deadly intent

This looks like it is going to be a very good csi game for xbox 360 ,wii and pc you have all the season 9 cast but no grissom :(, during each case you also help other csi's with there cases even if they arn;t linked to yours, and the lab games are such are meant to be better and when you interrgate a suspect you have to actully present evidence to them rather than have the game do it for you when you make a statment ( not the same as hignhlight evidence to bring up a question), and if you do it wrong the csi your with reacts to it whether or not it effects the game i am not sure but i have seen the version for the ds titled hidden cases is it the same as the pc version or not ??


  • edited September 2009
    This looks like it is going to be a very good csi game for xbox 360 ,wii and pc you have all the season 9 cast but no grissom :(, during each case you also help other csi's with there cases even if they arn;t linked to yours, and the lab games are such are meant to be better and when you interrgate a suspect you have to actully present evidence to them rather than have the game do it for you when you make a statment ( not the same as hignhlight evidence to bring up a question), and if you do it wrong the csi your with reacts to it whether or not it effects the game i am not sure but i have seen the version for the ds titled hidden cases is it the same as the pc version or not ??

    The DS version is a totally separate game done by a different studio with entirely different cases.
  • edited September 2009
    that's right.And I think that most of the info are taken from the youtube dev diary.In game description it said "dissect the victims' bodies" does this mean that we are gonna be able to do autopsies ?
  • edited September 2009
    it never mentioned disecting victims bodies for the pc version , so anyone think it worth getting ds and pc version if diffrent cases but graphics for hte ds version look horrible
  • edited September 2009
    Yeah I know that but it was in the game description
  • edited September 2009
    is this both for ds and pc version or just ds because of touch screen ?
  • edited September 2009
    I am afraid that its only for DS.I mean why would they not include it in the dev diary ? Then again CBS is trying to convince us that Langston is Grissom,is not a n00b,is a super ninja/doc so they might want to include that in.I also found out what the "You just helped me solve the case" part was

    If you were playing in regular CSI games you would say WTH ? I HAVE BEEN DOING ALL THE WORK YOU MATRIX SNOB ! *ahem*

    But it turns out that you can kill your time by solving lab stuff for fellow CSIs.And you will be like

    It adds replayability to the game I guess...Thing is that things turned out bad for TTG
    Langston is the most major character in the game when most CSI fans hate him
    Riley has quit and didnt forget to say a couple of not exactly good things about Cath (grrr)
    Sara has returned (and yeah the fact that she will stay the whole season is not a rumour anymore)
    At the same time William Petersen aka Grissom has been sighted in L.A
    I dont think he went there for vacations
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