iPhone engine

edited October 2009 in General Chat
Hey there,

I just wanted to know if there is an iPhone engine in the works to play of your wonderful games? I really think the platform is ideal for an episode based adventure game, and if the graphics were toned down a bit they would be playable even on the older 2G/3G iPhones.

Cheers, hope you note my suggestion.


  • edited September 2009
    No. The closest you'll get is ScummVM, frankly.
  • edited September 2009
    Telltale modifies their engine for each game, and I don't know about backwards-compatibility. Making a generic engine for all telltale games would be a very hard thing to do, and even if it happens, there will be problems all over. So for an iPhone engine, they would have to release versions of their games optimized for the engine.

    It's a good thought though.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2009
    natlinxz wrote: »
    Telltale modifies their engine for each game, and I don't know about backwards-compatibility. Making a generic engine for all telltale games would be a very hard thing to do, and even if it happens, there will be problems all over. So for an iPhone engine, they would have to release versions of their games optimized for the engine.

    It's a good thought though.

    We do use the same engine for all of our games. New features are added with time, but (once people clean up after themselves), it all shares a common core codebase.
  • edited September 2009
    The problem is, frankly, the Wii struggles with the Telltale Tool enough as it is (ignoring such issues like decompressing the episodes if they were delivered via WiiWare). I really can't see them being able to downscale the engine down low enough to run on an iPhone (or a DS or a PSP, for that matter. Of the three, the PSP is most likely, in my opinion).
  • edited September 2009
    The problem is, frankly, the Wii struggles with the Telltale Tool enough as it is (ignoring such issues like decompressing the episodes if they were delivered via WiiWare). I really can't see them being able to downscale the engine down low enough to run on an iPhone (or a DS or a PSP, for that matter. Of the three, the PSP is most likely, in my opinion).

    Acutally, the iPhone is more powerful than the wii. (I'm just posting this before a certain telltale employee does)

    But the Wii doesn't have trouble with the Telltale Engine, it's just that the games had to be compressed for an extremely small size. 50 Megs?!? Sam and Max on the wii wasn't great, but it was far from bad. It was one of their first wii games, so it makes sense.
  • edited September 2009
    natlinxz wrote: »
    Acutally, the iPhone is more powerful than the wii.

    But if I were to drop my wii on to an iPhone and vice versa the Wii would cause more damage, thus it is more powerful. It's science!
  • edited September 2009
    Myst for iPhone is 600+Mb and it's not a problem. If we look at the current AppStore figures, iPhone is simply a huge market and IMHO since all games share a common base engine and modified version for the iPhone that could play telltale games with little downscaling is not out of the question. And ScummVM i have already :-)
  • edited September 2009
    And there is the matter that Apple is a bitch - there is no guarantee that TellTale games would get approved.
  • edited September 2009
    And there is the matter that Apple is a bitch - there is no guarantee that TellTale games would get approved.

    If it'll bring in the dollah, doesn't threaten apple's business interests (not even as Spotify app was approved) and you don't have to give babies brain damage within the game it'd be more than likely approved
  • edited October 2009
    It would probably take quite a few engine changes to get them working, I'll bet.

    And they might end up having to us a Little Big Adventure style 3D engine, where the world is 3D but the camera always stays fixed.
  • edited October 2009
    Recent games like Dungeon Hunter show that even the older 3G iPhone is more than capable of handling quite complex 3D graphics without a hitch. And the adventure game genre on the iPhone is still a hugely unexplored market which is sure to rake in the dough for any decent entries into it!
  • edited October 2009
    I would happily buy all seasons of Monkey Island and Sam and Max if they were available for my iPhone. I am a Mac user, and although I totally love the PC versions that Telltale have on offer at the moment, I would have played/bought a lot more if they released iPhone versions of their products. Do you hear me, Telltale? I got some dollars waiting for you! :)
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