Launcher opens IE and not default browser...

edited November 2006 in Game Support
I've noticed that if I click the "Click for more Adventures at" both in the Great Cow Race and in Sam and Max, it always launches Internet Explorer instead of the default browser. That has to be a mistake or lazy programming...


  • edited November 2006
    It's because the launcher uses a builtin IE object. No way to circumvent that.
  • edited November 2006
    It's because the launcher uses a builtin IE object.
    For the parts that opnes within the launcher, yes. But the 'More adventures..' opens up an external browser.
  • edited November 2006
    Links clicked within IE open in new IE windows. Try it in your own copy of IE and you'll see. If websites could launch external .exes on your computer, the world would have a big problem :)
  • edited November 2006
    I stand corrected, I didn't realise that the launcher was using the IE engine.

    And then a bit off-topic how does the launcher then manage to launch the actual game, if it is not possible to launch external applications? It may be an obvious thing and I have just never really programmed anything in a windows enviroment.
  • edited November 2006
    You can include an IE object in another program, but that doesn't mean that's all it's limited to doing ;)

    The launcher app can monitor the contents of the IE window and launch the game when you click the button.
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