I have never cried so much over a video game- my playthrough of the final episode
Spoiler Warning
This episode shattered my heart into a million pieces. I’ve only just posted Act 2 of my playthrough of the final episode, but I finished playing the whole thing. Part of me is furious at TWD for pulling that bait and switch, but the other part of me is too grateful to care. Acts 2 and 3 had me crying so much I could barely string a coherent sentence together.
If you wanna watch my completely lose it, here’s a link to the video of Act 2:
I wanted them to cut her leg off at first, but quickly became resigned to the fact that it was far too late for her. Now that I’ve had a day to think about it, how the hell DID Clem survive?? This show takes place in the comic universe, where even an hour is too late to save someone. Is it because the walker bit a part of her leg that’s already losing a lot of blood?? But wouldn’t it get infected faster in such a large open wound? And you didn’t even wipe off that axe after chopping up walkers with it, and in the comics they’ve used arrows dipped in walker blood to kill people before. I genuinely don’t get it. But at the same time, even if it’s a giant plot hole, I’m just glad Clem is alive. I don’t know how I feel about the whole thing.
This part of the game ruined the rule of the infection rule of this Walking Dead universe. Clem was bitten for one hour and she still lived, this makes me wonder how Lee didn't survive that.
well it probably took longer for Clementine's bite to sink in because of how messed up her leg was before she got bit
Where did you get the one hour thing from? She climbed a hill and walked into a James’s nearby barn, I’d say that took like 20-30 mins tops. Lee was bitten, had to walk across half a town full of th to infected, meaning he likely had to take longer routes to get to Vermon’s place, plus he was unconscious for an unspecified amount of time before being put on the slab.
I think there are many reasons for why Clementine survived, because everything that happened to her, none of it has technically, and I put a strong emphasis on technically been explained in the comics yet, not even the whole rule about infected weapons. From what I gather, it looks like the infected weapons actually needs to pierce through your body, which would obviously spread the rotten blood s lot more, whereas an amputation wouldn’t exactly have all of that nasty stuff injected into your flesh. I like to think of them as needles carrying a deadly disease.
But like @Clementine795 said, a busted leg could be a playing factor for the time it takes for an infection to spread, we just don’t know as this was someone else that wasn’t elaborated on in the comics. I don’t view it as a plot hole, I view it as an addition to the series
Lee's bite was on his wrist - closer to his heart and brain. Plus he was infected a lot longer
Negan was using infected weapons wanted to use it on Rick but not to get off topic infected weapons can make you turn faster even Negan said it in the comics .
No, I made a point earlier that Negan used arrows to infect people. Meaning the infection is going directly into ur bloodstream instead of having the infected weapon graze an uninflected limb. It wasn’t elaborated on in the comics, and seeing as both types of these infected weapons are completely different, we’ll have to chalk it off as it only works with piercings, such as getting stabbed by a knife or shot by an arrow
Plot armor is powerful on Clementine even the comics logic doesn’t work.
I smell a hacker?
Except the comics logic doesn’t apply here because it isn’t the same situation
Edit: actually, correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Dale get amputated by a bloodied weapon. They were clearing walkers from the prison parking lot, he’s bitten and is amputated soon after by a weapon that was used by Rick after he was clearing the inside? So this isn’t plot armor, it’s genuine canon that amputations don’t count, has been for over a decade. If anything, and if this is the case, it makes the bloodied arrows thing look bad.
Also it’s highly likely that Reggie was amputated by an infected weapon, considering mike would have had to kill the walkers in order to clear a path, and possibly could have used the same weapon to save Reggie, seeing as Reggie confirmed he removed the arm right away
Sorry if I come off a bit rude, it just sort of annoys me the way people like to stack up one instance against many others and decide that it’s an absolute fact that infected weapons WILL kill you, when evidence shows that it only works with arrows
I just checked- With Dale in the comics they use a surgical saw that is NOT infected. You can find it in issue #40
That’s genuine canon.
With Reggie- that’s just conjecture- we have no proof either way, so based on what we know and the evidence we’ve been given, the weapon being infected DOES matter. Until now. I’m not too bothered by it because I’m just happy Clem is okay, but I’m not going to pretend it’s not a plot hole.
You are like me: every time a character is left out in the open too long, I think they are going to get killed. It is that Denise virus. ?
I have learned the hard way not to trust any happy moment in the zombie apocalypse. ??
Your not being rude lol, I’ve noticed that too Back when I got into the comics and yeah when dale got bit they did chop his leg off with an infected weapon sometimes things don’t make sense but all well what can you do.
Same, never take things for granted that’ should be the #1 rule in the Zombie apocalypse.
Hi maybe you missed my previous comment but they use a surgical saw and not an infected weapon.
I’m struggling to link images on mobile so I’m not sure if you can see these
It’s not infected at all ?♀ I think the confusion comes from the TV show which has Hershel getting his leg chopped off rather than sawn off. Of course, there could be a different instance when they didn’t have a perfectly clean weapon for amputation, it’s been awhile since I read the old issues. And again, definitely not complaining, because anything that ends with my Clem alive is good by me.
Lol, you and me both probably have the same issue both kept showing us the link ?
Fair enough. I’m still going to assume that Reggie was amputated with the same weapon that mike used to defend him though, considering he did say that his arm was removed literally right after
I feel like things like that need to be explained in the letter hacks so that nobody is confused. Or an actual statement on social media so nobody misses it.
What I’ve found is that there) only two for sure instances where somebody is amputated by an infected weapon and lives, Clementine and most likely Reggie (this one was pretty much confirmed once you meet him) in the show, Rick uses an axe on Hershel, which COULD have been infected, but it was hard to tell, otherwise, every time where there is a character who tries to amputate with an infected weapon, the person they are amputating dies to blood loss. But I doubt the creators would purposefully do this over and over without allowing our heroes to find out about it, similarly to what they did to the walker guts method and all that, yet they’re showing us that infected arrows are a good way to infect people, otherwise we don’t know what melee weapons could do in terms of an amputation rather than an attack. I won’t chalk this off as a plot hole just yet
Bitten for one hour? She was bitten and had her leg cut off within 15 minutes of the game time. The environment changes from very early day the moment she got bit (which you can see its getting light out) to sunrise which suggests some additional time has passed, but probably not much. It's likely 30 minutes at most total.
Lee had his wrist bit, had two or three dialogue conversations, walks down to the sewers, climbs down the ladder, walks by the walkers again in which he probably has to turn the wheel again to get them to move unless they've been killed. And about 5-10 minutes later he cuts the arm off. That's an hour at minimum.
I know people are pissed because she was showing signs of turning, but its for a dramatic perspective. Not everything has to be TWD lore (as we've seen this game hasn't always stayed on target with the comics or the show's version of how people turn and other stuff). Also, she was exhausted as the entirety of episode 4 and ending of episode 3 (after the Lee dream) occurs on the same day within a few hours of each other.
I'm glad I'm not the only one here. Good post.
Dude, you know this is bullshit. When she got bit, it was night with the sun rising slowly and when she was walking, the sun had risen higher than 15 minutes.
Excellent at CinemaSins much? The fake out was terribly executed.