Violet leaves the school cut content.

After watching this YouTube notification would you prefer Violet blinded or Violent with hatred?


  • Just learning about this, huh? I could've sworn someone brought it up here before, but ah well.

    I will say that Violet would probably feel more solid if they kept this in some fashion, but I get the need to change it.

  • Nice, I remember how much cut content was in S1. Some of it may seem better than what actually happened.

    God bless everyone.

  • Cut content is a tricky business. Something can sound great on paper, but have a poor execution. Like a Vi/Clem fist fight sounds cool, but with Walkers everywhere, the fight would probably be over as soon as it started. Making the conflict feel weak or unfullfiled, you know?

  • And everyone died.????

    Cut content is a tricky business. Something can sound great on paper, but have a poor execution. Like a Vi/Clem fist fight sounds cool, but

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