Will the game introduce you to the universe?

After reading some previews, it seems that the game won't explain the universe to newcomers. I'm not into The Expanse universe, but I like TTGames. All previous TTG - aside Game of Thrones maybe - can be enjoyed even from people who doesn't know the universe because the writers were able to explain it to the player.
But it seems that this won't be case.
Have I understand correctly?

That's the only problem I have before preorder. Even a codex, or a written summary of the pivot events/characters could do it for me.
'Cause I don't want to buy a game which I don't understand because it take for granted you know events and relationships.


  • I know nothing about the show, and I have no idea if I'll get into it before the game is out, so it'll probably my introduction to the series.

    I made it through Game of Thrones and knew very little about that series, so I'm sure there's something in the Expanse that'll ground me in the story without being too lost. (Plus it's a prequel so I don't think there's too much character knowledge from the show I'll need. Meanwhile GoT was like in the middle of the 5th season IIRC)

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