was the studio, no struggles of difficulty on first or this play. Very enjoyable, very thought out. Slightly better than Culture Shock.
  • edited September 2009
    After the cautious Culture Shock, I was expecting an expansion in insanity, but this episode was actually more tame than the first one - that was my original impression, and the replay confirmed it. There were a lot of good ideas in there, and it also introduced two long lasting cameo characters (Hugh Bliss and Mr. Featherly), but somehow I felt it all failed to work together. I felt I was moving through disconnected sketches, with some hearty laughs here and there.
    Still an enjoyable game, but probably my least favourite of the 11 episodes.
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