Whatever Megathread: Archive - Volume 33



  • Cool. Fan-voted DLC. That's an interesting way to generate hype for it. :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I want all of this shit. Hope their plan is to eventually patch all of this into the game (probably by 2019 lol), they're just going for the top 3 or top 5 most voted ones first.

  • Pretty good avatar am I right?

  • Well I just found out Emily is Away Too (2) is coming to Steam in Two days....

    [Internal Screeching!] Woo hoo!

    It costs 5$ whereas the first one was free but I don't mind! Person's got to make money somehow..

    There's also this free Windows XP-type web browser site for promotion of the game. It's kind of small, not much to do, but it's nice! Old nostalgia.... Ahhh....

  • Hmm, they are making a sequel to that game? Didn't know that until now. I haven't played the first one, but I heard good things about it.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well I just found out Emily is Away Too (2) is coming to Steam in Two days.... [Internal Screeching!] Woo hoo! It costs 5$ whereas the

  • edited May 2017

    I wish only Ariana Grande died instead of those other 22 people at that concert. Seriously, no one would miss her.

  • That's... kind of a messed up comment to make. Let's please not say things like that.

    I wish only Ariana Grande died instead of those other 22 people at that concert. Seriously, no one would miss her.

  • edited May 2017

    Sorry. It's just...I mean, if Ariana Grande can say she wished her fans were dead, ON CAMERA, then it seems fair that we should say the same for her.

    That's... kind of a messed up comment to make. Let's please not say things like that.

  • Hold on... what? I don't want to instigate anything here but, where was this said?

    Sorry. It's just...I mean, if Ariana Grande can say she wished her fans were dead, ON CAMERA, then it seems fair that we should say the same for her.

  • Look up "Ariana Grande I wish all my fans were dead" on YouTube, and it's literally the first video.

    Sorry, I can't send a video cuz I'm on mobile.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hold on... what? I don't want to instigate anything here but, where was this said?

  • This is a pretty fucked up thing to say honestly, especially so soon after the incident. Just because she's done and said some stupid ass shit doesn't mean that she should have taken their place. In fact, no one should have died. It should have just been a fun little concert.

    I wish only Ariana Grande died instead of those other 22 people at that concert. Seriously, no one would miss her.

  • edited May 2017

    SOME stupid shit?

    Dude, she wished all her fans to die (which her wish was granted. Hope she's happy), licked doughnuts that someone else was gonna buy, refused to have fun for charity, made her own life coach quit, and she's a serial cheater. And I don't seem to recall her apologizing for...well, any of that, really.

    Hey don't blame me. I only think of her what she thinks of other people.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    This is a pretty fucked up thing to say honestly, especially so soon after the incident. Just because she's done and said some stupid ass sh

  • I'm not saying she's a good person (I think she's pretty fucking dumb) but that doesn't mean that she deserves to die.

    SOME stupid shit? Dude, she wished all her fans to die (which her wish was granted. Hope she's happy), licked doughnuts that someone else

  • Oh okay. Fair enough.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I'm not saying she's a good person (I think she's pretty fucking dumb) but that doesn't mean that she deserves to die.

  • Well the original 2 are horror/comedy after all, so...

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished watching the original Evil Dead a few minutes ago. It was a ok but, you're gonna hate me for this, I didn't enjoy it as much as the remake. The original was more funnier and the remake was way scarier.

  • Whoa, man. That's not cool.

    I wish only Ariana Grande died instead of those other 22 people at that concert. Seriously, no one would miss her.

  • Hey she said it first.

    Whoa, man. That's not cool.

  • So? Stardom goes to people's heads, they say and do stupid shit all the time, most times without realizing it's stupid. Being a super star isn't all fun and games, it's and extremely fucked up and mentally destroying industry. Even on the slight chance that stardom didn't ruin her life and she meant every word, two wrongs never, ever make a right. Wishing death upon somebody because of stupid, contrived bullshit they did isn't ever cool.

    Hey she said it first.

  • My power was out for 9 hours this afternoon/night.

    Between bitching at the power company on Twitter, I pretty much just played solitaire... after dusting off an actual deck of cards.

  • ...Huh. Okay then.

    While your point above could be debatable, the situation doesn't really call for that.
    Fans killed at Ariana Grande Concert
    Key People Involved:

    • Suicide Bomber (guilty, killed many people)
    • Ariana Grande (innocent)
    • Fans/Pedestrians (innocent, unjustly killed)
      I think it's best to stop at the Suicide Bomber as the hate target, as he is the one the most deserving of it in this situation.

    I don't mean to tell you this in a snarky, sarcastic, you-are-totally-wrong-what-is-wrong-with-you way... no, not at all, I'm not doing that.
    I mean it in a calm, genuinely helpful, explanative way.
    I don't want you to get banned again, man. You can make some pretty good posts here on these forums.

    Look up "Ariana Grande I wish all my fans were dead" on YouTube, and it's literally the first video. Sorry, I can't send a video cuz I'm on mobile.

  • edited May 2017

    Okay...I'll agree that no one's perfect. Because it's true, they're not, okay?

    But still, no one should be that much of an asshole, ESPECIALLY in public. And wishing her fans were dead aren't the only bad things she's done to people (cough serial cheating and spitting on other people's food cough). I don't care if she's only 23 years old, I don't care if that's just stardom getting to her and I don't care if she's just really shy (I mean...if she's shy then WTF did she even become a celebrity). She seriously needs to just get her shit together.

    Again, don't blame me. I only think of her what she thinks of other people.

    So? Stardom goes to people's heads, they say and do stupid shit all the time, most times without realizing it's stupid. Being a super star i

  • It'll be fine, man. Don't worry.

    Sorry, I just really dislike Ariana and her giant ego.

    AChicken posted: »

    ...Huh. Okay then. While your point above could be debatable, the situation doesn't really call for that. Fans killed at Ariana Grande

  • edited May 2017

    Here's a picture of a cake made of bologna, mayonnaise and mustard.

  • But still, no one should be that much of an asshole, ESPECIALLY in public. And wishing her fans were dead aren't the only bad things she's done to people

    I'm aware, which is why I never just said that's what she did, I implied that she had done numerous things.

    I don't care if she's only 23 years old

    I don't think age has anything to do with it. There are stars much older who have acted much worse towards people.

    I don't care if that's just stardom getting to her

    You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what kind of fucked up shit goes on in the industry, and what that kind of stuff does to people.

    I don't care if she's just really shy

    How does being shy make anybody do any of the shitty things she's done? I'm shy and anxious as fuck but I haven't done stuff like she has.

    She seriously needs to just get her shit together.

    Now here is where I agree. While being a modern star can take it's toll on people and drive them to madness, it's also not all stardom's fault. There's a quote from Bojack Horseman that fits this pretty well

    "BoJack, stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you! It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened in your career, or when you were a kid! It's you! Alright? It's you."

    Yes what has likely happened to her is shitty and it's probably destroyed her life, but continuing on this downward spiral is entirely up to her, and nobody else. She needs to be in control of herself now when she couldn't then, and while I do think getting her shit together should be high on her list, after what happened in Manchester, the poor girl's probably scared to even get out of bed in the morning. She very clearly does blame herself for what happened and she's very scared, so while there should be blame put on her behavior, wishing death upon her in such a tragic and terrifying time in her life is just horrible honestly. She's made mistakes, and now guilt is punishing her for it. She's not the root of all evil.

    Again, don't blame me. I only think of her what she thinks of other people.

    I'm going to refer to my previous comment,

    "Even on the slight chance that stardom didn't ruin her life and she meant every word, two wrongs never, ever make a right. Wishing death upon somebody because of stupid, contrived bullshit they did isn't ever cool."

    And also, I looked up said incident where she wished death upon all her fans, and apparently that was all fake. I read through tweet after tweet and article after article and they all said that said incident was completely faked and the articles who did say she did it later redacted said claim. Know both sides of the story before jumping on a bandwagon.

    You're a good guy man, you're one of the coolest people on here imo, these are things that I would have NEVER expected you to say, and things I would have NEVER expected to be saying to you. I understand you're upset with shitty things she did, and the fact is, I'm upset with a lot of the dumb shit she does too. But wishing death upon somebody is never okay unless they did something to personally harm you or somebody you care about.

    Okay...I'll agree that no one's perfect. Because it's true, they're not, okay? But still, no one should be that much of an asshole, ESPEC

  • edited May 2017

    I don't think age has anything to do with it. There are stars much older who have acted much worse towards people.

    I know, it's just that some people like using youth as an excuse for some people to be mean. I'm just saying it's a bad excuse.

    You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what kind of fucked up shit goes on in the industry, and what that kind of stuff does to people.

    Maybe, maybe I wouldn't. But I still wouldn't be wishing people who didn't do a single bad thing to me to be dead.

    How does being shy make anybody do any of the shitty things she's done? I'm shy and anxious as fuck but I haven't done stuff like she has.

    Well, one time, a lot of celebrites were doing the ice bucket challenge for charity, where they pour ice over themselves or someone else does it for them. Well she, along with Pamela Anderson, refused to be one of them. This might include shyness.

    "Even on the slight chance that stardom didn't ruin her life and she meant every word, two wrongs never, ever make a right. Wishing death upon somebody because of stupid, contrived bullshit they did isn't ever cool."

    Oh, so basically "be the better person" is what you're trying to say? I get it. Understandable (I swear I'm not being sarcastic).

    And I'm sorry. I just can't stand when celebrites do stuff like this.

    But still, no one should be that much of an asshole, ESPECIALLY in public. And wishing her fans were dead aren't the only bad things she's d

  • Oh, so basically "be the better person" is what you're trying to say?

    yeah basically.

    I don't think age has anything to do with it. There are stars much older who have acted much worse towards people. I know, it's just

  • Why?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Here's a picture of a cake made of bologna, mayonnaise and mustard.

  • You're in a dark room, and you hear someone walk towards you while singing the song that the kazoo kid sings. The one that's all like special friend and all that. WWYD?

  • College.

    Creeper1846 posted: »


  • That's mustard? Looks like Easy Cheese.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Here's a picture of a cake made of bologna, mayonnaise and mustard.

  • praise the gods.

    Melton23 posted: »

    You're in a dark room, and you hear someone walk towards you while singing the song that the kazoo kid sings. The one that's all like special friend and all that. WWYD?

  • (Please don't ban me if I ask this) Why did TheAutisticGamer get banned again? He just got back.

  • Just a hunch that it has to do with a different thread around here... or he asked for a break due to comments in that other thread.

    AronDracula posted: »

    (Please don't ban me if I ask this) Why did TheAutisticGamer get banned again? He just got back.

  • 2027 is gonna be a good year, once FFVIIR Part 1 comes out ;^)

  • Yup you're exactly right. It was that thread. He wants to stay banned now.

    Johro posted: »

    Just a hunch that it has to do with a different thread around here... or he asked for a break due to comments in that other thread.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2017

    Website update mistake, or hint of something to come? (This is new, and it formerly displayed the correct 5 episodes)

    enter image description here

    EDIT: It's a glitch, Jurassic Park has five episodes listed too. ...Dammit, I wanted Tales DLC. :p

  • DAMMIT you got excited for a second there! :(

    Website update mistake, or hint of something to come? (This is new, and it formerly displayed the correct 5 episodes) EDIT: It's a glitch, Jurassic Park has five episodes listed too. ...Dammit, I wanted Tales DLC.

  • Or Not! And JP has DLC where Jared woke up from that dream and got locked in his apartment!

    Website update mistake, or hint of something to come? (This is new, and it formerly displayed the correct 5 episodes) EDIT: It's a glitch, Jurassic Park has five episodes listed too. ...Dammit, I wanted Tales DLC.

This discussion has been closed.