Telltale, What Exactly is Going On W/ The Wolf Among Us 2?

Probably won't be picked up, but if it does, happy days. To the management, what is actually going on in-house? There has been little to no communication at all on the state of the game, except for screenshots that do not show an awful lot, like there's a handful of screenshots that are out there, for a game that has been in development for almost five years.

Everything we know isn't even coming from Telltale in press releases, we're getting it from other sources. Are AdHoc still involved in development? If not, why? What exactly is Deck Nine's role in the development of the game, as it has been said they were involved? What exactly is the current state of the game? Announcing it has entered production after four and a half years, I hope it is understandable why the Community is concerned about the welfare of the game. I understand it's a small team, it was always going to take time, but honestly, it just seems that there is so much incompetency from the highest level that's affecting staff, and affecting their work.

We want the game to succeed, but everything, from the reports, to the screenshots, it doesn't give the Community confidence in the game being in a healthy state, and the lack of communication too, it doesn't help. I get not wanting to communicate when there's nothing to talk about, but I feel that this is the time now to communicate, when morale surrounding Telltale is low, because of the reasons I listed above, to set the record straight.

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