Will Sam and Max come out on PSN / PS3?

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
I just saw an article from joystiq.com, granted it is quite old... (May 23, 2008)
"Morganti also said that the company is interested in bringing Sam & Max to the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 in addition to the already-announced Wii-lease."

Are you still planning on a PSN / PS3 release or did that plan fail? I play my PS3 WAY more than my PC or my fiance's 360, so I was just wondering.


  • edited September 2009
    Link please. Considering that there's no sign of a Telltale Games CSI game for the PS3 (they tend to release a CSI game on a console before they release some of their own franchises), I think it would be safe to assume the idea has been shelved.
  • edited September 2009
    Sure thing.


    Too bad that release date didn't come through. I miss Sam and Max :( But bombarding the team with messages such as "WHEN ARE YOU RELEASING SAM AND MAX SEASON 3!?" is not going to speed up production. I'm just missing Max's witty comments and Sam's random lines to the chief. :)
  • edited September 2009
    I don't think they've totally thrown the idea out, I'd say it's still possible, at the very least.
  • edited September 2009
    It depends how console sales go with the other sam and max games. I can't see how it would work on a console.

    Sam and Max is coming though. Probably after TOMI, or at worst the one after that.

    But PS3 hasn't been doing too well, but it has picked up in sales recently, so it may be an allright financial decision later on.
  • edited September 2009
    PS3 did very well in Europe all along, so it should already be worth a try.
    Also I think it is a misconception that console players do not like adventures, or that you cannot play adventures with a pad. The Discworld games were successful, and 50% of Broken Sword-sales were sales of the PlayStation version.
    So if Sony makes it possible and doesn´t demand ridiculous royalities it would be wise to go for a PSN release.

    I don´t think the CSI games would be a good start though, for all I know they have not been nearly as well received as Sam & Max or even ToMI.
  • edited September 2009
    108 Stars wrote: »
    I don´t think the CSI games would be a good start though, for all I know they have not been nearly as well received as Sam & Max or even ToMI.

    Ok, but Ubisoft is the actual publisher of that games, not TellTale. In a way, maybe is not commercial experience more than technical experience. You know, use that games to learn how to do it, before take a risk with something of them.
  • edited September 2009
    108 Stars wrote: »
    PS3 did very well in Europe all along, so it should already be worth a try.
    Also I think it is a misconception that console players do not like adventures, or that you cannot play adventures with a pad. The Discworld games were successful, and 50% of Broken Sword-sales were sales of the PlayStation version.
    So if Sony makes it possible and doesn´t demand ridiculous royalities it would be wise to go for a PSN release.

    I don´t think the CSI games would be a good start though, for all I know they have not been nearly as well received as Sam & Max or even ToMI.

    Monkey Island is one of the best selling games on XBLA, so yeah, there's definitely a market for them on consoles.

    I'm not sure how well Sam & Max did, I think MI really benefited from being released at the same time as the PC version (actually a little sooner!) but releasing an older series like Sam & Max, that most of the fans have probably already played, probably isn't going to do as well.

    Perhaps they'll eventually release Tales for both XBL and PSN though.
  • edited September 2009
    I'm sure once they get the Telltale tool working on the PS3 they'll port it over..I imagine that would take a fair amount of time and resources though. This Ps3 owner has his fingers crossed
  • edited September 2009
    I would love to play Sam and Max on my PS3, just laying down on my bed and relaxing. Here's to wishful thinking. It'd be interesting to get a post from a TTG representative or one of the workers themselves! *hint hint* Lol
  • edited October 2009
    The chances are favourable, with this new article.
    I'd definitely buy'em for PS3.
  • edited October 2009
    The chances are higher, certainly. I would bet on them attempting the PS3 first, considering all they really have to do is to upgrade the Wii CSI: Hard Evidence to 360 levels and replace motion controls with anologue sticks. (Or, wait for Sony to release the PSiimote). A Mac port would be harder, since the DRM would have to be re-worked and DirectX replaced with OpenGL. But, they've done the latter before...

    Just don't expect anything untill mid-2010 at least. And expect a CSI port first.
  • edited October 2009
    The chances are higher, certainly. I would bet on them attempting the PS3 first, considering all they really have to do is to upgrade the Wii CSI: Hard Evidence to 360 levels and replace motion controls with anologue sticks. (Or, wait for Sony to release the PSiimote). A Mac port would be harder, since the DRM would have to be re-worked and DirectX replaced with OpenGL. But, they've done the latter before...

    Just don't expect anything untill mid-2010 at least. And expect a CSI port first.

    What does the Wii port have to do with PS3?
  • edited October 2009
    I'm actually disappointed that the PS3 isn't getting any love. If Season Two was available I would be able to play them now rather than waiting even longer for Wii. Us Playstation fans need to make our voices heard!

    edit: If you use Twitter use #Sam&MaxForPS3 I've just made that tag!
  • edited November 2009
    PS3 releases would be great, however TellTale really should let PS3 users utilize a mouse. I mean, there's full support for USB and Bluetooth mice, but developers never take advantage of it for some reason. It's the only reason I never played Turok on my PS3.
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