Episode 2 Easier than Episode 1?

edited September 2010 in Wallace & Gromit
Maybe its because I'm more used to to the kind of puzzles this game employs, but I'm finding Episode 2 a whole lot easier than Episode 1 was. I strugged to get through many of the puzzles in the first one. Yet I'm almost finished Episode 2 now without having even considered looking at a walkthrough or hint page.

Anyone else agree?


  • edited September 2009
    Episode two was a complete breeze for me actually, I just played it there and was never stuck for any more than 3 minutes, and that's because i'd went off to do something for a while and then cam back, in between in my mind and had somehow warped something one of the characters had said all wrong, so really i'd already solved the puzzle but not actually realised it
    it was the bit with Paneer's light, I showed him the weather magazine but i'd convinced myself I had to make him think the weather was good for some reason

    Anyways I really did enjoy it all the same, especially Dibbins, he cracks me up something awful :)
  • edited September 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Episode two was a complete breeze for me actually, I just played it there and was never stuck for any more than 3 minutes, and that's because i'd went off to do something for a while and then cam back, in between in my mind and had somehow warped something one of the characters had said all wrong, so really i'd already solved the puzzle but not actually realised it
    it was the bit with Paneer's light, I showed him the weather magazine but i'd convinced myself I had to make him think the weather was good for some reason

    Anyways I really did enjoy it all the same, especially Dibbins, he cracks me up something awful :)

    i used the walkthrough a little bit at the beginning, and that was just getting the cheese delivered to the house, then i accidentally found out the solution, i figured out how to prove the weather will still be bad practically straight away, then when the policeman and the constable were arguing and i kept talking to them i realized i was going round in circles so i looked at a poster above them and that was the solution, pretty funny really.
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